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Wrestling Mania masuk sini!!!!!!!!!


A Statement From World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.
Nov. 29, 2006

WWE first learned on Thanksgiving Day of sketchy and incomplete information that a father of a child in Indonesia was attempting to blame WWE's SmackDown program for the death of his child. Today, the chief of the Detective Bureau charged with investigating the highly suspicious nature of the child's death specifically stated in the media that the accusations of the family could not be taken at face value and that there is no reason to believe the death of this child had anything to do with watching wrestling.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that false allegations of this type have been used to deflect attention away from those directly responsible for the death of a child, and WWE urges caution in making such unsubstantiated, and now repudiated, statements, especially in light of the ongoing police investigation into the actual and true circumstances of this child’s death while in the custody of others.

The police noted an autopsy was forbidden by the child’s family for religious reasons. As a result the police have indicated in the media that because there is no permission to conduct the autopsy, they are currently asking for the child’s medical records from the hospital.

Although the death of any child is a tragedy, WWE is confident that the investigative conclusions will be that the death of this child had nothing to do with WWE programming.

“We are committed to working with the appropriate parties in Indonesia to address any issues, while still allowing Indonesian viewers the choice to watch WWE programming,” said Gary Davis, Vice President of WWE.


/sob /sob .... Padahal aku paling seneng liat ini /sob . Jadi g isa liat Survivor series dech . Btw om aku mau tau hasil Cyber Sunday donk :D
WaH WWE di LaTiVi dah G aD y?? /sob KaCian bGt yg MeNinGgal tuh AnAk KeciL . Tapi WWE khan BaguS y??? MaU LiAt PaCaR NeS yaItu JoHn CeNa :D /heh
Katanya si masi ada, cuma waktunya dibikin jadi agak maleman
Makanya langganan kablevision atau indovision dong....TNA masih aman-aman aja di sana ^^......btw pertandingan Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe seru abis...elo tau lah kapabilitas kurt angle dan yang sering nonton TNA Wrestling elo tau dong siapa si Samoa Joe (salah satu wrestler TNA yang belom terkalahkan selama hampir 1 tahun ikut TNA)....Tooop dah gak kalah sama pertandingan legendaris WWE , WCW dan ECW........ skill vs skill broo.....
Wew, suka bgt ama gulet dalam ring 6 sisi. Trus angle gimana nasibnya di TNA?
Kurt Angle pendatang baru di TNA dengan reputasi yang di segani oleh wrestler dari TNA, pertandingan perdana doi menang atas Samoa Joe tapi tidak mudah begitu aja menang, darah doi harus ada yang tumpah di atas ring...pertandingannya cukup alot dan keras...spt yg gw bilang skill vs skill...top abiz, nyesel bgt kalo gak nonton...

Lashley won the Extreme Elimination Chamber Match (new ECW World Champion)

The Hardys def. MNM

Daivari def. Tommy Dreamer

Balls Mahoney def. Matt Striker

Elijah Burke & Sylvester Terkay def. F.B.I.

Kevin Thorn & Ariel def. Mike Knox & Kelly Kelly
Gw akhir2 ini kesel banget ama TNA. Kok sering banget ngeBash WWE?
Nih liat salah satu Video dari Anggota lama WWE yang skarang pindah ke Tna.
YouTube - TNA: The Voodoo Kin Mafia Debut On "iMPACT!"
New Age Outlaws Skarang ganti nama jadi The Voodoo Kin Mafia. Coba peratiin inisialnya VKN = Vince Kennedy McMahon
Di videonya mereka sempet ngomong "VKM declares war against Vincen K McMahon" Konyol..

Trus The Truth (namanya K-Kwik Di WWE) yang skarang ada di TNa juga mulai berlagak ngebash WWE.
Mid-carder gagal aja berlagak. Pake nantang2 John Cena segala.

Kebodohan2 TNA di PPV "Genesis":
- NWA Championship feud. Mana nih heatnya antara Sting VS Abyss ?? NGGA ADA SAMA SEKALI!! Kalau bukan Jarrett yg megang aja terus ini title dianggap kaya sampah. Feudnya tenggelam sama feud lain (Joe VS Angle). Dulu waktu CC yg megang title juga feudnya sama Abyss ngga gitu kerasa, kalah sama feudnya Jarrett VS Sting.

- Waktu cuma tinggal 1 minggu, tapi card Genesis cuma 3 doang. Alasannya ngak jelas, katanya Kurt Angle VS Samoa Joe udah cukup buat narik orang nonton PPV. Mana ada coba orang beli PPV cuma mau nonton 1 match!

Ni Kebodohan2 lain TNA:
- AJ Styles jadi wrestler nomor 1 di Tag Team, di saat yang sama dia jadi calon #1 Contender NWA Title, dan di saat yang sama dia jadi X Champion. Please, emangnya ngga ada orang lain yah? Kenapa sih AJ ngga fokus di satu divisi aja?

