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Laptop Meledak, Di Indonesia !

Tidak terbuka untuk balasan lebih lanjut.


IndoForum Senior C
No. Urut
30 Jul 2006
Nilai reaksi
{Source : DetikInet}
Laptop Toshiba Meledak di Bandung

Bandung, Bukan hanya terjadi di luar negeri, kasus laptop meledak juga terjadi di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Seorang mahasiswa ITB sampai trauma dibuatnya.

Kejadian itu menimpa Adrianto (19 tahun), seorang mahasiswa semester 2 di Jurusan Perminyakan Institut Teknologi Bandung. Laptop meledak di Bandung terjadi Minggu (13/08/2006) pukul 16.30 WIB.

"Saya pakai ngetik dari jam sepuluh sampai jam satu siang. Lalu istirahat makan siang, jam dua dipakai lagi. Kira-kira jam setengah lima sore, (laptop itu) meledak," ujar Adrianto saat ditemui detikINET di tempat kos-nya di Jalan Sangkuriang G1, Komplek Dosen ITB, Bandung.

Saat kejadian, ujar Adrianto, api menyembur dari keyboard di bagian depan laptop. Adrianto, yang saat itu sedang memegang mouse, segera melangkah mundur untuk menghindari api itu. Menurutnya, jilatan api nyaris mengenai badannya.

Api menyala selama kurang lebih 10 detik. Kemudian ia dan temannya menutup laptop dengan lap basah guna memadamkan api.

Barang Bekas, Pernah Diservis
Laptop jenis Toshiba Tecra 8100 itu dibeli oleh pamannya dengan harga Rp 4 juta di Glodok, Jakarta, dua tahun lalu. Adri telah memakai perangkat itu selama enam bulan, sebelumnya satu tahun setengah laptop itu dipakai oleh kakaknya di Universitas Indonesia.

Saat dibeli, laptop itu memang barang bekas. Kemudian, saat digunakan oleh kakaknya, laptop itu juga pernah diganti perangkat motherboardnya.

Laptop dengan layar 14 inchi itu memiliki warna casing abu-abu metalik. Melihat 'sejarah'-nya, kemungkinan besar garansi laptop itu telah lama tak berlaku.

"Pemakaiannya seperti biasa kok, saya biasa pakai 3-4 jam per hari. Kemungkinan ini berasal dari baterai, tapi selama ini baterai tidak masalah," ujar Adri.

Sebelumnya Adri berharap bisa terus menggunakan laptop itu hingga lulus kuliah. "Pengennya ini bisa sampai lulus. Ternyata ada kejadian ini, jadi agak trauma, kapok beli barang seken!" ujarnya sambil tertawa kecil.

Adri bertekad untuk membawa 'bangkai' laptop itu ke orangtuanya di Jakarta sebagai bukti kejadian. Isi laptop itu, ujarnya, tidak terlalu membuatnya merasa kehilangan.

"Hanya file-file materi kuliah. Untungnya saya masih semester dua, jadi belum terlalu banyak," ia menambahkan. (wsh)(wsh)
Wedew... Shock nih bacanya.. /omg /omg
Kok bisa yah sampe meledak kek gitu.. /wah

Baca artikel ini, gw juga jadi agak gimana gitu kalo beli laptop, takut meledak juga nih.. /heh
baru laptop,handphone temen g aja bs meledak gara2 baterenya bocor
wah ini mah udah sering,baca di yahoo,ratusan ribu produk DELL terancam dapat meledak,karena baterai nya itu mengandung BIOHAZARD,biasanya akibat kepaansan.....ini sih berita lama cuman di indo baru....

kalo bocor itu konslet makanya meledak,cairan BIOHAZARD nya terkena kabel strum.jadi arus listrik nyamber....

A week of hell for Dell
NEW YORK (AFP) - From its laptop batteries catching fire to seeing its earnings halve, topped off by a
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) inquiry, Dell had a nightmare week.

The world's largest computer maker revealed Thursday that its second-quarter net profit tumbled 51 percent from the same period of 2005 to 502 million dollars.

Dell had warned investors that its profit growth was likely to have slowed during the quarter as it vies to beat off aggressive price competition from the likes of Hewlett-Packard and other rivals.

