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Your nicknames here....

VaniLLa fLava

. . . VaniLLa taste . . . VaniLLa smell . . . VaniLLa feeL . . .

That`s the simplest excuse for using and living as "V@NiLL@" ;;);;);;)

/!Hmmm . . . YuMMy!!! /!
well my nickname................umm /hmm

I cant remember why did I choose it,truly/heh

I felt that I have heard it somewhere
Taperware , Well it is my nickname after all T.T

tensai -> genius
gandy -> my real name /no1

so it means :: the genius gandy /heh
i take it from manga/comic eyeshield 21
aaa ...
what ? my nick
my id is my nick
darkchaos . . .

it's a long story to tell . . .

but all i can say for now . . .
darkchaos is within me . . .

darkchaos the darklegacy™ leader
here are the definitions...

NENTAU means NO... and TAKO is FEAR (this words come from a native language of Celebes)
a sweet saturday matinee :-"

I love to hear it :x

High Class ^^
Simple but whaT?

me :)
Imadori is just one of the character that i pick from School rumble manga
fun fact:
-I'm just one level lower in the slacker level from The real school rumble "Imadori" (:(:( darn that's quite true)
-I'm not a smooth talker like him :( (i kinda wish i can learn some move from him)
-and last... i think i don't have any unrequited love from any girl ever yet >:D< (hug me plz... heh)
lolita is my name from my pa,and arian is name from my beloved.
So, lolita-arian is my true name.
Am i too frankly with my name?
I think the question is no,'cause i'm proud with my true name.

it means "the day that will come to you....!! someday..."

but, I've got some reason for using it..../gg
sky is blue ... gazette... who give indormation for all people :D
shiba kaien...
nothing special actually...
just a character at bleach

not refer to dog actually,just my luck nick since I'm playing RO :D

my English sucks......... /sob
AzV from my name nikolAZ gioVanni
Az V
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