- Banyakan Tag Team solid dijadiin sampah. AJ dan Daniels jadi Champions, direbut LAX, direbut AJ/Daniels dan direbut kembali sama LAX. Naturals, Team 3D, dan James Gang(VKN) sama sekali ngga keliatan di Tag Team Division.

TNA makin aneh aja..
klo kita make indovision nonton wwe/tna di saluran apa?
star sport?
jam berapa?
klo kita make indovision nonton wwe/tna di saluran apa?
star sport?
jam berapa?

Star Sports:
-TNA Wrestling(Xplosion Jaman dulu): Senin - Rabu 17.00 WIB
-TNA iMPACT!(Telat sekitar 3 minggu): Kamis 17.00 WIB
-TNA Xplosion(Telat sekitar 3 minggu): Jumat 17.00 WIB

Star World:
-TNA Wrestling: Jumat 19.00 WIB
-TNA Xplosion(Telat sekitar 2 minggu): Sabtu 19.00 WIB
December to DISmember Result

Lashley won the Extreme Elimination Chamber Match (new ECW World Champion)
The Hardys def. MNM
Daivari def. Tommy Dreamer
Balls Mahoney def. Matt Striker
Elijah Burke & Sylvester Terkay def. F.B.I.
Kevin Thorn & Ariel def. Mike Knox & Kelly Kelly

wah.... gw kaget waktu ngeliat lashley jd ECW World Champ, ebat jg dia

btw nih ada berita buruk dr Indo lg/sob/sob/sob

Staged Protest In Indonesia
Despite the fact that authorities have said the death of a nine-year-old boy in Indonesia had nothing to do with WWE®, local activists are still trying to fuel the fire by staging what is clearly seen as a contrived protest. In fact, AP posted a photo of a "protest" on-line.
Here are the facts as we know them:
The father of the boy claimed that three 15-year-old boys beat up his nine- year-old son in mid-October practicing wrestling moves they saw on TV.
Yet it took the father a week after the incident occurred before he sought medical care for his son. The boy died one month later from causes not yet identified.
The police noted an autopsy was forbidden by the child’s family for religious reasons. As a result the police have indicated in the media that because there is no permission to conduct the autopsy, they are seeking the child’s medical records from the hospital. The police are continuing their investigation into the actual cause.
WWE continues to monitor the situation.

/sob/sob emang kasian WWE, gara2 bbrp orang bateq jd diprotes begitu
kayaknya WWE ga bakal ditayangin lg di Indo
Yah abis selain Lashley siapa lagi yang pantes jadi juara.. Dari awal sih gw uda prediksiin Lashley jadi juara..

Lagian Big Show kan bentar lagi mau pensiun trus the Original ECW Sabu dan RVD juga mulai menurun gara2 kasus drug kmaren. Di Elimination Chamber kan si Sabu ngak main dan digantiin ama Hardcore Holly.
Kelihatannya bentar lagi Sabu ama RVD pindah TNA nih.. Smoga jangan sampe terjadi..
@semua yang punya indovision...
trus klo yang wwe di saluran apa??
Kalo Sabu dari dulu suka jadi guess starnya TNA dan pernah ketemu juga sama ABYSS cuma kalah doi, Gak menutup mata juga kok di TNA sebenarnya lebih menarik di X divisionnya banyak pendatang baru kayak Austin Star atau Austin Aries ada Alex Shelly, Jhonny Divine, Jay Lethal trus Canadian Destroyer Petey Williams so byk regenerasi di X divisionnya termasuk Samoe Joe mantan juara X division, kalo kelas beratnya sekarang memang udah ada Kurt Angle jadi menambah daya tarik sendiri di TNA.
klo di astro di mananya tuh??
jam berpaa juga???
Gw udah mulai eneg ama WWE.. Hasil dari ECW desember to Dismember sama sekali ngak memuaskan.. Skarang yang disalahin, Paul Heyman trus langsung dipecat..
RVD, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman semuanya di depushed. Pantes WWE uda ngak pernah show di Hammerstein Ballroom.. Bisa diacak2 tuh show ama penggemar fanatiknya ECW..
Gw jadi inget waktu RVD jadi juara WWE di ECW ONS @ Hammerstein Ballroom.. Itu moment yang ngak terlupakan bagi penggemar fanatiknya ECW. Dan waktu itu gw berharap ECW brand bisa jadi Brand paling besar karena diasuh oleh Pauly. Tapi kenyataannya Vince campur tangan ama ECW dan beginilah jadinya..
Sangking bencinya orang terhadap result dari Desember to Dismember ada yang bikin baju kayak gini:




Ni kocak abis, walaupun gw penggemar DX tapi lucu aja liatnya..

TNA Suck
WWE suck
Skarang ECW juga Suck.. Mau nonton apa dong???
Agak susah buat kamu emhhh untuk hal ini karena semua itu karena serba bisnis politiknya wrestling amrik. Entah itu TNA atau WWE yang pasti semua itu unsur politik bisnisnya kental...saran sih kalo nonton mereka just for fun aja kalo ada fanatisme agak repot sekali dikecewakan langsung bad mood acara tsb.
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