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Trouble with English post here.....

is that right? as far as i know "I have no money" do have a meaning. there's no mistake in tenses too. it means that subject don't have a money, or any money at all.

so the conclusion is:

I have no money = I don't have any money

they're just the same tenses, present tense to be accurate.

if you want to use a negative tenses like one above, you should use "any" not "some", because "some" is used in positive tenses and "any" is used in both negative and question tenses.

-I don't have any money (negative tenses)
-Anybody home? (question tenses)

about "i have no money" can u help me translate in indonesian languages ? i didn't understand ,how to translate this.
my teacher said is that can be true ,if we said in long accent word "i have......no money"
about "any" and "some" sorry i didn't look about this sign "?" :)

so,which one is right ?
between :
1.anybody can help me ?
2.somebody can help me ?

thanks for already teach me

better somebody can help me /e4/e4
by the way
is anybody know about the meaning of boobs , testicles , fuck , etc/? /gg/gg/gg
please say it in indonesia /gg/gg
better somebody can help me /e4/e4
by the way
is anybody know about the meaning of boobs , testicles , fuck , etc/? /gg/gg/gg
please say it in indonesia /gg/gg

prettttttttt,is not funny
who wanna answer your question ?
we can like adrian in banned

Gyahahahahhaha<-----laughing like crazy guys
ohhh , i'm sorry , almost forget about yesterday /gg/gg/gg

Gyahahahaahahahahah[my laughing style /gg]
ohhh , i'm sorry , almost forget about yesterday /gg/gg/gg

Gyahahahaahahahahah[my laughing style /gg]
heuheuhueh Mr.Pone
(Ana-ana ae To Mas /gg /gg)
How About My Words In My Signature??Is That Any wrong words??Please CMIIW (Correct Me If I'm Wrong) Coz My English Not To Well:"> And About Grammar??(Big Zero I think..../hmm even Huge Big Zero... /sob Don't Know La...Malay mode : on)
Why Dont You use English Word In Your Signature /? /... , it will be more Exciting /gg
Why Dont You use English Word In Your Signature /? /... , it will be more Exciting /gg
It was in my picture signy i mean...that was a great advise mr.pone/no1 but i worried that she's won't understand that words
hmmm... u must miss her some much....

When i've Seen ur smile... Theres Something Ruined On My Heart....

(CMIIW... i'm New Here... I want learning english :D)
better somebody can help me /e4/e4
by the way
is anybody know about the meaning of boobs , testicles , fuck , etc/? /gg/gg/gg
please say it in indonesia /gg/gg

since it's an english thread, i wont use anya Bahsa here :D

Boobs: something that a girl have on their chest a.k.a breast. but the important part guys do love this... hahhahahaha yummy yummy :D

testicles: hmmm... if u r a guy than u know the answer, for girls , hmmm it's something u don't have :P

fuck : when boobs n testicles can be seen with out a string attached, and they are so close with each other .. hahahhaa ;) got that. hahaha
about "i have no money" can u help me translate in indonesian languages ? i didn't understand ,how to translate this.
my teacher said is that can be true ,if we said in long accent word "i have......no money"
about "any" and "some" sorry i didn't look about this sign "?" :)

so,which one is right ?
between :
1.anybody can help me ?
2.somebody can help me ?

thanks for already teach me


1.anybody can help me ? => Is wrong. Correction => Can anybody help me?
2.somebody can help me ? => Is wrong. Correction => Can somebody help me? => what is the benefit using this sentence?

I prefer "Can anybody help me?"

Please check http://en.wiktionary.org please...
As Far As I Know "Anybody Can Help Me" Is Not Wrong......:P
No. He putted a question mark beside the sentence. Read more carefully please.
you wanna play english languages with erica ;));));))
1.anybody can help me ? => Is wrong. Correction => Can anybody help me?
2.somebody can help me ? => Is wrong. Correction => Can somebody help me? => what is the benefit using this sentence?

I prefer "Can anybody help me?"

Please check http://en.wiktionary.org please...
pardon me but this sentence is wrong...

somebody can help me ?--> Wrong

"some" is not used in negative/question tenses. "some" is just used in positive tenses such as :

- there's somebody behind that wall --> not "there's anybody behind that wall"
- somebody stalked me... --> not "anybody stalked me"

for negative/question tenses we use "any", like this :

- anybody home? --> not "somebody home?"
- i don't wanna hurt anybody --> not "i don't wanna hurt somebody"
- did you see anybody? --> not "did you see somebody?"

see the differences??
pardon me but this sentence is wrong...

somebody can help me ?--> Wrong

"some" is not used in negative/question tenses. "some" is just used in positive tenses such as :

- there's somebody behind that wall --> not "there's anybody behind that wall"
- somebody stalked me... --> not "anybody stalked me"

for negative/question tenses we use "any", like this :

- anybody home? --> not "somebody home?"
- i don't wanna hurt anybody --> not "i don't wanna hurt somebody"
- did you see anybody? --> not "did you see somebody?"

see the differences??
Oh yes I nearly forgot. I've heard that similar sentence (Can somebody just help me!) somewhere... In a film maybe. So I guess it is right, at first, even at last I'm not sure about it. Thanks for reminding me.
Under Beneath Underneath

Those three words have the same meaning in Indonesian which is "di bawah"
The difference is in using them.
For Under ==> For something not people
For Beneath ==> For people
For Underneath ==> It's kinda hard to explain. I'm sorry.

Can somebody just help me!
This sentence used not for asking help but for statement of depression. Usually person who said that have some bad day or something like that.

Need question just ask in here ok.
Ttyl (Talk to you all later)

wew cr4y
long time not see

btw back to topic

i aggree with cr4y
"can somebody just help me!"
its not asking a help but rather more an order
but if asking a help ithink
"can anybody help me?"
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