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Your nicknames here....

whew.. hahaha... mee too..
id like adam to be named to my son..
nathan's brother maybe.. ;))
actually im planning to have 7 children.. (hope God'll grant it ;)))
so i have to prepare lot names.. haha..

about david.. hogh.. me luv it too. :))
David is drummer of koRn. my fave band of course.
but.. i have classmate in my past.
david's annoying boy.
then, my cousin.. huff.. he's a widower with child when he's just 22 ears old..
and now..
i have another david. he's my gud friend. my fella.
but he's not good looking enough. hahaha. sorry david..

lil worry.. if i give that name to my son..
im sure u know what i mean..
Ouw, I'm planing to have 5 children... :D

Well, here's my plan:
the oldest son will be named Noah, the second one is Adam, then the youngest is David... The rest is girls: Laila and Sarah... :P

The person named David I ever met is a handsome guy, so..., I don't have any problem with that... :D
just because i was born in november and it was raining....
"novembra" instead of november's rain
sounds sweet as i am.. hihihi.. narcis.com

me? well it was my slipped name....my real name is Clarissa, pretty boring huh?
it's so obvious that I love purple and I love rain--but most people thought that I'm a fan of Prince
all.. let me introduce my self...

my full name angga cahya kesertaan...

my nick.. angga...

ages: 17

sex: ofcourse male..

occup: still a normal student...

nice to meet u all...
Crualry ???
I just took it instantly, no specific reason..
But may be there is one reason..
I like the word "crual"..
"ry" is taken from my nickname in real life, ryo.. [but actually my name is ToMi, I dont know why some friends called me ryo]../hmm

You know that..myname...Kuswantoro..but mymother called me nanang..its so difference..and verryfunny and then when i asked..she said..nanang is powerman....goodreason...how abaut if u ask...your friends:D

just because i was born in november and it was raining....
"novembra" instead of november's rain
sounds sweet as i am.. hihihi.. narcis.com


If you,s born in november...I think...yourname..Agus..or Julianto..btter than novembra:D

Ouw, I'm planing to have 5 children... :D

Well, here's my plan:
the oldest son will be named Noah, the second one is Adam, then the youngest is David... The rest is girls: Laila and Sarah... :P

The person named David I ever met is a handsome guy, so..., I don't have any problem with that... :D

how abaut 11, you may have..one tm football...so u become official hee hee..agree>:D<

punten, introduce myself....

myname.....T. kus kus wntr

just call me..sikus or nanang..

I have a Job...( cit cat on The Radio) Annauncer....

and male...from pwt..Who care .....yuup Follow me
punten, introduce myself....

myname.....T. kus kus wntr

just call me..sikus or nanang..

I have a Job...( cit cat on The Radio) Annauncer....

and male...from pwt..Who care .....yuup Follow me

what radio..??? hehehe...

My name is Diru... That's my short name.. hehehe...
My friends like called me like that. And....
I hate it..., people always think if I am a girl.. ^^
I don't know why... Hahaha...
talk about my nickname i used here...well uhm...my name's rian...sounds like "run". then.. rianway sounds like runway :p or.."rian" is near with "rain" :d
mang udin is my school Cleaning service

nothing special

but it sounds good when I call him Mang U Die
Haha my name is Ky
"MacBean" is actually a name from some random kids show in Australia but since people think it's from "Mr Bean" I'll take that =D since I like Mr Bean as well.
well.. I hate rules, I hate school, I hate government, I hate idiot peoples, I hate rules (did I mention it earlier?), and I hate my self..

And, because I'm smart enough to Break them all... and because this Break process isn't ended yet, so I use Chronicle

Let me introduce myself..

I'm break chronicle
magnolia is a beautiful flower.. i wonder why there r people who thinks i'm a dude.. :((
I never think hard to decide a name, so let it be tusuksate...

I choose Dzyre, coz...

my real name is andria...

I took Dyzre from 'dria'

But, i think it is really ugly (heheh) if my nickname is dria.. (actually, dria is my name in friendster) so, i choose Dyzre for my nickname
From Frost ^^ look more good with Z, so i change it to Frozt.
i choose karma coz is simple name so easy to remember...
talk about my nickname i used here...well uhm...my name's rian...sounds like "run". then.. rianway sounds like runway :p or.."rian" is near with "rain" :d

he is Rian " The Penjaggal " from Jombang......

sorry about that..... /sry just kidding.... /heh

my Name Tomi Wijaya Lauw....

my friends calls me.... Tomi....

but I just add a words... "ES" become TomiES it's Mean.... Tomi_Explore_System

just it....

Thanks..... for RianWay i'm Sorry just kidding.... ok... /thx

i usually used "Arthuria" or "ArthuriaPendragon" as my nick...

but on every Indonesian forum i usually used "anak4"
because it's very indonesian and shows that i'm studying at smpn 4...

"naka" mean middle on japanese...
anak4 / anaka / a naka can be used as a slank for "a middle"
because i rarely take one side of something...
my nick is alle_say_yo

because I use that on my email too just put @yahoo.com or @hotmail.com there you got my email /gg
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