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[ask - Explain] the word you don't understand in English...

I will answer ... ^^
I Think the good one is Did i know you?
because Did i know you meaning is Apakah saya pernah mengenal kamu?
If u use Am I Know You , I think there is no meaning..

Try that in positive sentences :
I. I know you ( from I did know you ?)
II. I am know you ( from Am i know you ? )

In the Second Sentences said , I am know you... I Never Hear Anyone Use That Sentences...

[ Sorry for bad tenses ~_~ still newbie.. ]
Hello, it's been a long time since last time i asking here...

Which is the right one?
"Am i know you?"
"Did I know you?"

I think the right question is:
"DO I know you?".
Because it is a present tense question.

If you using "Did I know you?" that means you're say it in past tense.
I Think Do I Know You and Did I Know You is the same, only different in Tenses
If use past , it will be Did i Know you?
but if use present, it will be Do i know you?
Hello, it's been a long time since last time i asking here...

Which is the right one?
"Am i know you?"
"Did I know you?"
"Do I know you?"
"Apakah saya mengenal anda?"

what does "just my 50 cents" means?
just my 2 cents, my half bucks,
an idiom that means my little contribution or something similar.

I think the right question is:
"DO I know you?".
Because it is a present tense question.

If you using "Did I know you?" that means you're say it in past tense.

I Think Do I Know You and Did I Know You is the same, only different in Tenses
If use past , it will be Did i Know you?
but if use present, it will be Do i know you?
the sentence "did I know you" is in Past Tense, so in Indonesian it will be, "apakah saya PERNAH mengenal kamu?" and the correct sentence will be "did I ever know you?"
The sentence in past tense turns into a satire showing the speaker don't want to know the "you" anymore (I don't want to know you anymore).
can somebody explain the meaning of "mimio pack" or "mimio"?/hmm
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