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What's Your Religion?

Agamamu apa?

  • Total suara
Tidak terbuka untuk balasan lebih lanjut.
ortodox itu apa?
Eden tuh radikal atau menyimpang dari agama asli na
eden tuh gabungan daari agama Islam sama agama Xten, yg gw denger sich gitu...
Xten itu radikal dari mana?
Edan atau eden /gg
masa ngaku2 nya nikah ma malaikat jibril /swt
bukan Xten radikal...
Tapi orang yg mo mencampuradukkan ajaran agama antara Xten dengan Islam, jadi namanya Persekutuan Eden (kalo gak salah sich... /gg )

kalo soal nikah menikah gw gak terlalu ngerti, soalnya pas di Gereja Setan, biasanya juga ada yg ngaku kalo mereka juga nikah sama Lucifer... /hmm
gereja setan?
/swt dimana tuh?
lucifer sapa?
bukanya dewa?
gereja setan?
dimana tuh?
lucifer sapa?
bukanya dewa?

Gereja setan pusatnya ada di sulawesi (Di Daerah Yg banyak penganut Kristiani-nya)
Kalo sampe daerah sulawesi berhasil dikuasain, gak menutup kemungkinan daerah2 laen juga kena dampaknya....
Sebenernya gereja Setan tuh pake alkitab yg isinya memutar balikkan kitab injil yg dipake sama kaum kristen sekarang ini...

Contoh pengikut gereja setan tuh si David Covervil (Tulisannya bener gak? /hmm )
tuh orang pake black magic kan?
wah agama Black magic yah?
ebadtan magic yg di gunakan pas ada video makan hamberger dari gambar /heh
rakditz berkata:
Gereja setan pusatnya ada di sulawesi (Di Daerah Yg banyak penganut Kristiani-nya)
Kalo sampe daerah sulawesi berhasil dikuasain, gak menutup kemungkinan daerah2 laen juga kena dampaknya....
Sebenernya gereja Setan tuh pake alkitab yg isinya memutar balikkan kitab injil yg dipake sama kaum kristen sekarang ini...

Contoh pengikut gereja setan tuh si David Covervil (Tulisannya bener gak? /hmm )
eh kk Rakditz, kalo gitu apa pesulap Deddy Corbuzier juga menganut gereja setan?
Terus setiap pesulap yang sulapnya bener2 "TIDAK MASUK AKAL"
berarti menganut gereja Setan juga ya?
David Covervil
David Copperfield? oh baru tau gw kalo dia pengikut gereja setan. terus bagaimana dengan tim pemburu hantu? aneh ga tuh liat acaranya?
wah itu bener2 edan ampe ada gereja setan /wah tanda2 zaman mao berakhir /wah
lucifer tuh nama lain na iblis /wah
Cloud_Leonhart berkata:
wah itu bener2 edan ampe ada gereja setan /wah tanda2 zaman mao berakhir /wah
lucifer tuh nama lain na iblis /wah
bener lucifer, beelzebub itu nama2 iblisnya yahudi? atau kristen?
/swt itu kan monster RO
kenapa di namain gereja setan?
apa mereka sembah lucifer?
ho oh,maka na mereka dapet dark magic itu dr iblis
lucifer nama iblisnya kristen
jadi yg di video nya yg di share mas andy itu gereja setan juga?
makan hamberger dari gambar lho?
Eh kalian pernah denger ga tentang jeritan2 manusia yang ada di Rusia?
Denger2 sih ceritanya: ada sekelompok orang sedang melakukan penggalian[gali tanah entah buat apa ga tau] sampai kedalaman 14 meter mereka mendengar jeritan2 manusia.
ada yg tau berita ini ga, kalo ada kasih tau ya coz gw cman tau dr temen.

hmm... kalo di Agamaku[Islam] mungkin itu siksa kubur/wah
ada orang lagi show tuh makanya teriak2,
eh ini topic religion apa kuburan sih? moga2 saya gak salah masuk..
wakakak kaka micro bwat ketawa aja
neh di forum.ragnarok.cc uda di post koq
Beberapa waktu lalu seorang teman bercerita tentang sebuah kisah aneh. Saya bilang aneh karena ceritanya tidak masuk nalar. Entah dapat cerita dari mana, tapi ia merasa penasaran dengan seseorang yang telah dapat hidayah dari peristiwa itu. Mungkin ada bukunya atau tulisan cetak dari peristiwa tersebut, saya tidak tahu persis. Yang jelas, cerita temanku ini dituturkan secara lisan tanpa saya ketahui asalnya.

