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Trouble with English post here.....

tell me in indonesia pls
what is vindicated

and one more what is sand mould casting
its rather mechanical language

tell me in indonesia pls
vindicated(past) - vindicate(present) - be vindicated = mempertahankan(past & present) - dipertahankan

What is the meaning of spirit? Is it the same meaning with "Semangat" ?
but it aslo mean "roh"
spirit => roh, semangat
fire also can be meaned semangat too

Fatigon Spirit!

Roh Fatigon atau Semangat Fatigon? Har har har....
everything that means "panas" can also be used as semangat.
ex : burned up, heated up, fired up
Basiclly, statement which encourage you, they use almost all word which can be mean as "panas". It also make sense too bro. If you are hot, you will do something right. But if you are cold, all you want to do just stay and sleep :D


Spirit means your 'semangat' to do something. Example: "Where is your spirit? Show me your spirit, team!".. and the team shouted altogether "YEaH! We're gonna win it!". "Now that's team 'spirit'". You get it?
Spirit can also mean spirits like 'roh halus' and such. Example: "I think his 'spirit' went up to heaven".

Hope this helps.
how about
perkerja seks komersial(very difivult to translate >.<)
what is the meaning of "hak"?? can you translate this from indonesian to english?
Muzzle = kb. 1 berangus. 2 mulut senjata api. 3 moncong. -kkt. memberangus (a dog, the press).

perkerja seks komersial(very difivult to translate >.<) = hooker , whore ,prostitute
Hak = Duty :D

Hak dan kewajiban = Duty and Task

Wazzup everybody....
For myself
hak => authority
kewajiban => task or duty
Task and duty have a same meaning

Ooh... I'm wrong.. /sry
Thanks for correcting Mr CR4Y

No problem cungz. Anyone else?

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