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Wrestling Mania masuk sini!!!!!!!!!

Akhirnya makin banyak aja wrestler dari WWE Hijrah ke NWA TNA, berita terakhir TEST sudah masuk ke TNA Wrestling Rooster !!! Setau gw performace dia lumayan selama di ECW WWE, lumayan brutal juga kok.
Test emang udah pindah, gw juga nga tau knp test dilepas, padahal impactnya lumayan tuh test
Mr Kennedy deh, percaya gw. Hehehe, nga jelas tu org b2

Ia udah pasti Mr kennedy. Ntar dia bakal feud sama HHH dan Triple H berperan sebagai face disini. Kemungkina besar feudnya bakal berlanjut sampe WM 24 untuk WWE title.

Akhirnya makin banyak aja wrestler dari WWE Hijrah ke NWA TNA, berita terakhir TEST sudah masuk ke TNA Wrestling Rooster !!! Setau gw performace dia lumayan selama di ECW WWE, lumayan brutal juga kok.

Test banyak masalah doping sama WWE.

Bentar lagi juga Samoa Joe masuk WWE, dia dah gak betah di TNA
kok lu tau kennedy baka feud ama HHH n HHHnya face?

Tuh itung jumlah mantan WWE bercokol di TNA.

Setau gw Danny Basham sempat nongol di TNA berapa episode cuma kayaknya belom terikat kontrak atau udah balik lagi WWE /?

TEST a.k.a Andrew Martin
gu dpt info dr group fs bg yg blum tau ja

Here are the list of some of the famous wrestler that died
just a little reminder to remember them

How they died-

Crash Holly
Choked to death on his own vomit after ingesting 90 painkiller pills

Owen Hart
At the Over the Edge '99 PPV event, Owen Hart, dressed as the Blue Blazer, was supposed to descend from the ceiling to the ring. Something terrible happened and he plummeted from the rafters onto a turnbuckle chest-first, he died later at the hospital

He died of a heart attack while on an independent wrestling tour in Liverpool, England

Big Dick Dudley
He died in his apartment in Copiague, New York due to a kidney failure

Brian Pillman
Died becuase of heart condition problems(im not sure about this)

Eddie Guerrero
On November 13, 2005(Also my birthday ) was found dead in his hotel room because of heart failure due to his drug abuse in the past

Davey Boy Smith a.k.a British Bulldog
Died on May 18, 2002, after suffering a heart attack while on vacation in Invermere, British Columbia with his girlfriend

Chris Benoit
On June 25, 2007, Benoit, his wife Nancy, and their 7-year-old son Daniel were found dead in Fayetteville, Georgia
(I think you guys already know about this)
this is one of the most tragic moment in the history of pro wrestling

Big BossMan
He died in his home from a heart attack in Paulding County, Georgia on September 22, 2004

Mike Awesome
He was found dead on Febuary 17, 2007, I think he hanged himself

Curt Hennig a.k.a Mr. Perfect
On February 10, 2003, Henning was found dead in a Florida hotel room beacuse of cocaine intoxication, steroid and painkiller abuse

Bam Bam Bigelow
On the morning of January 19, 2007, Bigelow was found dead in his home becaue of drug abuse

Junkyard Dog
I don't how he died

Andre the Giant
Andre died in his sleep on January 27, 1993, in his Paris hotel room, probably died because of heart failure

Sherri Martel a.ka. Sensational Sherri
On June 15, 2007, Martel died at her mother's residence early in the morning while having coffee with her mother, she probably died bacause of drug abuse(im not sure about this one)

There are more wrestler out there that died but I can't name them all...

Here's the list of the WWE wrestlers who died before reaching the age of 60:

Chris Von Erich - 21
Mike Von Erich - 23
Louie Spiccoli - 27
Art Barr - 28
Gino Hernandez - 29
Jay Youngblood - 30
Rick McGraw - 30
Joey Marella - 30
Ed Gatner - 31
Buzz Sawyer - 32
Crash Holly - 32
Kerry Von Erich - 33
D.J. Peterson - 33
Eddie Gilbert - 33
The Renegade - 33
Owen Hart - 33
Chris Candido - 33
Adrian Adonis - 34
Gary Albright - 34
Bobby Duncum Jr. - 34
Yokozuna - 34
Big Dick Dudley - 34
Brian Pillman - 35
Marianna Komlos - 35
Pitbull #2 - 36
The Wall/Malice - 36
Leroy Brown - 38
Mark Curtis - 38
Eddie Guerrero - 38
John Kronus - 38
Davey Boy Smith - 39
Johnny Grunge - 39
Vivian Vachon - 40
Jeep Swenson - 40
Brady Boone - 40
Terry Gordy - 40
Bertha Faye - 40
Billy Joe Travis - 40
Chris Benoit - 40
Larry Cameron - 41
Rick Rude - 41
Randy Anderson - 41
Bruiser Brody - 42
Miss Elizabeth - 42
Big Boss Man - 42
Earthquake - 42
Mike Awesome - 42
Biff Wellington - 42
Brian Adams (Crush) - 43
Ray Candy - 43
Nancy Benoit (Woman) - 43
Dino Bravo - 44
Curt Hennig - 44
Bam Bam Bigelow - 45
Jerry Blackwell - 45
Junkyard Dog - 45
Hercules - 45
Andre the Giant - 46
Big John Studd - 46
Chris Adams - 46
Mike Davis - 46
Hawk - 46
Dick Murdoch - 49
Jumbo Tsuruta - 49
Rocco Rock - 49
Sherri Martel - 49
Moondog Spot - 51
Ken Timbs - 53
Uncle Elmer - 54
Pez Whatley - 54
Eddie Graham - 55
Tarzan Tyler - 55
Haystacks Calhoun- 55
Giant Haystacks - 55
The Spoiler - 56
Kurt Von Hess - 56
Moondog King - 56
Gene Anderson - 58
Dr. Jerry Graham - 58
Bulldog Brown - 58
Tony Parisi - 58