“Ada penggali tambang di Rusia (setelah saya cari ternyata bukan Rusia, melainkan Soviet) yang sedang menggali tanah. Anehnya, di dalam tanah itu mereka mendengar jeritan seperti orang yang sedang disiksa. Orang Rusia kan komunis? (barangkali maksudnya atheis) Setelah tidak percaya pada pembalasan, akhirnya menjadi percaya akan hari pembalasan setelah mendengar suara itu. Uniknya suara tersebut direkam,” katanya. Kemudian ia juga merekomendasi untuk mencari info di internet.

Dari sekelumit cerita dan rekomendasi tersebut, saya jadi tertarik untuk mencarinya lebih lanjut. Dan akhirnya.. di sebuah milis saya menemukannya.

Penyiksaan di Alam Kubur. Ditulis oleh Gunawan Yusuf. Begini kisahnya seperti tertulis dalam milis tersebut:
Penemuan terakhir ini adalah penemuan yang sangat mengejutkan pendengaran kami. Dengan penemuan ini, banyak dari peneliti kami yang berhenti dari pekerjaan ini karena ketakutan. Pada awalnya kami hanya hendak mendengarkan pergerakan bumi dengan interval tertentu dan mendengarkan Super Sensitive Microphone yang masuk ke dalam bilik-bilik atau lubang-lubang bumi dan reruntuhan galian.

Pada awalnya kami menyangka apa yang kami dapat itu adalah gesekan dari alat-alat kami pada dinding-dinding perut bumi, tetapi suara ini menghancurkan seluruh logika kami. Setelah beberapa penyesuaian, kami berkasimpulan bahwa suara ini berasal dari interior bumi. Jadi seakan-akan di dalam perut bumi ini ada ruang lain yang berbeda dari tempat yang kami gali.

Dan dari ruangan tersebutlah kami tidak mempercayai apa yang kami dengar. Kami mendengar dari ruang bumi yang lain itu ada suara manusia berteriak keras dalam kesakitan. Walaupun satu suara didengar, kami dapat mendengar ribuan bahkan jutaan latar belakang suara manusia yang sedang dalam kesakitan akibat penyiksaan.

Setelah penemuan yang sangat mencenangkan ini, setengah dari peneliti kami berhenti karena takut. Yang sangat mengejutkan lagi, bagi orang Soviet itu adalah setelah suara tersebut direkam. (maaf, kalimatnya agak rancu, Admin —maksudnya suara tersebut direkam.)

Pada malam yang sama, keluarlah semacam gas atau kabut yang terang dari lokasi penggalian gas. Gas atau kabut tersebut keluar dengan membentuk pilar-pilar dan tulisan yang membentuk seperti sayap kelelawar (seperti lafadz Allah, wallahu a’lam), lalu menampakkan dengan sendirinya dengan bahasa Rusia yang artinya “aku telah menaklukkan” atau “aku telah menundukkan”.

Tulisan itu terlihat di awan di Siberia yang gelap. Kejadian itu sangat tidak masuk akal orang-orang Soviet karena seperti diteror. Beberapa saat setelah itu, datanglah ambulance ke kumpulan orang-orang tersebut dan memberikan obat yang dapat menghilangkan memori dengan singkat. Sebagai perawatan kepada korban yang melihat keajaiban itu. Ini mungkin agar kejadian ini tetap dirahasiakan. (Rancu lagi kalimatnya, Admin —barangkali maksudnya peristiwa tersebut tidak boleh diceritakan kepada orang lain dengan cara memberi obat.)