Dell's share price is down 26 percent since the start of the year, while Hewlett-Packard's is up 23 percent.

Dell recently announced it would now use microprocessors from Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) for the first time in a bid to fend off such competition, ending an exclusive partnership with Intel.

"While we are disappointed with the results for the quarter, we are taking the necessary actions to correct missteps and improve our results for the long term," said Dell chief executive Kevin Rollins.

The week got worse when Dell said it had started an internal probe into some of its accounting methods, after revealing that the SEC was investigating its accounting and reporting practices.

Rollins revealed that Dell had received a letter from the SEC in August 2005 "asking us about a fairly broad level of questions on some revenue recognition".

The company was loath to detail more about the probe and said it had been under no obligation to reveal its existence earlier.

That was not welcomed on Wall Street, which was also aghast at Monday's news that Dell was launching the biggest electronics recall in US history after Sony-made batteries in its laptops showed a worrying habit of catching fire.

One example of an overheating Dell laptop bursting into flames was captured in graphic photographic detail at a conference in Tokyo, as worried onlookers scurried for cover.

A website set up by Dell to handle the recall of 4.1 million laptops was inundated with over a million hits on Tuesday alone, according to Internet monitoring firm ComScore.

Reports said customers were in for a lengthy wait for a new battery cell from Dell.

The Consumer Electronics Association said Dell's "quick action" on the battery issue had probably limited the impact. But Carmi Levy, senior analyst at research group Info-Tech, said it was a wake-up call to computer makers.

"The propensity for these devices to explode has been known for some time, and regulatory bodies and manufacturers need to turn up the heat on solving these issues rather than using recalls as a band-aid solution," he said.

Dell, however, played down the recall's impact on its earnings. Sony will have to foot a fair share of the total costs, estimated at 200-400 million dollars, according to analysts.

For Dell, it all contrasted unfavourably with the week enjoyed by Hewlett-Packard, which reported forecast-beating net earnings of 1.375 billion dollars in its fiscal third quarter.

"We gained share without sacrificing margins and continue to execute well against our long-term plan," said HP chief executive Mark Hurd.

In contrast, some on Wall Street are questioning the direction in which Dell is headed.

Many analysts, for instance, had clamoured for the company to diversify away from Intel chips but amid the welter of bad news, even the AMD deal is now being questioned.

"In processors, Dell is paying a near-term price for its decision to end its exclusive relationship with Intel," Citigroup analyst Richard Gardner said.
Karena motherboardnya sudah jelas juga /no1
wah ini mah udah sering,baca di yahoo,ratusan ribu produk DELL terancam dapat meledak,karena baterai nya itu mengandung BIOHAZARD,biasanya akibat kepaansan.....ini sih berita lama cuman di indo baru....

kalo bocor itu konslet makanya meledak,cairan BIOHAZARD nya terkena kabel strum.jadi arus listrik nyamber....

A week of hell for Dell
NEW YORK (AFP) - From its laptop batteries catching fire to seeing its earnings halve, topped off by a
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) inquiry, Dell had a nightmare week.

The world's largest computer maker revealed Thursday that its second-quarter net profit tumbled 51 percent from the same period of 2005 to 502 million dollars.

Dell had warned investors that its profit growth was likely to have slowed during the quarter as it vies to beat off aggressive price competition from the likes of Hewlett-Packard and other rivals.

Dell's share price is down 26 percent since the start of the year, while Hewlett-Packard's is up 23 percent.

Dell recently announced it would now use microprocessors from Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) for the first time in a bid to fend off such competition, ending an exclusive partnership with Intel.

"While we are disappointed with the results for the quarter, we are taking the necessary actions to correct missteps and improve our results for the long term," said Dell chief executive Kevin Rollins.

The week got worse when Dell said it had started an internal probe into some of its accounting methods, after revealing that the SEC was investigating its accounting and reporting practices.

Rollins revealed that Dell had received a letter from the SEC in August 2005 "asking us about a fairly broad level of questions on some revenue recognition".

The company was loath to detail more about the probe and said it had been under no obligation to reveal its existence earlier.

That was not welcomed on Wall Street, which was also aghast at Monday's news that Dell was launching the biggest electronics recall in US history after Sony-made batteries in its laptops showed a worrying habit of catching fire.

