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Your nicknames here....


because since junior high i was the boy who sneezes most,,
until now.

and those sneezy days comes mostly every monday...the worst day ever(but not the worst since i met her)/gg
jsrics.. is abbreviation of my long name Johanes Ricky Soetono.... creative?? hohhohoho... /no1
fletcher -> inspired from the hero bone fletcher from DotA :D
bone fletcher is my favorite hero in DotA =D
Manukoto = Manuk + Oto
I took it from bataknese language
Manuk = chicken
Oto = Stupid, foolish

Manukoto = ??????? X( (Don't ever thing about it)

because i'm a man with full of fantasy /gg /gg /gg
hii i'm new heree
oxy means oxygen ^^
hmmm /hmm
my nick is Bard272 <<< actually its only Bard but some "272" will be good /heh
Bard is a person who will cheer and set you up
I use "Bard" coz i want to be man who will do like that
cheering some people is nice /heh
KENJI, litteraly means sacred sword or honoured jewel
because I like to be the honoured one :P
and I'll kill for real with my word for it as sharp as sword :P:P:P
my name is Selans
coz it's the one of my character RO name's
if the meaning ???:-/
i don't know what's the meaning of my nick name???
who's know???
nathan means gift from god.
i really love that name, beside adam.

and nathan is name of...
1. my future son. (seriously)
2. my fave drummer ever in slipknot.
3. jonathan's son

then davis...
that's the way my friends called me since i was in senior hi..
so i could say.. it's my name. my nickname.
and. yep. bcoz i love jon davis damn mad too. :)>-

i don't know what it means . but my ex-girlfriend love this name .
i want to memorize her .. so i use this name ..!

nah, sorry for my bad english ! i'm just a kid !

Be a thing that needed by every one in the world..
Ahh... So good to be that kind of thing..
my nickname is khafi , because that is my back name............

this thread talking about u'r nickname in IF,
so u'r nickname budi06 not khafi,is it right??? /hmm

i choose angeltata because my name is tata
and increase angel because i want tobe like an angel
lol /heh
and i think it's a nice name /gg
tata, u must be a beautiful angel, rite..?

mm... /hmm
its not whole of his faults.. he's just made different perception, maybe.
this threads titled with "ur nickname" not " ur ID"..
honestly, i thought the same way too before i opened ths thread. ;))
wah gw pikir ini untuk tau arti nama nick kita hwhwhwhw

gw ngga tai pinnacullata itu apa,
cuma lucu aja kayannya
jadi tak pake...

@ Nathan Davis...

I luv the name "Adam" too... :D and actually, I'm planing to use that name as my (future) son's name...

and if he's gonna get a brother, I'll name the brother David (not Davis :P)...

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