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*#@ Sms @#*

true love is like a rainbow in the sky that always has different colors
Love is a fruit in every season , at all times and within reach every hand
u r words mean nothing if they're are not from the heart
follow u r mind n be smart,follow u r heart n be happy
anything is possible, when it comes 2 love
marriage may be made in heaven, but the maintenance must be done on earth
to love is 2 place our happiness in the happiness of another
love is like a violin.The music may stop now N then, but the strings remain 4ever
would u rather marry a friend or a lover?i'd marry my soulmate
when loving someone..never regret what u do,only regret what u didn't do
u don't love a girl coz of beauty, u love her coz she sings a song only u can understand
if u love someone, tell them don't wait or else .u will loss the chance
u must surrender 2 love 2 know it's glory, one who truly feels love also knows pain equally as well
love is a magical dream, existing 4 ever in our minds
death can 't stop true love, it can only delay it 4 a little while
never question if u re in love or not...coz if u were ..u wouldn't need 2 ask
Napa sih gak dijadiin satu post aja..? /pif /pif

makanya dapat bata merah tuh...
w dapat bata merah bukan disini....
tp di tmpt lain.....
ada org kaci bata merah tanpa lht dl.......
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