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  • JANGAN LUPA!!.. Pasang juga iklan anda disini… Gratis.
    Pasang Iklan Baris Massal Gratis Tanpa Daftar Dan Langsung Tayang, dijamin sukses. Dan dapat menaikkan peringkat website anda di Search Engine. Kunjungi. http://www.myiklanbaris.com
    gw baru pake dopod 838 pro n ga trll ngerti.. internet'y ga bisa di pake.. ada pengaruh ga sama network wizard yg kl gw buka muncul tulisan :network wizard encounter an recoverable error while configuring your device, you may not be able to access all network service. contact your technical helpdesk for support.
    tolong di bantu..

    Peace be unto you. I am Abdullah Alahdin ,a citizen of Iraq and a Muslim.

    In the name of ALLAH, I need your assitance to help me and my family.

    I want to transfer money for investment into your country as such I would like to make contact with people like you residing in that country for assistance .

    Note,the funds are already with a security company which has branches in every continent for safe keeping. If you are willing to assist me.

    You will help me collect the funds from the Security Company as I cannot travel out from iraq at the moment because i am certain serious conditions which I will explain to you if we work together.

    Please,if you accept this offer of assistance you are required to give me your Name, age, occupation, address also enclosing your telephone fax numbers. Please note that this project is 100% risk free .

    I expect your prompt reply { [email protected]) .


    Alahdin. M. Abdullah
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