gila jga superstar wwe
byk yg blom ngnjek kpala 6

WWE Champion John Cena def. Randy Orton
Triple H def. King Booker
Batista def. World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali (DQ, Khali retains)
Rey Mysterio def. Chavo Guerrero
ECW Champion John Morrison def. CM Punk
Intercontinental Champion Umaga def. Carlito and Mr. Kennedy (Triple Threat Match)
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin def. United States Champion MVP (Beer Drinking Contest)

gak ada komentar

Ternyata sebagian besar prediksi gue bener

g nyangka klo The Great Khali kalah tapi menang gara2 DQ doank :-O

Triple H en "The Booyaka" Rey Mysterio memulai karir lagi dengan debut yang mengesankan :D. Love them :x

Ternyata John Cena memank undefeated :D, biarpun dah d ajar Randy Orton abis2an di back stage

"Face it Randy,because the Champ Still here and you can't see him!!!!"
tp HHH dtengny nga pke themes dx
jdny DX kmungkinan nga trbentuk lagi donk ':(':(':(
Gila 12 PPV unbeaten, Cacat. Tapi gw yakin PPV ato 2 PPV berikutnya Cena pasti kalah ama orton.
Orton lawan Triple H lalu Triple H lawan Kennedy di WM 24.

@Habibi: Ia udah gak ada lg DX.
@atas :
woi WWE Holic
da yg branggapan nga klo HBK smbuh
mereka akn ngbentuk DX lagi
and if your not down with that
we got 2 words 4 ya !!!
please reply
Yah masih munkin aja sih kejadian DX kebentuk lagi. CUman kayaknya Triple H pengen dapet WWE champ.

TP kmaren di SS, sebelom Triple H pedigree booker T dia taunt "suck It" dolo. Yah mungkin aja kok DX balik.
@atas = klo begitu gu legaan lah

btw ECW mkin prah ja

si CM Punk mnang Fatal 4 Way
trus ngrebut sabuk ECW lagi
bukanny gntian
masa CM Punk mlulu
@Habibi: Lah emangnya siapa lagi yang pantes jadi #1 Contendernya ECW? Cuman CM Punk yang pantes. Originals? Macem Dreamer yang selalu jad jobber doang ato Balls yang ga pernah muncul. ECW dah layaknya sampah skarang.

Confirmed Matches

World Heavyweight Championship
The Great Khali VS Rey Mysterio

ECW Championship

John Morrison VS CM Punk

Women's Championship

Candice Michelle VS Beth Phoenix

The Undertaker VS Mark Henry
woi tmn2 penggemar wwe psti tau indra kn
gu dpt fsny nih bgi yg blum tau
udah baca artikelnya. wah kayaknya rumit tuh kalau udah sampe harus pendekatan ke LSM bidang anak, sekolah-sekolah, ataupun Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia. susah kalo udah punya cacat track record. bangsa urang tea...... kalo cuma sekedar DPR sih kasih amplop juga kayaknya beres (:D)... ngga deng cm bcanda.

Komentar Summerslam:
john cena menang lagi yah... waduh2 kacau nih. unforgiven deh orton menang. orton lagi beringas nih. kayaknya kesenggol dikit langsung RKO atu langsung ambil korsi buat mukul. ati2 aja cena.

batista kalah yah, gpp lah dah ga tertarik lagi. masak batista mulu yang jadi pesaing no 1.nya dari abis WM23 sampai kemarin summerslam, mending kalo menang, ini kalah mulu. matt hardy kek kasih kesempatan, gulatnya kan bagus.

CM Punk kalah, si icon ROH ini ternyata gak tangguh2 amat yah. mudah2an kesempatan berikutnya bisa menang.

jangan2 WWE dah mulai kayak WCW jaman dulu nih. kalo sampai gitu ya tinggal nunggu waktu aja tahtanya direbut sama TNA yang mulai gencar2 nya.

denger2 ada 10 superstar WWE yang di skorsing karena penyalahgunaan obat, katanya sih pengumuman formal siapa2 nya bakalan dipublikasi 1 November ntar. minggu2 ini siapa aja tuh yang ilang gak tampil?

DX mending jangan dibentuk lagi deh, ngapain sih mentok di masa lalu. lagian mau lawan siapa? London-Kendrick?
@atas = jgn gitu dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonkk
emankny syapa lg stable mantep d Raw yg kren ????
cuma 1 D-Xtreme doank kn
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