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Trouble with English post here.....

Under Beneath Underneath

Those three words have the same meaning in Indonesian which is "di bawah"
The difference is in using them.
For Under ==> For something not people
For Beneath ==> For people
For Underneath ==> It's kinda hard to explain. I'm sorry.

Can somebody just help me!
This sentence used not for asking help but for statement of depression. Usually person who said that have some bad day or something like that.

Need question just ask in here ok.
Ttyl (Talk to you all later)


Dude, overall you're right. But there's still room for details in the difference between under, beneath, and underneath. So for the rest of you guys who wants to go deeper into this subject, read this:

can also be used for people actually :D. e.g.:
"I work under Lieutenant Jones in our squad.". It has a few more alternative functions than 'below'.

for people? wrong dude. For example you definitely can't say "I wanna lie down beneath Tugiyem." you use 'under' for that.
Beneath often means the same as 'under', although it has a slightly different meaning, e.g. when referring to liquid substance:
"When you dive, you go beneath the surface." (native speakers don't normally say 'under the surface', although they can say 'under the water'. But you can't say 'beneath the water')

Sometimes (for certain objects) it can also mean 'within', 'in', or 'into' (di dalam):
"The fireman just went beneath that thick smoke." (here you can replace beneath with 'into')

Underneath means 'deeper under', especially when u talk about layers. The best indonesian equivalent for this word maybe 'di balik', although several other indonesian words can also be used to translate it, depending on the context, e.g.:
"I'm not wearing any underwear underneath my jeans." (di balik) (you can't use 'beneath' in this context).

I can give you a quadrillion more examples, people :D but i don't wanna bore you to death.
yeah i know is like that but i mean like this maybe :
any can be count
some can can't be count

^ wrong
any cant be counted
but some can be counted

Dudes, you've all got it wrong. BOTH some & any can be EITHER counted OR not counted. The big difference is:
some is used in affirmative sentences (I need some oranges / some coffee).
any is used in negative and interrogative sentences.
(I don't need any oranges / any coffee;
Do you need any oranges / any coffee?)

(oranges can be counted, coffee can't.)

Of course, this applies to written english. Usually in speaking no one gives a damn about grammar.
sometimes people also use some in interrogative sentences/questions:

Do you need any money?
Here you offer money when you have IDR10,000 in your pocket but you only plan to give 1,000. You use any instead of some because you don't want the person to expect a certain amount. You just give whatever you want to give.​

Do you need some money?
Here you offer money when you have IDR10,000 and you plan to give some or even all of it. You use some instead of any because you expect the person to specify a certain amount, and you're ready to give her more.​

No one cares about grammar in speaking, but it sure doesn't hurt to speak grammatically correct, right?
Here are some additional examples using some & any in both accountable and unaccountable nouns

"May I have some more sugar please ?" (uncountable)
Some people believe he is a living legend. (countable)
Anyone who is attending the class must register his/her attendance. (countable)
Is there any coffee left ?

Please correct me if Im wrong
another example of english using indonesian grammar...

garzar berkata:
yeah i know is like that but i mean like this maybe :
any can be count
some can can't be count

ya gw tau emang gitu, tapi maksud gw gini, mungkin:
any itu bisa diitung
some, bisa, gak bisa diitung ??

spotted it ?? like i said before, u can't just translate an indonesian sentence into english english words and expect it to suddenly become english...
another example of english using indonesian grammar...


ya gw tau emang gitu, tapi maksud gw gini, mungkin:
any itu bisa diitung
some, bisa, gak bisa diitung ??

spotted it ?? like i said before, u can't just translate an indonesian sentence into english english words and expect it to suddenly become english...

yeah I have the same idea, because translation should be natural in the Target Language (in this case is English)
Almost laughed myself to tears, what does it mean..not "arti" but "maksud"

Ripped her heart out right before her eyes,
Eyes over easy

'Cause I really always knew that my little crime
Would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs

thanks before....
hmmm i wonder,what is the difference between in and on,
and how to use it?
@loki almighty:
Couldn't it be falser than that?

Almost laughed myself to tears, Ketawa sampe mata berair (psychological and biological reaction :P)

ngomong2 itu dah pernah dibahas kan?

on: di atas sebuah noun
in: di dalamnya

The pen is on the desk.
We are in the lift.
sory if my english not good, till now i still practise (please correct me ok)

if we want 2 know some girl, what word we must talk 2 her ??

i think, 4 1st conversation, we cant 2 talk "hei, what ur name ?" hmmm its so not courteous (tidak sopan) ... we need some intro 4 start the conversation.. what it is ??

please help me,, hehehe...

** practise make perfect,, please correct me if im wrong..
- The River penyimpangan dari biasa ; aberasi
penyimpangan dari yang normal
btw anyone know the right sentences of this ? "kepalaku disekap pake plastik"
wah... what is "sekap" ya..

My head is put in a plastic sack.
^ Is this right?
When i using "is" and "are"? ??? Soalnya rada sama artinya
Are = I am, You are, They are, We are
Is = It is, He is, She is
Eh,..by the way,..
I got many problem when I must write my paper...
the problems are how I take the right word for right condition,..
using right gramar and many else

can U help me,..
maybe you can share me about a program or software that can help me to write my paper??
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