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Trouble with English post here.....

in, at, on

in: containers (jar, bottle, pocket, wallet, etc.); places that contains things or people (building, park, jungle, swimming pool, office, mall, etc.); cities; countries; months; liquid object.

at: for places, it has almost the same function as in. The difference is when you use at you’re in that place regularly, not just for the moment.
Example : - Right now John is in the post office to mail a letter.
- Mike works at the post office.

Also used for : street, times (10 o’clock, etc.).

on: day, date, places, objects, road (as opposed to street, where you use at).
Although you can’t say at the road, you can say on the street, which involves a different context.
Example: I live at Otista Street, but right now I'm standing on the street far away from my house.

For places and objects, on has a more detailed meaning than at, and of the same function level as in. It involves the position of the object or person (in is inside and on is on top).

Example: - The helmet is in the cupboard and the key is on the table.
- The thief is in the house, but the police is on the roof.

on can also be used for liquids, where an object is not in the liquid (submerged or drowning) but floating on the surface.
Example : - A normal person can’t walk on water, he can only swim in it.
- A ship sails on the water, while a submarine moves in the water.

All this works better with pictures, :D unfortunately I don’t have time to organize them.
I don’t like quoting grammar-explanation pages from websites either, since I’m not a Plagiator.

Which, who, whose

Which : objects
Who : person
Whose: possessive pronoun (person with possessive meaning).
Example : - I know a guy whose father is an ambassador for UK.

Had, has, have

Has: for he, she, it, names (Barbara, bobby, bobo, etc), and any 3rd
singular subjects or objects.
Have: for I, you, we, they, and any plural subjects or objects.
Had: for all of the above when in past tense (yesterday, last year, last month, two days ago, etc.).

Example: - We had three houses last year, but now we only have one, although our neighbor still has five.

/hmmDude, didn't you read the rules? This is an english only zone.

-in or –un

In English you don’t use affixes (prefix, infix, suffix) as freely as in Bahasa. Especially for –in and –un, there are standardized “word-sets” involving these prefixes that you can’t ”mix and match”.
-in and -un Negates the meaning of an adjective or a verb.
However, you can’t use them on any adjectives or verbs. There is a list of adjectives and verbs that are compatible with these prefixes (Don’t ask me where to find this list, I only have it in my head).

When you want to negate an adjective or a verb but the word happens to be incompatible with either -in, -un, -im, -mis or -dis, you’ll just have to use ‘not’ instead.

unreconciled : I don’t think this word exists. I recommend to use not
inseparable : This word exist, although you don’t have unseparable,
misseparable, nor disseparable.

/heh/heh/heh next?.

there is a word unreconciled, i keep using that in emails and in my text book, /hmm
Unreconciled,what's the meaning bro? Rarely hear this word..
hmm, its accounting stuff /heh /heh
if you want to reconcile examples.. your booked bank account with the bank statement, gladly if its true then i finish reconciled it, but if its not shows the same result then i failed to reconciled it, the result is unreconciled, or if i haven't make the reconcilement , its said unreconciled /no1

Accounting, eh? No wonder noone in planet earth is using the word. Accountants live in another planet as far as i'm concerned. Like you for instance - let me guess : Mercury? /heh/heh
anybody can help Me...???

can explain.. if i have this sentence:

"Saya pergi ke pasar dan membeli ikan kemarin."

I think:
"I went to market and bought a fish yesterday"

isn't it? Bought or buy?
Saya pergi ke pasar dan membeli ikan kemarin

Bisa jadi ambigu

Makna 1 nya :

Saya pergi ke pasar dan membeli ikan (dua dua nya kegiatan kemarin

Atau makna 2 nya

Saya pergi ke pasar (hari ini) dan membeli ikan (kemarin)

But generally the first meaning is used more often than the 2nd..
So it's better to put on the Past Tense into both of the stncs..
@Lovelytze2 : right, bought. ya did it in the past time, then ya should use the past tense.
what's is the diffrence of Anyone and anybody?

