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[VID] FORGIVENESS - r3ck0rd's 6001th post, my 9387th post


IndoForum Activist E
No. Urut
6 Mar 2008
Nilai reaksi
Video ini terinspirasi dari jurnal seorang gadis korban penembakan/masakre di kampus Virginia Tech, Mary Karen Read. Yang kalimat terakhirnya berkata:

"When deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive. Forgivness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future."

Enjoy the video. Kalo bagus minta suplai cendolnya yah... hehe

less picture quality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv50xrsFNdU

dari http://indoforum.org/showthread.php?t=94273, tapi di sini ada tambahannya:
comments from YouTube (second video):

kathleenmarion berkata:
Forgiveness is not for your Dad, it's for you. In forgiving you allow God to deal with the person. Jesus said Forgive the sins of men so that he can forgive us, and if we do not forgive he will not forgive us. Nothing is said of them repenting. It has to do with our hearts and His place in our hearts. I too suffered child abuse from multiple abusers, but I forgave and Jesus brought joy to my heart. He will deal with those who have hurt me.

Forgiveness is not easy. Sometimes you have to say "By an act of my will, I forgive ....." because you just don't feel it. Sometimes you have to forgive over and over because your mind keeps dwelling on the hurt done to you. But if you ask God to help you forgive he will do it. Then your heart will be filled with joy of the Lord.

harmonlocke berkata:
That's the story of every man , women and child on this planet. To forgive or not to forgive. If we can not forgive than we have missed the whole heart of God toward`s us sinnful and guilty creation. God`s forgiveness pours out from His throne day and night without ceasing. Forgiveness is God`s Heart..It must be ours too if we are really His Children. Life is too short not to forgive. The only unforgivable SIN is the sin of UNFORGIVNESS.

hannahalal berkata:
Only God can truly enable us to forgive... because we were created to forgive and we were created to be one with God, through Jesus Christ His Son. Thank you

121nox121 berkata:
Forgiveness is one thing, but forgetting... That's the harder part.

chomp86 berkata:
Forgiving doesn't concern any religions, race, or language. Its all coming from the heart, and to complete the past and it all comes from self.

Forgiveness is not easy, but when you do it, you'll feel free from the past that has been chaining you all the time, and also, for the person that you forgive. If you can't forgive, ask God to help. Forgive is to FORget the bad deeds people may have done to you, and to GIVE and share the love you've received from God to others. God bless you and have a nice weekend/Sunday.
Shalom r3ck0rd.

Terimakasih videonya. Sangat amat memberikan inspirasi bagi sy. Sangat menguatkan. Karena mengampuni itu bukanlah hal yang mudah namun, jika kita memiliki hati yang lapang. Kita bisa mengampuni. :-bd

Tuhan Yesus Memberkati
Great! :-bd

Mengharukan....but....itulah yang harus kita miliki...
@ Kakashi: u're right....harus memiliki hati yang lapang.
Nice one vin. :D
Persis dengan masalah yg kita temui sehari-hari, dimana setiap hari pasti ada saja kesalahan yang seseorang buat. Yesus sendiri bilang, jangan hanya mengampuni 7 kali, tapi 77 kali, yang artinya kita harus tetap mengampuni.

bless all of us! :D
waduh salah baca dikit ternyata bahaya ya.. Thx buat revisinya :D
video yg sangat bagus..
sangat mengharukan :x:x
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