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[ask - Explain] the word you don't understand in English...

I rather like sederet.com :) if it's just for Indonesian English.
What is the meaning of ''Choir" and "Flustered"?
What is the meaning of "I am a swinger" and "i am stingy with my spending money"?
choir = paduan suara
fluster = kebingungan
I am a swinger = Gw seorang single (yang aktif mencari pasangan)
I'm stingy in spending my money = gw orang yang hemat/pelit (for short).
stingy = extremely cautious.

well let me put this way...

terrifying is some sort feeling that you get, when you are alone in the middle of the night, and find out there is a "pocong" standing next to you... that's how you get terrified /heh


well let me put this way...

terrifying is some sort feeling that you get, when you are alone in the middle of the night, and find out there is a "pocong" standing next to you... that's how you get terrified /heh


:):) I See, so terrifying is kind of "That" feeling...
^ do you have the Indonesian word? :P
tedious - lamban
resilient - melenting
jaded - kenyang...
any one know tremendous??
aSAPlover, don't do double post, but use the edit function available to you. :)
Hi all I am Back to ask some Questions,
What is "hereby excommunications"?
What is "clumsy"?
Hi all I am Back to ask some Questions,
wellcome back

What is "hereby excommunications"?

example in complete sentence:

tusuksate is hereby excommunicated from IF Flame Arena

hereby : kk. dengan ini.
excommunication : kb. pengucilan., excommunicated

...I hope u can guess the meaning of those words by their context in a sentence like i gave u above...

What is "clumsy"?

I used to always use this word ;)

clumsy : ks. 1 janggal, kagok, kikuk. At this age he's so c. Pada umur ini ia kagok betul. clumsily kk. dengan janggal/canggung/kikuk.
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