what's the english of "Guling" <--- Long pillow???
@RedBLur : "bantal guling" is bolster. about the difference between anyone and anybody...next?
Anyone and Anybody usually used in the same meaning in a sentence
i often hear this.. "hello..is anybody home?"
but i seldom hear this.. "hello..is anyone home?"
I always said: "Hello, anybody home..??"
without to be ^^
i gave this one some thought, this is what i came up with.
anyone = siapa dari kalian
anybody = siapa
so anybody is perceived to be used for more formal purposes while anyone is used when u "sort of" know the intended person you're talking to.
Kk tolong bantuin artiin donkk......

Saya sbenernya bisa sih ngartiin beberapa, tapi ada lumayan banyak yg aq masi gk ngerti...... tolong artiin ya pls....

Yg bisa ngartiin pertama saya kasi kehormatan bole posting isinya ke IF bagian kesehatan... THX BEFORE

Stretching Exercises That Will Help You Grow Taller

Some simple exercises to improve your flexibility and potential growth
Exercise No.1 - Cobra: Lie on the floor face down with palms on the floor under your shoulders. Start arching your spine up leading with your chin. Arch as far back as you can. Do each repetition for about 5-30 seconds.

Exercise No.2 - Bridge: First lie down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor as close to your bottom as possible, grab your ankles and hold onto them while rising your hips up and arching your spine, lifting your abs towards the ceiling.
Lift your abs as high as possible. Then lower. If you can't hold onto ankles, keep your arms to the side and use them to push yourself up. Do each rep from 3 to 10 seconds.

Exercise No.3 - Hanging: This is a simple exercise. You just hang from a bar. This will help to lengthen and straighten the spine. Hang for at least 30 minutes a week. If you want wider back and shoulders, use a wider grip.

Exercise No.4 - Toe Touch: This is an easy one. Stand with your hands high above your head. Bend over and reach to your toes while keeping legs as straight as possible. Bend your legs a little if you need to. If you can reach toes easily, then stand on podium and try to reach ground. Each repetition should be about 2-3 seconds.

Exercise No.5 - The Yawn: Stand straight and hold your hands together behind your neck, then bend your head upwards and back as far as you can. Do this for about 10 seconds.

Exercise No.6 - The Super Stretch: While standing reach your arms up as high as you can and lean back a little in the process that way stretching your lower back. Do each repetition for about 4-7 seconds.

Exercise No.7 - The Downhill: Stand with your hands together, and put your arms behind you. Then swing your arms slowly as far as possible behind your back. Do each repetition for about 4-6 seconds.

Exercise No.8 - Legs Straight Up: Lie with face down and your palms down to the sides. Then proceed to raise your both legs together as high as you can while keeping feet together. Do each repetition for about 3 seconds.

Exercise No.9 - Stretch at Wall:Stand up next to the wall and reach your hands as high as you can while staying on tip of your toes. You must keep the spin flat against the wall, and do each repetition for 4-6 seconds.

Exercise No.10 - The Table: Sit on the floor and straighten your legs. Keep your torso straight and place palms one the floor right next to your bottom. Now, tuck chin against chest. Proceed to bring head as far as you can backwards. While doing this raise your body keeping your knees bent and arms straight. The upper legs and torso must be straight and horizontal to the floor. Try each repetition for 8 to 20 seconds.
anybody can help Me...???

can explain.. if i have this sentence:

"Saya pergi ke pasar dan membeli ikan kemarin."

I think:
"I went to market and bought a fish yesterday"

isn't it? Bought or buy?

the correct one is buy

you said u already used went as the verb, its v2 so word come after that should be V1 which is buy
so the correct sentence is:

i went to market and buy a fish yesterday


i went to market and had bought a fish yesterday
as someone said above the sentence would be ambiguous in English. Should you translate it like this:

Yesterday, I went to (the) market and bought a fish.
"bought" is correct, it's in the second phrase of the sentence.
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