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Naruto [always updated]



apa2an nieh diatas gwa...

cacad da....

kakashi udah mati??

gwa masih belum yakin bnr...

abis posisi matinya kek bohongan /gg /gg

dia kan penuh dgn trick...

=)) =))
blm kyknya...biasa lah..orang2 skarat tu bisa ngeliet orang2 yg dah mati sbelum dy n yang mati bilang..."u still have some time at u'r world...take care of them" and kakashi idup lagi
iya blom mati bener keknya...masih sekarat pastinya...dan nti menurut gw dia langsung bisa ngalahin pain.../gg
itu kan pose klise sebuah manga....
tampangnya diem gitu tar tiba2 mata terbuka....
klise ah si om kishi....:D
Spoiler 1

Naruto 426 Manga Spoiler 1

Where’s Naruto as Konoha narrows in on Pain’s Secret

(Scene Mount Myobokuzan)

“Are you kidding me? How come the Kyuubi is rejecting you,” asked
Naruto. “It has more to do with the chakra of the Kyuubi. When we fuse,
our chakra system combines together. Unlike you, my chakra can’t
suppress the Kyuubi’s chakra, thus my defenses are not as good as
yours,” said Fukasku.

(Fukasku sweats)

“So it is my chakra defense,” said Naruto. “Well you have been sharing
a chakra network with the beast for all your life. I assume since your
chakra was put under so much stress, your own ninja chakra adapted.

I’m not sure if any particular chakra network could co-exist for
too long as the Kyuubi's chakra is channeling through you with an
exclusive link not present in my body. Only If there was a way that
could bypass strain the Kyuubi places on my network,” said Fukasku.

(Naruto remembers back to his fight with Gaara. He remembers communicating with Gamabunta during the combined transformation)

“Combining our bodies together… Combination Transformation jutsu. I mean it worked with Gamabunta,” said Naruto.

“Wait, maybe that could work. The technique allows us to merge our
bodies not our chakra networks, thus the Kyuubi’s chakra would not put
a strain on me and reject. From the inside I could draw chakra to your
body then you could take the energy, and apply it to yourself, while on
the outside, you take on the appearance as yourself. The enemy would
never know what hit him

(Naruto looks down as Fukasku jumps on his shoulder)

Um boy, that was a brilliant idea, you should be proud,” said Fukasku
“Yeah about that. I kind of forgot, how it was done,” said Naruto.
“Ehh, don’t worry, I’ll help with that. Worry about providing the
chakra for the jutsu. We’ll both concentrate on same image, you. I’ll
be able to communicate with you from the inside. Once the jutsu is in
affect, I’ll draw in the chakra, while you move. Then once you feel the
energy, immediately absorb it. You should go into Sage Mode instantly,”
smiled Fukasku.

“Combination Transformation,” yelled Naruto and Fukasku. (Naruto
appears from the smoke. He runs for a while) “I feel it,” said Naruto.
(He claps his hands to together, and his eyes change to reflect that
he’s in Sage Mode. The technique cancels and Naruto remains in Sage

“Heh, you’re training is just about complete. How about we go get some dinner,” said Fukasku. (Naruto covers his mouth)

Switch Scene: Tsunade’s location. (Ino’s father and Shizune arrive to Tsunade’s location)

“So, how’s everything going,” asked Tsunade. “We have all the
information we need,” said Ino’s father. “Good we’ll discuss it over
with Naruto when he gets back,” said Tsunade. “Naruto. What the hell’s
taking him so damn long. I know he likes to show up at the last moment,
but we can’t wait any longer for him. We’ll use plan B and take Pain
down by force,” said Shizune. “This is however strange. Could it be
that the message never reached Myobokuzan. Usually we would get an
immediate response from either Shima or Fukasku,” said Tsunade.
“Tsunade. Look who I found,” said Katsuyu (Kakashi falls out of the

(Everyone is shocked)

“There’s no time. Get Sakura to take over for me. I’ll get Naruto
myself,” said Tsuande. “But, you’ll never make it in time, and Sakura
does not have the chakra to deal with all these injuries, we can’t risk
losing you,” said Shizune. “Jiriaya left me with a scroll to the
mountain through a toad a long time ago, just in case I needed his help
during the time we were teammates in the war. I won’t be gone long,”
said Tsunade.

Next Chapter: Is Kakashi alive? Will Tsunade bring Naruto back in time.

hmm..kalo sama si kodok tua gak isa fusion knapa naruto gak coba fusion sama si Kyuubi,kan cakra si kyuubi sama naruto dah saling "memanggil"...sapa tau aja naruto+ sage mode bisa ngontrol kyubi,kayak si ekor lapan...

bukan cuman ekor lapan doank yg bisa mengendalikan bijunya,,,

tapi ekor 2 dan jinchuuriki yg lain selain naruto dan gaara....
naruto msi terlalu muda kali yak buat bs fusion sm chakra kyuubi..
klo jinchuriki yg lain kan dah pd cukup umur tuh..

smoga kakashi msi idup..

NIce spoiler /no1..

Semakin penasaran apa yang akan terjadi hari jumat /gg
jumat telah tiba... jumat telah tiba.../heh/heh/heh

menunggu chapter terbaru naruto... \m/\m/\m/
wa jadi pengen nangis buat naruto deh...
dari awalnya dia tuh di Ragukan buat jadi ninja ama Jonin2 ato orang2 lainnya..../sob
tapi habis tes Chuunin yang dia menang Lawan si Neji...dia dapat dikid Respect...

sampe akhirnya sekarank pas Konoha di serang....
g ada 1 orang pun yang membeberkan.../sob
"Will Of Fire"...mantheb2.../no1

tapi wa jadi pengen liad si Konohamaru lawan Deva Pain =)) =))
itu deva pain ato bukan yah :))
iya pas Naruto menang lawan Neji gw malah berpikir, nih Neji cupu yak...
padahal ternyata Naruto yg jago...

apa yg bisa dilakukan murid akademi melawan pain...ketua akatsuki....

masa mo harem no jutsu =)) =))
@atas gw: wew, salah trit mbak, di music zone kalee......

wah2 makin seru neh.....
jadi pnasaran terusss.....

Jadi penasaran minggu depan /heh...

Jelaz gak mungkin menang..

Hebat tuh naruto, bisa mecahin pesanya jiraiya, dengan ilmu keyakinan dia /heh

Shikamaru ajah blum bisa XD..

Btw, shikamaru kemana yah?

Kakashi jadinya gimana?

Koq gak di ceritain sih /swt
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