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What do you think about "WHAT IF" and do you agree with it?

What do you think about "WHAT IF" and do you agree with it?

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IndoForum VIP: The Special One
No. Urut
31 Des 2006
Nilai reaksi
Well, as we know here...

The most feared word in this world is: WHAT IF

Before you do something, you must double thinking about WHAT IF.

Do you agree with this term ?? /gg

Let's discuss here !!
Looks like even the TS didn't really know what he was talking about /gg/gg/gg
it's u lot who doesn't get it..

WHAT IF is a state where u always questioning every possibilities that might happened, thus in the end preventing u from taking any options.
like 'what if superman and spiderman was gay and they got married'????
well so far we know they are normal still...

k back to the topic, me personally sometimes agree with the term, since we do have to be more careful before doing somethin which may take some risks...
its mean u never think the impact to u and the other

i think "what if" is good but if it to many "what if" its mean u are a chicken
hehe you right, whenever I want to do something, I'm always consider what if too :P
example, I want to give my girlfriend a gift, then I would consider what if she refuses it :D
Even george bush is afraid of this phrase.. LoL.. what if he lose presidential!! hahahaha.. that's gna be so fun to watch..

anywayz.. its so obvious on what you should be afraid with WHAT IF..

WHAT IF you fail your driver license (don't worry.. u can still pay d person tho..)
WHAT IF one of your family person dies
so on and so forth..

WHAT IF could also be a thing to boost your confidence.. for example:

WHAT IF george bush was assasinated (i love to make fun of this guy... sry)
WHAT happens IF i win this match?
so on and so forth..

hope this helps.. cheerz
Well, I love this phrase. Because it can be merged into lots of sentence, such...
WHAT IF I'm a smart guy with IQ over 160?
WHAT IF I'm a boy who can memorize all notes for UAN?
and, especially...
WHAT is IF??? /heh
What is IF? IF is Indoforum /heh
just kidding... go on :)
nice one dood...!!!
in fact nothing to afraid of this words.... just use it for fun or another positive usage.... and this "WHAT IF" will never scared u again....:P:P
i dunno..
im not the kind of person that thinks about what i will do...
so, i dont really think that i think much of the "what if"
cuz, you know why ?
i am not a coward..
i take risks..
even if i fail, even when that "what if" comes true, i wont regret what i've done..
cuz you know what ? maybe, sth good in the future wont happen if i havent done it..
think positively and it all will disappear /heh /no1
I think what TS means is like this

For Examples :
1. What IF we fail?
2. What IF you don't love me anymore?
3. Or What IF u're not really your parents child?

So many things to wonder about
So many things to be argued
I Hate this word too..
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