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Your nicknames here....

de_ruutje comes from Ruuje van Nistelrooy... you all know about him, dont you?

He is one of my favorite football players and he plays for Netherlands... I won't speak a lot about him because you can find it on search engines... As far as I know, he is one of the best striker....
Why do u use your nick? What does it mean?Tell us the history of your nickname!
And please, in english

Why do I post this thread here and not in the lounge? Where we can chat in bahasa. I post this thread to give u all something to talk about in this subforum....... well, to be honest......english support "a little less crowded" than other subforums. So I'm trying to post more interesting topics here to gather more ppl......... (so english support will not be stranded in another galaxy /gg)

Okay, starting with me......... Butsu, derrived from butsubutsu....... some kind of sfx for grumbling in japanesse. But that is not the true reason, actually I found that butsubutsu is......... "when u dont wanna see something, but unintentionally u saw it till it's over......like a pentagon quiz" If ur a fan of Crayon Shinchan, u must know this! haha

So...... how bout u guys? Share with us!

Constantine111: Constantine = From John Constantine (Keanu Reeves' film) and 111 coz...I love number one, I wanna be number one...I was born 01 January. My parent only has 1 child...I have no team work in my job...so..I love 1. :P:P
my nickname is lion++ means :muri with a lion herth,the other is Komicwords,means,what most seek by 32 million people and other is perfectmoney and it is not a nickname,this is place where I works for now
my nickname is GhanDoz3n

my name ghani, but my brother's friends call me ghandoz
and i adding genesis, so, GhandozGenesis, and i shorten it ti ghandozg3n
and i shorten it once again to GhanDoz3n

from mist and clouds, but i didn't like the "mist" word so I'm using 'myst' instead 'mist'

it's represent my character and my world.
My nickname is Winkenzo..
Kenzo is Japanese boy's name, I'm a girl instead ^_^..
The meaning is humble, wise, and healthy..
I add "win" as I want to win these few meaning from Kenzo's..
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