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How's Today...^^

OMG .. haven't Sleep in two days ... nice ...

I haven't EAT in two days ... Nyahahaha ...

Not because i wanted to, but because i have to !..

today is not good /sob
my body very tired, feel lonely and always sad.
today... was a good day.. ^^

i enjoy my life.. :P huuurayyy !!

first, at 1pm i went to eastern restaurant and ate dimsum, then
i played futsal, scored 2 goals.. and more than 4 assists..
dine at green garden..
i need to finish my work on time . . . soo . . . .


maybe i must change my work now . . .
what a day.... *sigh* very tired..

a lot of stuff in my room.. and it makes my world shrinking..
a bit harsh but it's okay, cause I found this community.....
it's bad since a read the TA ............

i woke up in the morning... then i realized that i'm sickkkkk.. got flu.. :(
Today is totally sucks...
can u imagine guys...
ive been workin for 3 days n nighters in a row
i'aint sleep for 3 days in a row just to finish it in time..
but the client i've meet at 9am says that its not 100% good enough for her taste...

i wanna goto sleep...
i really miss my pillow...

it's bad in the school there is always a empty lesson ( whatever i don't know the right words)
Today is totally sucks...
can u imagine guys...
ive been workin for 3 days n nighters in a row
i'aint sleep for 3 days in a row just to finish it in time..
but the client i've meet at 9am says that its not 100% good enough for her taste...

i wanna goto sleep...
i really miss my pillow...


well... life isn't fair, right?? hehehe...

bro, u need to learn time management..

i mean, u have to do your project earlier.. so it can be finished on time.. and you get a good result.. ^^
today...i'm very tired..many duty now.../e15/e15 want sleep
full junk day... just see testing arena =))
Hareeee Iniii FUlll OFFF Junkkk WIth Si ELEphant ato atas gw /e4 /e4 /e4 /e4 /e4
just so-so today ;) but I enjoy my life for sure :D
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