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Aneka Tips Dapur

Ada yg tau tips supaya daging yg kita masak itu empukk..??
klo gk salah ingt, ktanya dagingny direbus dulu ya..?? bner gak siih?? lupa niih...
dagingnya dibungkus daun pepaya dulu selama 15 menit, baru diproses, pasti empuk deh
membuat jeng kol jd empuk :D

-jengkol tentunya

-cuci bersih jengkol dengan air
-masukan jengkol ke baskom
-masukan garam
-masukan pasir
-endapkan selama 1-2 hari

Jengkol Siapdihidang Kan ;;);;);;);;);;);;);;)
1. Campurkan garam dan merica bersama-sama di satu tempat. Tak perlu ditempatkan terpisah. Taruh di meja makan atau di dapur, agar mudah dipakai jika dibutuhkan.
2. Agar sandwich tetap enak, tidak basah atau lembek ketika akan dimakan siang hari, sebaiknya oleskan mayones atau saus lainnya di antara daging dan sayuran. Jangan langsung dioleskan di atas roti.
3. Tak ingin dapur kotor dengan segala macam "sampah" saat memasak? Saat memarut, taruh parutan di dalam kantung plastik tembus pandang/bening, baru parut buah/sayuran/keju di dalam kantong plastik tadi. Hasil parutan tidak akan berserakan ke mana-mana.
Cara paling ampuh
Dimemarkan dulu dengan dipukul pukul ;)
agar gas tetap hemat..... letakkan kuali atau panci atau alat masak lain terlebih dahulu di atas kompor gas, masukkan yang mau dimasak, minyak atau air baru hidupkan kompornya..... kebiasaaan sepele, kalo sehari 3 kali lumayan juga tuh gasnya....
makanan pencuci mulut yang sehat

btw sorry ya dlm bhs inggris

3 Ways to a Healthy Dessert
Desserts are THE symbol of high-calorie and high-fat meals. But have you ever thought about how healthy they can be, which ones are quite healthy and how you could make the others healthier?


Everything that contains lots of fruit, little fat (like cream or mascarpone) and sugar is already healthy. For the not yet healthy recipes that you don't want to do without, try the following tips!

1. Add some fruit
Fruit is one of the healthiest food groups you can get. Experts recommend that we should eat at least five portions of fruit or vegetables every day. You can, for example, make a fruit salad. Choose fruits of different colors so that you get a nice colorful mix, add a bit of pure fruit juice (non-sweetened, 100% fruit juice), maybe a few raisins, arrange it in a pretty dessert plate, sprinkle some chopped nuts or almond flakes over it - and in a short time you have the healthiest dessert possible. If you include apples, bananas and oranges, you have already done something excellent for your attempt to lose weight because all of them are great fat and calorie burners.

2. Reduce fat
Yes, many desserts contain quite a bit of fat in form of cream or high fat cheese types like mascarpone. Never mind, you can solve that problem quite easily. Simply use low-fat or fat free milk instead of full cream milk for your vanilla sauce or cream, and replace the fatty cheese with low-fat smooth cottage cheese or ricotta. It will still taste great. In many baking recipes you can use margarine instead of butter. It still contains quite a bit of fat but vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats. Check on the bucket if the margarine is suitable for baking. Yoghurt mixed with fresh fruit or home made jam also makes a nice dessert. Just make sure you use low-fat yoghurt and that it's not sweetened. A great basis for fruit shakes is buttermilk which is also low in fat compared to other dairy products.

3. Reduce sugar
As long as the sugar is not an essential part of the recipe, you can just simply reduce the amount of sugar. A good alternative is to use natural sweeteners like fructose, honey or maple syrup. They are not necessarily very nutritious but still contain more nutrients than white sugar which is just "empty calories". Adding dried fruit like raisins or even fresh fruit is certainly the best way to reduce sugar. Many fruits are naturally sweet and you don't need to add extra sugar.

You see, it's really easy! Eating healthy does by no means mean that you need to sacrifice the joys of an intriguing dessert every now and then. If you just have a mascarpone trifle every now and then for a special occasion, that most definitely won't harm your health, so don't stress too much about it if you don't need to closely watch your weight. But if you can make it healthy, why should you not?

Are you ready to create your own collection of healthy desserts?

Source: Ezines

tipe2 sup

Do you know that there are many types of soup?
Soup is most often served as a starter as the first part of dinner, but depending on the type of soup, it is can also be the focal point of a dinner, being supplemented with bread or toast.


Soup is also used for medicinal purposes, as a way to provide a nutritional meal that is easy to digest.

Types of Soup


Clear Soups are made from a carefully prepared stock, using either meat or vegetables to give it flavor. The main varieties of clear soups are bouillon and consomme.


Thick soups are also made from stock but are thickened by the addition of milk or cream, vegetables, eggs, rice or grain. Thick soups can be quite similar to stews or casseroles, and can form the foundation of the meal.


