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Trouble with English post here.....

First thing to do, don't double post :P

My next advice: learn harder and practice often!
can everybody tell me what's the meaning of State ? :P :P
state also can be negara.
Oklahoma state university = univ negeri oklahoma
united states jika diterjemahkan secara kasar artinya serikat negara2 , umumnya disebut amerika serikat

Just for addition..
State is similar to Country,but more specific..

But I wonder why only USA use the "state" word in its' name...
state = 1. Status, 2. Negara Bagian, 3. pemerintah?
states = 1. Status-status, 2. Negara bagian-negara bagian 4. Amerika Serikat (United States of America)
United States = Perserikatan Negara-negara bagian, Amerika Serikat.
et ceteraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Lolz.. /heh /heh

Just 4 info..
Aluminium and aluminum is the same..
Aluminium comes from American English,and Aluminum comes from British Englih..
Dont be confused if somedays you found it somewhere.. /pif
Want to know more?

Little correction:
UK:aluminium US:aluminum The spelling aluminium is the international standard in the sciences (IUPAC). The American spelling is nonetheless used by many American scientists. Humphry Davy, the element's discoverer, first proposed the name alumium, and then later aluminum. The name aluminium was finally adopted to conform with the -ium ending of metallic elements.[5] Canada as US, Australia as UK.
it reminded me, me teacher always say me like a "ferrum". do thy know what was it???
(sorrry me english like a scrabble (-_-)!!!)
yeeah of course, my my !! me nay got goot credit for chemist, thank to thy info (^_^))
U're welcome..

Feel free to share your problem in using english either vocabs or grammar..
I want to ask about basic, because i'm still confused with some words that have no far different mean.

Here is it :
Dimana kita menggunakan : in,at, dan on
Dimana kita menggunakan : which, who, dan whose
Dimana kita menggunakan : had, has, have
had: if The Tense is Past Tense, No matter what is the Subject
has: if the Subject is Singular and The Tense is Present Tense
have: if the Subject is Plural and The Tense is Present Tense

in at on
even to me they are hard to be understood
so I cant explain them /heh

who: when you want to ask about the subject
which: when you want to ask about a option between or among 2 things or many things
whose: when you want to ask about the possessive of a thing or many things
had: if The Tense is Past Tense, No matter what is the Subject
has: if the Subject is Singular and The Tense is Present Tense
have: if the Subject is Plural and The Tense is Present Tense

Hey, dont give me a explaining with something like past tense, present tense, i can't understand.... Give explaining in indonesia or give me example please. Anyway thanks
can someone explained to me, about

un - in unreconciled
in - inseparable

when we used in and when we used un ?

/hmm /hmm
I want to ask about basic, because i'm still confused with some words that have no far different mean.

Here is it :
Dimana kita menggunakan : in,at, dan on
Dimana kita menggunakan : which, who, dan whose
Dimana kita menggunakan : had, has, have

i remembered using in at and on for place of the sentence , but i forgot when we should use it, i only remembered that its determines how precise the object was /no1

so i guess, (cmiiw) in Indonesia, on Jakarta at my home /no1

about Had , Has Have,

there is a particular term about using these word,

Had, Has & Have (cmiiw) should continued in V3 , am i right if you want to use v1, you should added to after those word,

i forget the rules, if i'm not mistaken, had its for terms that happening long time ago and will not changing, but there also terms for happening long ago and still continued but i forget the word,

i should listen to my teacher more /sob /sob
I want to ask about basic, because i'm still confused with some words that have no far different mean.

Here is it :
Dimana kita menggunakan : in,at, dan on
Dimana kita menggunakan : which, who, dan whose
Dimana kita menggunakan : had, has, have

in, at, on

in: containers (jar, bottle, pocket, wallet, etc.); places that contains things or people (building, park, jungle, swimming pool, office, mall, etc.); cities; countries; months; liquid object.

at: for places, it has almost the same function as in. The difference is when you use at you’re in that place regularly, not just for the moment.
Example : - Right now John is in the post office to mail a letter.
- Mike works at the post office.

Also used for : street, times (10 o’clock, etc.).

on: day, date, places, objects, road (as opposed to street, where you use at).
Although you can’t say at the road, you can say on the street, which involves a different context.
Example: I live at Otista Street, but right now I'm standing on the street far away from my house.

For places and objects, on has a more detailed meaning than at, and of the same function level as in. It involves the position of the object or person (in is inside and on is on top).

Example: - The helmet is in the cupboard and the key is on the table.
- The thief is in the house, but the police is on the roof.

on can also be used for liquids, where an object is not in the liquid (submerged or drowning) but floating on the surface.
Example : - A normal person can’t walk on water, he can only swim in it.
- A ship sails on the water, while a submarine moves in the water.

All this works better with pictures, :D unfortunately I don’t have time to organize them.
I don’t like quoting grammar-explanation pages from websites either, since I’m not a Plagiator.

Which, who, whose

Which : objects
Who : person
Whose: possessive pronoun (person with possessive meaning).
Example : - I know a guy whose father is an ambassador for UK.

Had, has, have

Has: for he, she, it, names (Barbara, bobby, bobo, etc), and any 3rd
singular subjects or objects.
Have: for I, you, we, they, and any plural subjects or objects.
Had: for all of the above when in past tense (yesterday, last year, last month, two days ago, etc.).

Example: - We had three houses last year, but now we only have one, although our neighbor still has five.

Hey, dont give me a explaining with something like past tense, present tense, i can't understand.... Give explaining in indonesia or give me example please. Anyway thanks

/hmmDude, didn't you read the rules? This is an english only zone.

can someone explained to me, about

un - in unreconciled
in - inseparable

when we used in and when we used un ?

/hmm /hmm

-in or –un

In English you don’t use affixes (prefix, infix, suffix) as freely as in Bahasa. Especially for –in and –un, there are standardized “word-sets” involving these prefixes that you can’t ”mix and match”.
-in and -un Negates the meaning of an adjective or a verb.
However, you can’t use them on any adjectives or verbs. There is a list of adjectives and verbs that are compatible with these prefixes (Don’t ask me where to find this list, I only have it in my head).

When you want to negate an adjective or a verb but the word happens to be incompatible with either -in, -un, -im, -mis or -dis, you’ll just have to use ‘not’ instead.

unreconciled : I don’t think this word exists. I recommend to use not
inseparable : This word exist, although you don’t have unseparable,
misseparable, nor disseparable.

/heh/heh/heh next?.
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