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Umat Kristen Selalu Mencari MASALAH dengan UMAT LAIN (HINDU)

Tidak terbuka untuk balasan lebih lanjut.


IndoForum Junior B
No. Urut
9 Mei 2008
Nilai reaksi
Bhubaneswar, India (ANTARA News) - Pihak berwenang memberlakukan larangan keluar rumah di beberapa kota di India timur, Rabu setelah serangan-serangan baru oleh warga Hindu terhadap warga Kristen dalam bentrokan menyangkut perpindahan agama yang meluas, kata para pejabat.

Massa Hindu membakar rumah-rumah di dua desa yang banyak dihuni warga Kristen, di distrik Kandhamal, negara bagian Orissa, Selasa, menewaskan seorang. Satu gereja juga dibakar.

"Kami sekarang memberlakukan larangan ke luar rumah siang dan malam di paling tidak sembilan kota," kata inspektur polisi S.Praveen Kumar kepada Reuters. Sepuluh orang ditahan.

Kerusuhan itu terjadi setelah serangkaian serangan terhadap warga Kristen di tiga negara bagian yang menewaskan paling tidak 34 orang dan merusak lusinan gereja bulan lalu. Pihak Kristen membalas dengan aksi kekerasan di Orissa.

Lebih dari 3.700 polisi federal dikerahkan di Orissa, lokasi kerusuhan, walaupun kelompok-kelompok Kristen dan media lokal menuduh polisi dan pihak pejabat negara bagian itu menutup mata terhadap beberapa serangan.

Di Orissa, ribuan warga Kristen kini tinggal di kamp-kamp pemerintah karena rumah mereka hancur atau mereka takut untuk pulang.

The Hindu, sebuah suratkabar nasional yang berpengaruh, melaporkan Rabu bahwa banyak warga Kristen hanya diizinkan pulang ke desa-desa mereka jika mereka kembali memeluk agam Hindu.

Suratkabar yang sama pekan ini memberitakan secara terinci serangan-serangan itu, sebagian besar terhadap warga Kristen, yang termasuk laporan-laporan bahwa seorang biarawati muda diperkosa Agustus dan seorang pendeta yang berusaha menghentikan serangan itu dipukul dan disiram dengan minyak tanah..

Para korban serangan-serangan itu mengatakan kelompok-kelompok politik nasionalis Hindu seperti Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) yang berhaluan keras dan Sangh Parivar terlibat. Kelompok-kelompok nasionalis Hindu membantah tuduhan ini.

Paus Benedict mengecam serangan-serangan itu.

Perdana Menteri Manmohan Singh yang berulangkali ditanya tentang aksi kekerasan itu ketika mengunjungi Prancis, menyebut serangan-serangan itu satu hal "yang memalukan" dan meminta pemerintah negara bagian Orissa, yang dikuasai koalisi nasionalis Hindu menegakkan hukum dan ketertiban.

Bentrokan itu dipicu oleh masalah perpindahan agama di wilayah suku miskin di Orissa, tempat banyak kelompok pekabar injil Kristen. Warga Hindu menentang usaha pekabar injil Kristen untuk mengubah agama warga Hindu kasta rendah menjadi Kristen.

Bentrokan antar agama juga dilaporkan terjadi di negara-negara bagian Madhya Pradesh dan Karnataka, yang keduanya dipimpin pemerintah nasionalis Hindu.

Bentrokan itu pertama meletus di Orissa, Agustus setelah pembunuhan seorang pemimpin Hindu yang punya hubungan dengan kelompok oposisi Partai Bharatiya Janata yang nasionalis Hindu. Polisi menduga pemberontak Maois tetapi banyak warga Hindu di wilayah itu menyalahkan kelompok Kristen.


Agama Hindu kalau diperhatikan penampilan luarnya sungguh sangat berbeda-beda dan luar biasa.

Jangankan antara agama Hindu yang berkembang di satu negara dengan negara lainnya tentu juga sangat berbeda-beda. Penampilan luar Hindu dalam satu negara bahkan dalam satu daerah propinsi sangat berbeda-beda.

Ajaran suci Weda sebagai sumber ajaran agama Hindu itu adalah ajaran yang sangat universal.

Namun, keuniversalan ajaran Weda itu dalam aplikasinya di dunia ini tidak boleh menihilkan oleh perbedaaa yang ada di dunia.

Keberadaan dunia yang terus berputar ini penuh dengan perbedaan.
Karena itu agar ajaran Hindu sukses dalam penerapannya di dunia yang berbeda-beda itu maka Hindu mengajarkan berpikir universal tetapi berbuat lokal dan kontekstual disesuaikan dengan keberadaan dunia di mana Weda itu diterapkan.

Biarkanlah meraka menyelesaikan permasalahannya.

Sebagaimana perang Rama vs Rahwana dan Perang "Bratha Yuda", kalau semata-mata untuk membela dharma maka semua itu diterima dengan kebesaran jiwa tanpa ada rasa dendam.

Perselisihan karena merebut kekuasaan lebih jendrung akan saling berbalasan. Apa yang terjadi di India saat ini, saya lebih memandang sebagai perselisihan "sosial politik".