Nah, sebagai komunis, Saya tidak percaya adanya surga dan Injil, tetapi sebagai Ilmuwan sekarang Saya adanya neraka. Sangat sulit diungkapkan dengan kata-kata, apa yang Kami temukan, apa yang Kami lihat dan apa yang Kami dengar. Dan sekarang kami yakin bahwa kami menggali dekat, dekat sekali dengan pintu neraka.

Kemudian suara attachment saya posting lagi, dan bisa didengarkan di sini:

Dengarkan MP3:
File:http://www.archive.org/download/Hellscream/hellscream.mp3 Ket: Cerita pada milis tersebut saya potong tiga paragraf, karena mengulang-ulang kalimat.

trus ada URL lainnya yg terhubung dengan ini:
The Well to Hell

Legend: Scientists drilling in Siberia went too far and ended up punching a hole through to Hell, where the screams of the damned drifted up to them.
Status: False.

Example: [Brunvand, 1993]

user posted image

Geologists working somewhere in remote Siberia had drilled a hole some 14.4 kilometers deep (about 9 miles) when the drill bit suddenly began to rotate wildly. A Mr. Azzacov (identified as the project's manager) was quoted as saying they decided that the center of the earth was hollow.
Supposedly, the geologists measured temperatures of over 2,000 degrees in the deep hole. They lowered super sensitive microphones to the bottom of the well, and to their astonishment they heard the sounds of thousands, perhaps millions, of suffering souls screaming.

Origins: This
legend is quite popular among Christian groups as it "proves" Hell (and therefore God) exists. Popular endings to the story have it that the scientists ran screaming from the site, or that since the discovery conversions to Christianity are occurring at an unprecedented rate.

If there is a Hell under Siberia, scientists have yet to discover it. What we have here is an enthralling legend that's been spun off an actual event.

In 1984, an article about an experimental well in Russia's Kola Peninsula appeared in Scientific American. The Kola well reached 12 kilometers into the ground, where scientists encountered rare rock formations, flows of gas and water, and temperatures up to 180°. (That's 180°, folks, not the 2,000° usually reported in any "Scientists Discover Hell!" screed. It was hot, but it wasn't hellishly so.)

Those who did the actual drilling of this very real well did not break through to a hollow centre, and certainly no piteous screams of the damned were heard. That part — all of it — was pure embellishment added after this real event was turned into a legend. (Yes, we know that any number of web sites offer audio clips purporting to be the screams of the damned as recorded in the Well to Hell, and all of them sound like they could be the noise from a typical bar on a busy Friday evening.)

The report on the digging of that well and the difficulties encountered during the project were collided with someone's vision of what should have been found down there. A little exaggerating about depth and temperature, some fabrication about hollow centres and screams, and all of a sudden there was this great story to throw back at those who claim there is no God.

Though it's impossible to pinpoint when the news story about a well in Russia transformed into a story about scientists breaking into Hell or who was responsible for that transformation, we do know that in 1989 the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) aired a "Scientists Discover Hell" story and placed the event as happening in the Kola Peninsula. A Norwegian schoolteacher visiting California heard that broadcast and took the story back to Norway with him. He then mailed it to a Christian magazine in Finland. In the form of a letter from a reader, it reached a Finnish missionaries newsletter. From there it returned to the United States, reaching both the TBN people and other evangelists who then claimed they had gotten it from a respected Finnish scientific journal.

In the spring of 1990, the legend as we now know it appeared in both Praise The Lord (February) and Midnight Cry (April). Debunkings of it showed up in Christianity Today (July) and Biblical Archaeology Review (November). Even so, the Weekly World News ran the story in 1992, this time setting it in Alaska and claiming thirteen oil rig workers were killed when the Devil came roaring up out of the ground.

You can't beat that for embellishment.

Barbara "just a spoonful of auger helps the 'men has sinned' go down" Mikkelson

Last updated: 31 December 1998

The URL for this page is http://www.snopes.com/religion/wellhell.htm


Background on the Drilling to Hell story
By Rich Buhler
I first heard about this story from people who started calling my radio program to ask about it in the early 1990s. There was such a flurry of calls that I finally promised the listeners I'd look into it. Most of the callers said they'd heard the story on Trinity Broadcasting Network, a Christian television network that originates from Southern California.
I called Trinity Broadcasting headquarters and asked about the story. I was transferred to a woman who said, 'Oh yes, it's true all right. We've got documentation. It's in our latest newsletter.'

