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How's Today...^^

wow.. kinda everybody dont have their own goodday rite? haha.. same.. another 8-6 study. wack! feels like my head is goin to explode or maybe my left brain is getting bigger since i always use it to think and do all my college tasks.. poor my right brain.. hahaha..
I feel sleepy altough i have slept more than 4 hours. Huh,
Awesome :D

But there are some laziness in the afternoon hahaha :))

There 's a presentation in the subject which I hate X(
Arggh....I Got Calculus class in 13.30....And the bad news is i feel SLEEPY......
today..I wont take a shower until the day gets dark :)) uuuuuyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
I think welcoming My Friend coming to my Room
just Foruming....having algebra class....
hi there. it's been a long time i don't drop by in this forum. well, today i just spent a whole day in my room. i have a task i should be dealt with, but...uhm... *yawn*
Hi, it's been a long time since I haven't dropped by in here XD
How's today? So-so. I'm suffering flu, and for some reason my head feels heavy and hurt. It doesn't really matter, though, but tomorrow I should go to school :'| and I haven't finished my physics homework yet, because I can't do even a single number -__-"

Hope tomorrow will be better than today ~
Still feel bored like last week....
hmmm,,, i get up at 9.30 this morning,, o my God,, i'll be late to church (10.00),, n i take a bath only 10 minutes, o dear!!,,
then i call taxi, but the taxi isn't coming during 15 minutes, ok now i'm really late!
oh God,, i'm sorry. /sob
just play all time and feel like new day.../gg/gg
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