Broths are made from a foundation of clear stock. Broths can be a thin soup, but more often they are made as a thick soup by using vegetables, rice or barley and are served as the substantial portion of a meal.


Cream soups like a Creamy Potato Soup Recipe, are smooth, tasting and highly nutritious. Generally to make a cream soup, the ingredients are blended after cooking and a small portion (a cup or so) of cream or milk is folded into the soup. I always take care when reheating a cream soup not to boil the soup.


Bisques are generally rich and thick, being made from game fish or shell fish (lobster, prawns or crab).


Often seafood forms the basis of chowders, and supplemented with vegetables and crackers or croutons.


Purees are smooth coups, made by blending the ingredients after the cooking process has finished. A puree is not quite as thick as a cream soup

Soup is indeed a versatile form of nourishment and definitely deserves more accolades than is commonly given!

(Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nigel_Reed)
Anak Bagong mau post...

Wiidiih......pada jago masak smua nih.... /!
Nais info & Keep Posting....... /no1
Grazie...... /thx /thx /thx
Tips untuk yg mau buat nasgor:
-Nasi goreng akan lebih enak kalau memakai nasi lama .Maksud gw pake nasi yg udah lama di rice cooker, yg rada-rada kering (Tapi jgn yang udah busuk/terlalu kering). Jangan pake nasi yg baru dimasak, terlalu basah & lembek.
-Semakin banyak bawang putih semakin baik. (Bau&Rasanya lbih enak untuk yg ga alergi ama bawang putih)
-Jangan lupa tumis dulu smua bahan yg blum mateng (Telor, baso, sayur, dll.) sebelum masukin nasinya. (Tmen gw pernah masukin nasinya dulu trus baru baso&daging mentahnya. Rasanya bisa kalian bayangin sendiri)

Agar Buah dan Sayur Tahan Lama

Cara penyimpanan buah dan sayur menentukan cepat-tidaknya bahan makanan tersebut busuk atau tidak. Berikut adalah beberapa buah dan sayur dan cara penyimpanannya.

1. Semangka
Jika Anda membelinya belum terlalu matang, bisa tinggalkan tak dikupas sehari di suhu ruangan. Dengan didiamkan seharian, Anda akan meningkatkan lycopene dan beta-carotene. Sebelum dikupas untuk dimakan, masukkan ke dalam lemari pendingin. Jangan simpan semangka dengan buah-buahan lain. Semangka mudah rusak karena ethylene, yakni gas yang dilepaskan oleh buah-buahan yang mempercepat pembusukan.

2. Anggur
Simpanlah dalam kantung plastik yang berventilasi, buang buah-buah yang rusak dan memar. Untuk penyimpanannya, bungkus dengan paper towel untuk menyerap kelembaban yang bisa menimbulkan pertumbuhan jamur. Jangan dicuci jika belum akan dimakan. Karena jika dicuci lalu disimpan, akan menimbulkan jamur.

3. Buah beri
Simpan dalam pembungkus awalnya, jika dibungkus dari produsen awalnya. Jangan menyimpannya di dalam plastik hitam. Buang buah yang sudah berjamur atau yang mulai busuk, karena akan menularkan buah lainnya. Sama seperti anggur, jangan dicuci jika akan disimpan. Cuci sesaat sebelum dimakan untuk menjaganya tetap segar dan renyah.

4. Tomat
Simpan tomat kecil dalam kotak atau plastik asalnya. Jika warnanya belum terlalu merah, jangan dimasukkan ke dalam lemari pendingin. Karena suhu dingin menahan perkembangan warna, rasa, dan nutrisi. Simpan dulu di suhu ruangan, baru pindahkan ke dalam lemari pendingin ketika sudah merah. Jangan simpan tomat dengan sayuran karena mereka bisa menularkan ethylene.

5. Sayuran hijau
Sebelum disimpan, pastikan sayuran dalam keadaan kering. Karena air yang berlebih bisa membuat sayuran busuk lebih lama. Bungkus dengan paper towel dalam plastik, lalu simpan agar tetap renyah.

Sumber : prevention

ada TIPS agar Teri tetep garing buat disimpan berhari-hari....???
apa ad prosedur tambahan pd saat proses menggoreng...??? /hmm

biasanya klo sy, sebelum digoreng , Teri sy rendam dl dg air panas trus ditiriskan smpai kering br di goreng.....
ap itu cara yg bnar...??? /hmm
mau tanya dong, kemaren saya beli ikan teri, tapibegitu digoreng koq terinya keras banget seperti kayu, ada yang tau gakya cara biar ikan itu jadi empuk agringbegitu??
Vapor pressure is the pressure of the gas that forms over a liquid and is a function of temperature, the higher the temperature, the higher the vapor pressure.
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