I was on the network's mailing list, so I looked through a pile of recent mail and found the article. The newsletter said the details had come from the translation of an article in a Finnish newspaper named 'Ammennusatia'. It claimed:

A geological group who drilled a hole about 14.4 kilometers deep in the crust of the earth are saying that they heard human screams. Screams have been heard from the condemned souls from earth's deepest hole. Terrified scientists are afraid they have let loose the evil powers of hell up to the earth's surface.
'The information we are gathering is so surprising, that we are sincerely afraid of what we might find down there,' stated Dr Azzacov, the manager of the project in remote Siberia.

According to the story, the geologists were dumbfounded. After they had drilled several kilometers through the earth's crust, the drill bit suddenly began to rotate wildly. 'There is only one explanation,' said Dr Azzacov. 'The deep center of the earth is hollow!' The report continued:
The second surprise was the high temperature they discovered in the earth's center. 'The calculations indicate the given temperature was about 1,100 degrees Celsius, or over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit,' Azzacov pointed out. 'This is far more then we expected. It seems almost like an inferno of fire is brutally going on in the center of the earth.'

'The last discovery was nevertheless the most shocking to our ears, so much so that the scientists are afraid to continue the project. We tried to listen to the earth's movements at certain intervals with supersensitive microphones, which were let down through the hole. What we heard turned those logically thinking scientists into a trembling ruins. It was a sometimes a weak, but high pitched sound which we thought to be coming from our own equipment,' explained Dr Azzacov.

'But after some adjustments we comprehended that indeed the sound came from the earth's interior. We could hardly believe our own ears. We heard a human voice, screaming in pain. Even though one voice was discernible, we could hear thousands, perhaps millions, in the background, of suffering souls screaming. After this ghastly discovery, about half of the scientists quit because of fear. Hopefully, that which is down there will stay there,' Dr Azzacov added.

According to the Trinity Broadcasting Network newsletter, the Finnish article had been given to them by a Texas evangelist, R.W. Schambach, who was a frequent guest on their network.

We checked with Schambach's office and were assured that the story was 'absolutely true' and had been substantiated. They said they had an article from a 'respected scientific journal' in Finland, as well as a letter from a Norwegian man, Age Rendalen, who had confirmed it. Rendalen had sent his letter directly to Trinity Broadcasting Network and the details he revealed added a new dimension to the story.

Rendalen told the network that he had visited United States a few weeks earlier and happened upon their telecast about the Drilling to Hell story. He wrote:

I must confess that I laughed when I heard your account... I did not believe one word of it, and commented to my friend that Americans sure were gullible to believe that hell could be physically located to a hole in the ground. I cannot even begin to tell you what a shock it was to me when I returned to Norway and found the newspapers full of reports about this incident. I knew immediately that if there was a hell, I for sure would end up in it. A tremendous fear took hold of me, and for two nights I dreamed about fire and screams until I surrendered to God and committed my life to his hands for safe-keeping.
In the letter, Rendalen went on to encourage the network not to let 'skeptics' interfere with their telling of the story. He included a copy and translation of what he claimed was an article from Norway's largest and most reputable newspaper, with more information about the drilling.
Rendalen's translation of the article told of opposition to the drilling by Russian atheists, as well as government intimidation to keep the scientists from telling the rest of the world about their discovery. The account, which drew on the eyewitness testimony of a Mr Nummedal, also added a new detail:

What really unnerved the Soviets, apart from the voice recordings, was the appearance that same night of a fountainhead of luminous gas shooting up from the drill site, and out of the midst of this incandescent cloud pillar a brilliant being with bat wings revealed itself with the words (in Russian): 'I have conquered,' emblazoned against the dark Siberian sky.
'The incident was absolutely unreal; the Soviets cried out in terror,' says Mr Nummedal. Later that night, he saw ambulance crews circulating in the community. A driver he knew told him that they had been told to sedate everybody with a medication known to erase short term memory. The Soviets use this drug in the treatment of shock victims.

