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[ask - Explain] the word you don't understand in English...


IndoForum Activist A
No. Urut
14 Jul 2008
Nilai reaksi
I still practicing English so i make this Thread to make the other can learn together or helping other to learn English...

Firs i want to ask, what's the Explaination of "palsy"?

I think it comes from kind of illness 'Cerebral Palsy'
Usually illness named by their founders.
in indonesia, palsy is lumpuh
Thank you...

How about "Awkward"?
Awkward is strange,not custom

usually use in feelings,

i feel awkward talking to him right now,
in bahasa aku merasa aneh berbicara dengan dia sekarang
Hello, anybody know word "poaching"?

kkt. merebus.
to poaching an egg = merebus telor di air yang mendidih.

-kki. melanggar masuk.
to poaching on other land = masuk tanpa izin di lahan orang lain.

i'm sorry, i can't explain it in english /sry /sry
Any others words? We'll try to help you /gg
kkt. merebus.
to poaching an egg = merebus telor di air yang mendidih.

-kki. melanggar masuk.
to poaching on other land = masuk tanpa izin di lahan orang lain.

i'm sorry, i can't explain it in english /sry /sry

Maybe not Poach = merebus, tanpa izin

because the sentence I read is like this "you are poacher"
well... Poacher also mean pemburu gelap

Poacher /hmm

New words for me then,sometimes you may find a lot of new words that don't exist on the dict just by chatting
Poacher may refer to:

* Poaching, the theft or illegal killing of animals or plants, or sometimes artifacts. A poacher is someone who engages in poaching.

A seashell vendor in Tanzania sells seashells to tourists which have been taken from the sea alive, killing the animal inside.

* Poacher (fish), a family (Agonidae) of fish

I think this one has nothing to do with your question /heh

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks for the answers, now i want to ask again

how about considered?
Considered came from the word "consider"
While it has a meaning to think about or to choose something
Ex: Consider about the others. (Pikirkan tentang yang lain.)
Or you can use Considered in a Promise or a req...

like in this Word "Considered Done..." (Anggap saja telah terpenuhi)
Is it right....Cause my English translation is not quite Fluent :D
hm, aren't most of the words asked here are common words?
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