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[Share] foto2 hantu di sini

yg dipost Pecinta IF itu apa sich??Wujud pa an??Dah gw pelototin,,,,tetep aja gak kliatan....:(
/swt kebanyakan postingan dari pada poto neh dah dan ada nara sumber na lagi
klo dah pernah di post sorry :
ada d fs gw...http://www.friendster.com/viewphotos.php?p=e&pid=0&rid=156431599&uid=16275759
critanya bgini...waktu itu di komplek perum gw kan ada acara musik bulanan namanya P+...pas acara udah slese skitar jam 2 pagi gtu...ada band yang foto2...nah tu foto nya ada yang nyusup...mbak kunti...heheh...rumah gw di depok..pondok sukmajaya permai...itu foto diambil pas di depan apotik komplek perum gw..


sory bro yang kmaren gw coba ko ga isa

wakakakakak :))
suer dech ane susah bedain mana yang setan dan mana yang bukan :))|
asli slipknot semuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..............
bro kalo jaman sekarang foto hantu jgn di percaya la.. itu bisa aja hasil editan photoshop pan ?? kecuali di potret langsung dari camera polaroit. yang jpret langsung keluar gambar.. nah terus scan deh..
saia kecewa..
tak ada gambar hantu na..
g download dolo dhe okay..
Ghost SHIP

Queen Mary


The Queen Mary is an ocean liner that sailed the North Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967. The QM sailed her maiden voyage from Southampton, England on May 27th, 1936. During WWII, she was converted into a troop ship to carry Australian and New Zealand soldiers to the United Kingdom. The Queen Mary was painted grey and called, "The Grey Ghost."

After the Queen Mary's retirement in 1967, she was moored in Long Beach, California, where she is now permanently docked as a tourist attraction. The Queen Mary is said to have ghosts on board with many areas are said to be haunted. The engine room is said to be haunted by a man crushed by a door during a fire drill. The first class swimming pool has had numerous sightings of people in period bathing suits, while sounds of water splashing have also been heard. The Queen Mary's third class children's playroom is said to be haunted by the cry of an infant who died on board, while the Queen's salon has had various sightings of a woman dancing in a white evening gown. Some of the first class suites have
had supernatural occurrences, as well. Reports of a man appearing in a mirror, running water, tugging of bed covers, phones ringing in the middle of the night and lights turning on and off have been on-going for years

* ada yang bisa artiin ga ...*
Mary Celeste


Mary Celeste was an abandoned ghost ship found off the coast of Spain in 1872. The final fate of the Mary Celeste is open to speculation; theories range from alcoholic fumes to the strange case described in the Abel Fosdyk papers. The case of the Mary Celeste is often described as the archetypal example of a ghost ship.

None of the Mary Celeste's crew or passengers was ever found. Their fate may never be known; see the section below for speculation. In early 1873 it was reported that two lifeboats were grounded in Spain, one containing a body and an American flag, the other containing five bodies. It has been alleged that these could have been the remains of the crew of the Mary Celeste. This has not been confirmed as the identities of the bodies were apparently never investigated.
Ghost Ship

Ourang Medan


ini kapal Belanda yang namanya berbau-bau Indonesia. Kisahnya mengerikan juga:

Shortly after World War II in 1948, several ships responded to SOS and Morse Code distress calls from the Dutch freighter, Ourang Medan. "All officers including captain dead, lying in chartroom and on the bridge, probably whole crew dead..." was deciphered from the code, along with the final message, "I die." Rescuers found the ghost ship Ourang Medan drifting in waters near Indonesia.

The entire crew including the Ourang Medan's dog were found in terrifying positions, "teeth bared, with their upturned faces to the sun, staring as if in fear..." What did the crew see that frightened them so? Many have proposed a UFO killed them, or that ghosts came from the sky.

Following this grim discovery, a fire occurred in the ship's hold and forced rescue parties to leave the ship. This proved to be good, because the Ourang Medan soon exploded violently, lifting the ship upward and sinking it before their eyes. This only added to the ghost ship's legend, as it made it impossible to conclude what really took place aboard the fated freight liner. Some believe the ship illegally carried harmful chemicals or chemical weapons being black marketed after WWII. Could these illegal chemicals have mixed producing deadly gases? Or, did chemical weapons seep out and destroy all on board? We'll never know..
Ghost Ship

SS Watertown


In December of 1924, an oil tanker named the S.S. Watertown sailed from California toward the Panama Canal in route to New Orleans. While they
were sailing, James Courtney and Michael Meehan, crew members of the vessel, were cleaning a cargo tank in the ship’s hold. In a freak accident, the two men were overcome by gas and oil fumes and died. On December 4, as was the custom of the time, the sailors were buried at sea off the Mexican coast.

This was not the last that the remaining crew members were to see of their dead shipmates. The next day, “before dusk, the first mate reported seeing the faces of the two men in the waves off the port side of the ship. They remained in the water for about 10 seconds, and then faded.” For several days thereafter, the “phantom-like” faces of the sailors were clearly seen by other members of the crew in the sea foam created by the
ship as it sailed.

On arrival in New Orleans, the ship's captain, Keith Tracy, reported the strange events to his employers at the Cities Service Company. It was suggested that he try to photograph the “eerie” faces if they appeared again. Captain Tracy purchased a camera before the next voyage. When the faces appeared in the water again, Captain Tracy took six photos,
and then locked the camera and film in the ship's safe. The crew reported seeing the faces of the deceased seaman several more times, but their appearance became less and less frequent.

Ini foto hantunya:


ss watertown famous ghost picture

The SS Watertown departed and continued its scheduled voyage to New York City. When the film was processed in New York, five of the exposures showed nothing but sea foam. The sixth one showed the ghostly faces of the doomed seamen. The negative was checked for fakery by the Burns Detective Agency, which found no sign of tampering. After a third voyage, the ship's crew was changed and there were no more reports of sightings
of the ghastly duo.

The story of the entire event didn’t appear until ten years later, after it was found in the journal of the shipping company. The negative of the photograph being lost by the passage of time, made it impossible to re-verify the image as authentic. Was this just a figment of some superstitious sailor's imagination? Was this some cruel joke? Is it possible that the sightings were induced by mass hysteria? Was the sighting of the ghostly pair just an optical illusion? Many individuals in the search of paranormal ghost phenomenon are reporting to have similar experiences. Evidence may be mounting?
yg dipost Pecinta IF itu apa sich??Wujud pa an??Dah gw pelototin,,,,tetep aja gak kliatan....:(

lingkaran yg tengah itu mirip kepala tengkorak.
klo yang kanan itu mirip cewek rambutnya panjang.

Save as aja dulu fotonya. liat jelas² dengan tambahan brightness dikit

mudah2an keliatan
gw da yang menantang neh...
program" gitu yang tiap brapa menit ada suara + gambar kunti..
mw coba??
gw upload tinggal di donlod...
mw gk??
serem ah klo bukanya malam² bro..

ntar ketemu yg kayak gini lagi


atau yg kayak gini


apa yg gini yah?


Gak tau nih mau ditaruh dimana

disini aja kali ya
kan gambar muka setan


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