So we now had not only a story about drilling into hell, but an additional version with a bat-like creature making an appearance.
My staff and I decided to roll up our shirt sleeves and trace the story as far as we could, especially since we had the names of newspapers and at least one individual who might know the facts.

The Finnish newspaper 'Ammennusastia,' which is quoted in nearly every account of the story, is located in an area called Levasjoki. We had a phone conversation with a staff member who told us the publication is not a 'respected newspaper' or a 'scientific journal', as we had been told, but a monthly publication of a group of Finnish Christians. The Drilling to Hell story, he said, had been based on the word of mouth recollection of another staff member, who had remembered reading it as a 'major article' in a Finnish daily newspaper called 'Etela Soumen'.

We contacted this newspaper and at first they couldn't recall or find the story. However, we later received a call saying they had discovered that the tale had appeared in their paper. It was not in an article, however, but in a feature section that included letters from readers who could write about almost anything they wished.

Through the newspaper, we tracked down the person who wrote the letter with the Drilling to Hell story. He was a kind, elderly man who, in spite of being reluctant to talk with us initially, told us through an interpreter that he couldn't vouch for the credibility of the story. He got it, he said, from a Christian newsletter called 'Vaeltajat', which was published by a group of Finnish missionaries.

We next contacted 'Vaeltajat'. The editor said the story had been printed in their July 1989 issue. Where did he hear about it? He had received it from one of their readers, who claimed it had appeared in a newsletter called 'Jewels of Jericho', published by a group of Jewish Christians in California. And that is where the Finnish trail came to an end.

One thing was clear at this point: The Drilling to Hell story was looking and smelling like a pretty typical urban legend. It was sensational, impossible to document, and only had life because of all the small publications that were quoting one another's unsubstantiated stories.

However, there was still the Norwegian man, Age Rendalen, who had told the story of the ominous, bat-like creature emerging from the drill-hole. The article in the Trinity Broadcasting Network newsletter said he lived near Oslo, so we called directory assistance and found him in about 45 seconds. I talked with him on the phone myself:

'Are you the one who sent information to a Christian television network in the United States about scientists drilling into hell?' I asked.
'Yes,' he said without hesitation.

'Well,' I continued, 'Do you have any way of knowing whether it is true?'

'Yes I do,' he replied.

'Tell me about it,' I asked.

'None of it is true,' he said. 'I fabricated every word of it!'

Rendalen went on to explain that he had visited the US a few weeks earlier and had seen the host of a Christian television program enthusiastically relating the Drilling to Hell story. He told me: 'I couldn't believe that the hosts really thought the story was true and that they would broadcast it without apparently having checked it out.'
When he returned to Norway, Rendalen sat down and fabricated the graphic story of the bat-like creature and sent his letter to the television network. His prediction was that they would use the story without investigating it. To make an investigation easy for them, he included his name, address and telephone number on his letter. He also included what he claimed was an article on the story from 'Norway's largest and most reputable newspaper'. In fact, the article, which he falsely translated, was a piece in his local community paper about a building inspector.

Rendalen also included the name and telephone number of a pastor friend based in Southern California. This pastor knew about the hoax and was prepared to reveal the truth if someone called to research it further with him.

However, as predicted, Trinity Broadcasting Network ran the story without contacting Renalden or the Californian pastor, and it appeared on television, radio and in a large number of publications. None of those who used the story attempted to research it before going public.


On 6th February 1990, a listener of mine sent me a letter. She had videotaped and documented all three occasions when this story was discussed on the Christian TV show put out by the network. On 29th January 1990, the show host is documented as saying:

Let me just say, all of you that have written me all those nasty letters about the 'hole in hell', let me tell you I finally got the newspaper article which is from 'The World Weekly'. This is an international newspaper that has been translated into English from Finnish. 'Scientists fear they've opened gates of hell! Geologists drilling nine-mile hole hear human shrieks.'
I got a letter today from a geologist in Oklahoma and he's really giving me a rough time. He says that there isn't anything that could drill that deep. Folks, I'm just reporting what people have been sending to me and I don't know if this is true or not. I know one thing, if this is a trick of the Devil, he sure has blown it, because I know of about 2,000 people that have found Christ because of it!