One example of an overheating Dell laptop bursting into flames was captured in graphic photographic detail at a conference in Tokyo, as worried onlookers scurried for cover.

A website set up by Dell to handle the recall of 4.1 million laptops was inundated with over a million hits on Tuesday alone, according to Internet monitoring firm ComScore.

Reports said customers were in for a lengthy wait for a new battery cell from Dell.

The Consumer Electronics Association said Dell's "quick action" on the battery issue had probably limited the impact. But Carmi Levy, senior analyst at research group Info-Tech, said it was a wake-up call to computer makers.

"The propensity for these devices to explode has been known for some time, and regulatory bodies and manufacturers need to turn up the heat on solving these issues rather than using recalls as a band-aid solution," he said.

Dell, however, played down the recall's impact on its earnings. Sony will have to foot a fair share of the total costs, estimated at 200-400 million dollars, according to analysts.

For Dell, it all contrasted unfavourably with the week enjoyed by Hewlett-Packard, which reported forecast-beating net earnings of 1.375 billion dollars in its fiscal third quarter.

"We gained share without sacrificing margins and continue to execute well against our long-term plan," said HP chief executive Mark Hurd.

In contrast, some on Wall Street are questioning the direction in which Dell is headed.

Many analysts, for instance, had clamoured for the company to diversify away from Intel chips but amid the welter of bad news, even the AMD deal is now being questioned.

"In processors, Dell is paying a near-term price for its decision to end its exclusive relationship with Intel," Citigroup analyst Richard Gardner said.
itu kan diluar, ini di indonesia.... aduh... sayang tuh laptop. /pif
jgn kan laptop, power supply pc aja bisa meledak, jadi gak heran

apalagi kalo buka 24 jam gak berhenti2, makanya kalo bisa pake fan yg byk, kalo PC, telanjangi aja penutupnya, terus pake kipas angin atau tambah fan
kalo Laptop, beli aja alas pendingin yg ada di jual di toko2 komputer

kalo meledak pas kita maen ya apa bole buat, nasib lah
syukur2 org gpp
gwa pake toshiba
klo ada apa2 masa ke thai lagi /swt

tapi akhir2ini yg meledak banyak tuh DELL kk
ah klo kebanyakan kipas tp naruh nya salah malah kepanasan....
harus bener yg bawa angin masuk dan keluar
wa kipas nya ada 6
Nonton the Broken 2 / 1 ..
Ada caranya gmana bisa bakar laptop dengan panas 3000 derajat ..

laptop gw fujitsu, jam terbang tiap hari sampe 12 jam an [ nonstop ]
Oh, iya ini gw udah baca di majalah CHIP, katanya Dell udah mengadakan penarikan 1,4 juta baterai laptopnya...
makanya di sebut A Week Of Hell For DELL
karena banyak baterai nya mengakibatkan ledakan.....karena di amerika dan negara2 lain nya sedang mengalami pemanasan Global hingga puluhan korban meninggal akibat kepanasan.....di indo kan panas jg....baterai nya itu mengandung cairan kimia yg berbahaya.....mungkin baterai toshiba juga begitu kali ya....

orang luar tuh sering bawa2 laptop di tengah jalan sambil jalan kaki,di indo kan ngak ada takut di jambret...
wew kok sama kaya laptop gue /swt jadi ngeri deh pake laptop lama lama /swt
Bukan hanya di Indo, akan tetapi diluar Indo saja sudah pernah ada kejadian yang sama seperti ini berkali-kali.

Sampai saat ini Laptop yang belum pernah meledak Baterainya adalah Sony Vaio dan ACER

Bukan hanya di Indo, akan tetapi diluar Indo saja sudah pernah ada kejadian yang sama seperti ini berkali-kali.

Sampai saat ini Laptop yang belum pernah meledak Baterainya adalah Sony Vaio dan ACER

wadow............. aduh.. padahal gw pengen beli laptop... /swt
pake laptop sih bole tapi dijaga kelembaban kulit nya

/heh /heh /heh
weks, gw mau beli laptop toshiba jadi mikir2 neh
Kasian jg yah yg laptop nya pada meledak. Padahal kan bukan salah nya dia. Tapi lebih kasian lagi DELL... Bisa rugi gede2an tuh
Tidak terbuka untuk balasan lebih lanjut.
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