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Words from my heart


IndoForum Beginner D
No. Urut
12 Jul 2007
Nilai reaksi
Through these tears, I try to smile.

Though it hurts, I try to hide.

Your love used to drive me crazy.

But now it is only driving me lonely.

I just keep on thinking of that day.

When I had very little to say.

That day I could not cry but it rained.

That day I could not say but it pained.

But you did not notice anything.

Surely because you did not know everything.

I try a lot to find an excuse.

But I don’t understand what made you refuse.

I surely did not deserve this.

But no one will ever give me justice.

At night I just can’t sleep.

What did I sow and what did I reap?

How I wished you were here.

But there’s no one near.

Perhaps you didn’t believe that my love was true.

But I meant it when I said I love you.

But everything is over.

I shall love never.

Never again.
just what i felt inside....

though it's not happened yet.. but deep inside i know it's near... skulking in the corner waiting to stab its big sharp knife into my chest... i dare not to look, i pretend that i didn't see it... but i know that sooner or later i will have to face it...

so why bother delaying ?? c'mere love... let's get this over with...
What is this? :-/ Broken Hearts Club?

Which reminds me...
dude, i watched that movie "the brokenhearts club" a few years back. It turned out to be a gay movie. :-O Goddamn what a bummer.
/sob /sob

its makes me remember my sin
its makes me remember my memories
its makes me remember to someone

that leave me in the night that i never can slept without thinking her
that leave me when i become so weak without seen her everyday
that leave me a broken heart

ow /ho
why love become likes this /ho
when i wanted to love a gurl really true love /ho
why they always leave me behind /ho

/sob /sob
well as one of my good friend says... "Nobody dies a Virgin coz in the end life fucks as all"
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