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What Do You Wish For Today

i wish, all off your wish become true.. amen..

I wish all of you could write "if clause" correctly. because:

To express something that you didn't do or have


I wish I had a car (means:right now I dont have a car)

I wish she would go with me to the party yesterday (means:She ditched you):D

correct me if I'm wrong
weew..I think there's a 3 patterns of the conditional clause...I almostly forget about it....
thank's for remembering me...

I wish I could make a new software today
If I receive my pocketmoney, I always divide it into four (for snacks and drinks, transportation, school-books and savings).
I'm tired....wanna go straight to bed...
I wish...I could leave my country one day and travel around the world..lol
I wish I could sleep until next two month, because all this days so boring....
I wish d`one come back now..
so tired to work alone.../sob
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