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English Pop Quiz!

Err, a boy, actually *and requests you to be a friend at friendster*
So, what is your reason and example?
That's what I forget.

But like my example before. Write is a verb. But 'writing' can be a verb.

I'm writing a letter.
This is Shakespeare's writings.
Don't you mean "noun"?

P.S. Are my questions difficult?
She means noun that can be used as a verb, right?

No, he meant:

Can nouns be used as predicates?

That's what I forget.

But like my example before. Write is a verb. But 'writing' can be a verb.

I'm writing a letter.
This is Shakespeare's writings.

'writing' is a gerund: a verb that can be treated as a noun, like in your 2nd example. Not the other way around.
It is a verb in the first place, not a noun that's used as a verb.
Remember, it doesn't always work both ways.

Can nouns be used as predicates?

Do not assume that a verb = a predicate. A verb mostly acts as a predicate, but it is not a predicate. They belong to different groups of linguistic items:

  • 'verb' is a 'word class' (as with noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, etc.)
  • 'predicate' is a 'function'. (as with subject, object, complement)
Each word class can play different functions.


yamiza, you need to be more precise with your question. Do you mean predicate or do you mean verb?
If you mean predicate, then you already have my answer.
If you mean verb, then my answer is what you find below my 2nd calvin quote.

:D Hope I didn't bore you to death.
Yep, it's predicate, and you're correct :P

In Bahasa we can do that, example:
Dia dokter (Dia is the subject, dokter is the predicate)

But in English, I do think we can't^^
Lemme change the rules then :)

1. Everybody can make questions after the last question have already answered. No need to wait the right answerer to make question.

2. Please do kindly give the right answerer a GRP from the question maker, well, if you please.

3. Put a time point when to give answers. Specify it below your question, time-based or answer-number-based. Time-based minimum value is 24 hours, because this board is quite quiet enough.

Thank you,

Calvin Limuel
Okay then... next question from me :P
Rewrite this jumbled sentence!

is what it time

Time limit : 24 hours
Ueee?? Let me guess..

What time is it?

Am I wrong??

I forgot to write this:
"Put the correct punctuation"

Sorry... :D
Question from me:

Find the main subject of this paragraph:
"Shorthand was used more widely in the past, before the invention of recording and dictation machines. Until recently, shorthand was considered an essential part of secretarial training as well as being useful for journalists. Although the primary use of shorthand has been to record oral dictation or discourse, some systems are used for compact expression. For example, health-care professionals may use shorthand notes in medical charts and correspondence. Shorthand is also common in the food service industry, allowing wait staff to write down detailed orders without delay. Shorthand notes are typically temporary, intended either for immediate use, or for later transcription to longhand."

Answer Limit: 5 answers.

Shorthand notes are typically temporary, intended either for immediate use, or for later transcription to longhand.

nebak deh ah....
Since that sentence is already answered.. Let me answer the
other option..

Shorthand was used more widely in the past, before the invention of recording and dictation machines.
Either way, aren't we looking about what actually the paragraph describes?
Well, we could be looking for the subject of a sentence explaining what the paragraph describes :D lol.

I'm a grammar freak, that's the thing. Paraphrasing doesn't interest me much. I mean, let's face it: Paraphrasing is the oldest trick in the book to decide on a main topic. Just combine the opening sentence of a paragraph with the closing one, throw in the right connector and you've got yourself a a really long sentence that, when paraphrased into a simpler sentence, can be turned into a really handy "main topic."
Challenging to some, but not to me :D.
Yes what I was said is the main subject not the main topic.
Ah no fair it's answered by an English Teacher :( but guess I have to give you the GRP then :)

The question B, what is the main topic?

Answer Limit: 5 answers.
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