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What is this supposed to mean?


IndoForum Beginner E
No. Urut
30 Mei 2006
Nilai reaksi
"ninny silly poo poo head"

What's that... I guess it's some kind of taunt... but I don't know how to translate it...
It's coming from a native speaker... so you won't find it in dictionary...
It's like us saying "gue" to "gw"
Seldom would you find somebody to answer it except native speakers, mate...
I've never heard of that.... I guess only native speakers can answer your question
coaxial berkata:
1st post and junk posting ..
WTF dude??

Anyway m8 ..
I dont think even native speaker would know something like that ..
I asked my friends already and they think the same possibilities like what i was thinking about it ..

Dont ya think its supposed to be something like
"Shitty Silly Dickhead"
"Shits Silly Fuckin Head" ??


Because ninny is like ..
Something which never been exist ..
I dont know if they are exist in American slank words .. But not Australian or English :D

Thought that it was an f*ckin american slank words
There are lots of slangs and even some people can just create their own.

"ninny silly poo poo head"

I am not saying I am totally right here, but well here goes my guess..

Nilly = Stupid?

Silly = Fool acts

poo poo = Must be sh*t, this is well known for pet's sh*t.

Head = What else can this be =)

Need futher help in translation? Go here.


It's an online dictionary. Cheers~
So then is it:
Stupid Foolish Shitty Head?

What an insult..!
Extanded? What's extanded?
You mean extended?

Are you a native english speaker? You're not right?
Yes, I'm wrong ^_

and some information...

I'm an Indonesian!

I love Indonesia!

Since when I become a native speaker?
Sorry, for all the confusion I caused ^_~

PS I made many typing mistakes. I do that even in Indonesian language. Sometimes I missed a letter. And sometimes the same as above. And sometimes, I missplaced some letters. And my language mark is not very good in school ^_~
I got confused, because in the topic where u wrote "Whom Must I Smite" thing, u also wrote "see.. this is the difference between native speakers and ..." so I got confused.

Anyway, thx for telling us.
That's just stupid damn ass insluting.

ninny = weak / wuss / stupid --> used by lil' kids.. usually when bullying

silly = stupid / foolish / jackass

poo poo = shit

head = head

overall = u little weak ass stupid fucking shit head (versi kasarnya)

so ninny silly poo poo head bisa dibilang cukup halus...
used by kids to taunt other kids....
no grown-ups use this kinda words...

ask me anything about swearing... i'm pretty good at swearing.. LOL
you're right, it's definitely some sort of a taunt. a mocking kind, that is, fellas.
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