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Trouble with English post here.....

velocity is what?
I dont know the Mean of velocity
mas6 berkata:
velocity is what?
I dont know the Mean of velocity
velocity is kecepatan, if you've ever read muzzle velocity in Counter Strike game, it means "kecepatan peluru"
huehue ketauan i am look at CS

What the eanglish of ketauan? /swt wew yu Tau I am read that In CS
you Play CS too?
mas6 berkata:
huehue ketauan i am look at CS

What the eanglish of ketauan? /swt wew yu Tau I am read that In CS
you Play CS too?
ketauan? hmmm.... i can't find the perfect word.... maybe it's known?

i do play cs, and i've read the muzzle velocity of each weapon. if i'm not mistaken the muzzle velocity of AW/M sniper rifle is 7600 m/s. i'm not that good at CS though.
sluts what is thaht
I found that word pas Iam play CS with a BULE guy /swt)
mas6 berkata:
sluts what is thaht
I found that word pas Iam play CS with a BULE guy /swt)

slut? slut's a common word, you can find it almost in every insulting words. btw, slut is the same as bitch, pelacur, etc.
how abaut "pas" ?
in indonesian lho Not PASS but PAS (pas hujan..............)
mas6 berkata:
how abaut "pas" ?
in indonesian lho Not PASS but PAS (pas hujan..............)

there're several words that have the same meaning as "pas",

ex : perfectly, exactly, etc. maybe the best match for "pas" in english is "perfectly timed"
how abatu "Lho"
heuhueh study english
Lho is not a basic word, it's just an additional word. in english, the best match for lho is huh? (CMIIW)
what is That
a dificult word /wah
Bukan kah yang benar about /? :P /heh /heh /heh
Acknoldgement -> Ketidaksesuain.
Velocity -> Kecepatan
Speed -> Kecepatan
Speed&Velocity ==> Ada bedanya tapi ini dalam fisika gitu.
@cungz,effie,mas6: PLEASE SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@cungz I got that word umm was I Coba2 Use fake mail /heh
hmm coba2 in eanglish is what?

PS:Sorry bilingual >.<
Oh, sorry mr CR4Y.. /sry

Btw, why do some people say "running" to "runnin'" ("g" is missing)
Then, is it polite if we write "cause" to "coz" ?
cungz berkata:
Oh, sorry mr CR4Y.. /sry

Btw, why do some people say "running" to "runnin'" ("g" is missing)
Then, is it polite if we write "cause" to "coz" ?
i think that's because people want to fastening their speech. or maybe it's some kind of slank? in some occasion, we probably better use because than 'cause or 'coz. acknowledgement is "ketidaksesuaian"? is it true? isn't' acknowledge = "menyadari"?
how about
Quick and Quik is it same?
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