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Where Can You Find A Great Guy


IndoForum Newbie F
No. Urut
27 Jul 2010
Nilai reaksi
Where Can You Find A Great Guy?I was out practicing at the driving range the american golf with my sweetie. Once again, I was in the minority. It is fun being the only girl around! When I was teaching golf, I had a hard time convincing many of my students to actually practice. They would tell me they always hit a few golf betting tips before their round and that was their idea of practice.Funny, these players never saw much improvement. Serious players, wanting to improve their game are a great group of guys. Here are some of the reasons I love them:1. They would rather be outside on a sunny Saturday afternoon than at home on the couch watching football. Yes, they probably are Tivoing the game, but that is a different issue!2. Many notice and compliment the golf swing machine who makes an appearance at the range. Single women crave being noticed and appreciated by guys and golfers truly appreciate a woman who knows what she is doing out there.3. Guys are ready to have a putting or chipping contest. It is really easy to strike up a casual conversation over a practice session. Don’t believe me? Just try it!4. Golf Etiquette inspires politeness. The miniature golf courses environment is usually pretty gentlemenly. Yes, there are the occasional yahoos in the ranks of amateur golfers. For the most part, though, the men are respectful about how they behave out there.5. A woman is treated the way she EXPECTS to be treated in golf. I hear all kinds of stories about how rude and classless some men are on the golf course. I can honestly tell you, that is not my experience. I have met and continue to meet the best men around when I go to practice or play.If you are a single gal who wants to pal around with the fantastic guys who love the game of golf, you have nothing to lose by taking some lessons with your area golf pro and hitting the driving range. Set an intention to be the best player you can be and you WILL attract some pretty suh-weet attention out there! Can romance be far behind?
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