True or false, I'll tell you what I'm doing, though. We're now going to do some investigative reporting of our own and we're going to check with the Finnish government and the Department of the Interior and we're really going to follow this up and see if they really did drill a hole nine miles down there, if they really did have a microphone down there, if they really did hear human shrieks of agony and pain as this newspaper article and as did many letters I have received from over there have indicated to us. If I'm wrong and they're right, I've got nothing to lose. But if I'm right and you're wrong, you've got everything to lose.

Unfortunately, the investigation by the show took place too late to prevent the damage of a widely spread rumor in the Christian community.
Rendalen has now issued an official statement about his actions and the whole incident, which says: 'The story is nothing more than a Christian "urban legend" without basis in reality.'

There are a couple of postscripts to this incident. One is that the respected magazine, 'Biblical Archaeology Review', printed a story about the Drilling to Hell story, thinking it was so outrageous that readers would get a kick out of it. Many of the readers took the article seriously, however, and either started passing it around as substantiation of the story, or wrote to the magazine to complain that it shouldn't have given it respectability.

Secondly, in August of 1990, I was contacted by the pastor of a small church in Flagstaff, Arizona, who informed me that he had proof that this story was true. Apparently, a man from his church, who was believed to be a PhD in Physics from MIT, came forward in private to claim that he was a scientist who had been on a secret mission in Russia for the past year and had met with Mikhail Gorbachev several times. He verified that the Drilling to Hell story was indeed true. He claimed:

A hole was drilled deep into the crust of the earth in Siberia and a large cavity was found. Unfortunately, news of this was leaked to the press and was distorted. It is true that a recording was made of the sounds from deep in the hole, but the intense heat destroyed the microphone in spite of special cooling material around it, so that only seventeen seconds of sounds could be captured. At the present time, scientists are drilling a second hole to confirm what was found the first time. And a better system is being developed for cooling the microphone.
The scientist went on to claim that he was helping to design this microphone and was returning to Siberia shortly to further document the phenomenon. He planned to return in about a year with more confirming information on this amazing phenomenon.
Six months later, I got a letter from another member of the church saying that this man had turned out to be neither a graduate of MIT nor a scientist. In fact, he had skipped town with over $20,000 collected from church members who wanted to help finance his expedition.

How did this story originate? Again, we will never really know. It is possible that somewhere in the world there has been a spooky experience during deep drilling operations. I don't know. According to an August 1989 article in 'Science' magazine, there is a Russian deep hole drilling project in Kola, near Murmansk, about 150 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Another German deep drilling experiment in north-east Bavaria has discovered warmer temperatures than were expected at certain drilling levels, although nothing even close to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Characteristic of many urban legends, this story was alleged to have occurred in an obscure part of the world where it would be virtually impossible to track down the facts. And once the story got started, people began quoting one another's newsletters to validate their own. This is the stuff of which tabloid newspapers are made.
dikutip dari: http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/d/drilltohellfacts.htm


The gates of hell opened?

Ditulis ma kaka kafra
Sebetulnya, Lucifer adalah salah satu dari malaikat Allah yang memberontak melawan Allah trus di usir dan jadi iblis.Mestinya iblis cuman ada 1,.. memang nya ada brapa,..? Iblis 1 aja, sudah menggangu, apalagi iblis nya banyak/omg
Nah loh iblis aja bisa memberontak, mestinya kita juga bisa. Mari kita berontak kalo sampe ga masuk surga.
Tapi gw salut ma Iblis, ga pernah melanggar perintah Tuhan, disuruh ganggu manusia, ituuu aja kerjaannya dari dulu mulai dari jaman Adam. Ga pernah lakuin kerjaan lain.
Kita manusia? melanggar terus tiap hari....
Effie minta personal data dong...
Tidak terbuka untuk balasan lebih lanjut.
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