Itu tulisan elu apa tulisan di beritanya?

wah klo gw sih melihat nya umat Kristen gak mencari masalah tuh.. (klo gw yaahhh..) yah itu sah2 aja klo misionaris2 menyebarkan agamanya soalnya ga ada undang2 yang menetang hal itu kan. yang justru gw salahin itu umat Hindunya ngapain coba menyikapi hal2 yang ga jelas, "emang klo ribut luu bangga apa?". gw merasa prhitan sama Umat kita di sana, dimana notabene tempat mereka tinggal (India) adalah tempat lahirnya Agama Hindu (klo ga salah), malah bisa melakukan hal2 diluar konteks agama. klo gw sih mikirnya itu adalah kesalahan para orang tua yang tidak bisa mendidik generasinya dengan baik terutama dibidang agama, jadi mereka tidak punya keimanan dan ketaqwaan yang tinggi terhadap agama luhur mereka. yah.. jadinya kayak gitu deh.. coba klo mereka punya keimanan dan ketaqwaan yang tinggi gw rasa jarang ada yang mau pindah agama. dan juga jarang bahkan ga ada yang bakal bertindak anarkis kayak gitu.

gw punya pepatah buat orang2 yang pindah agama, punya siapa gitu ni pepatah. pokoknya gw pernah baca aja. sorry klo ga bilang2 kata2nya di pake

"ibarat orang yang sedang menggali sumur, belum selesai menggali, sudah menggali ketempat lain":D

kalo aku setuju dengan kalimat diatas, jangankan di India di balipun mereka juga selalu bikin masalah. pernahkah anda merayakan Hari Raya Galungan dengan latar belakang lagu2 kristen ? di tempatku setiap hari raya umat hindu selalu saja umat kristen dari luar desa kami datang ke desa untuk liburan dan mengadakan perayaan yang saya rasa mengada ada. bernyanyi nyanyi berkotbah dengan mengundang anak2 kecil beragama hindu desa kami datang ke gereja. apakah itu tidak membuat masalah ?

terima kasih mohon tanggapan para senior.
Semoga umat Hindu tidak terhasut menjadi kebencian karena artikel yang diposting TS.... Yang lainnya, No Flame yah.... kuantitas bukan segalanya....

yah biarin aja..
kalo memang dah mulai mengarah tindakan yg membakar api dlm sekam, mendingan
dimusyawarahin ama umat Kristen di tempat bersangkutan, mohon pengertian dan toleransi,..yg harus diajak musyawarah adlh pendetanya bukan pemuda2nya, kalo
pemudanya diajak musyawarah malahan gontok-gontokan!
bisa diambil contoh kayak hari raya Nyepi yg lalu dimana Nyepi bertepatan dgn Sholat Jum'at umat Islam..toh bisa ditemukan jalan keluarnya dan masing2 umat bisa tetap menjalankan ibadahnya dgn tertib..
...yg ribut manusianya, agamanya dibawa2..
picik skali..
Kalo yang ribut ATHEIS pasti agamanya tidak di bawa2x kk Oz,,, lihat saja,,, orang ISLAM yg kena Agama ISLAM,,, orang KRISTEN yang kena agama KRISTEN,,,, orang HINDU yang kena agamanya pula >:D<
sebenarnya agama dibuat supaya setiap orang bisa maju dalam spiritual.apapun keyakinan yang dianut, asalkan bisa membawa mental kita ke arah yang lebih baik,sudah merupakan agama yang baik. mereka yang melihat agamanya paling benar sedangkan agama yang lain salah,sesungguhnya belum menyadari apa hakekat dari agama yang sesungguhnya.

agama boleh banyak dan berbeda guru/pendirinya. tetapi intinya tetap membawa kita kedalam suatu hakekat kebaikan yang sama.

semoga kita selalu bisa rukun dan berdampingan.

semoga demikian adanya..
tak tahan tuk bicara

I have some relatives in Orissa, small village of Gadei Giri, Balikuda, Jagannathsinghpur. The truth is shown by this real story. Sorry for my bad Indonesian language.

Some districs in Orissa, Manipur, Assam, Trigarta, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya,n Andhra was very very poor. Christian missionaries with big big funds came there, bangun sekolah anak-anak free, health service,etc. Then many uneducated poor peoples disuruh sekolahkan anaknya di sana, mereka datang dari keluarga Hindu, the missionaries said education itu penting, untuk buat kamu living better. So many very very small children and also young people sophisticated by the richness of western life yang mereka liat di TV (juga dibawa oleh missionaries, katanya untuk buat mereka yang tinggal di desa tau dunia), semua masuk sekolah buatan missionaries. Anak-anak kecil dan pemuda yang sekolah di sana dapat makanan, dan banyak facilities. then mereka juga diberikan oleh-oleh untuk bawa pulang ke rumah kasih orangtua. The church actually gives them their daily bread.

Suatu hari anak-anak kecil dibawa tour ke snake farm. Very nice tour for them. Mereka naik bus sekolah yang bagus. But sebelumnya the teacher conspires with the driver untuk buat bus bisa hidup atau mati dengan tarik special wire for controlling starter. Di tengah jalan anak-anak nyanyi dengan fun. Tapi lalu the teacher kasi code ke driver untuk bikin bus mati. Anak-anak sedih sekali tak bisa pergi ke snake farm.

Lalu the teacher bilang Oh we can't go there, our bus got some damage, and Mr. Driver has tried his best to fix it. We need more. We need Miracle! Let's we pray together! How many child here worshiping Lord Ganesh? Go ahead pray to Him! Then some children prayed, "Prabhu Ganesh! Please fix our bus immediately. Let us go to the snake farm and has a nice tour!" Nothing happened! Terus begitu, the teacher suruh mereka doa pada semua dewa Hindu, "Please Lord Krishna, Please Lord Ram, Please Lord Shiv, Please Mother Devi, etc!" Nothing worked.

Lalu the teacher bilang, kalau begitu kita coba bersama, all of you doa pada Jesus Christ. "Please Jesus!" As they prays, the teacher gave another code to Mr. Driver. Sambung wirenya sekarang! And broom..broom.. the bus move. Hurray...! Now let we thanks to Jesus for His true miracle. Blissfully the children raise and cried,"Thank you Jesus". Then now they turn to the teacher, yang dengan semangat bilang, "You see,Jesus miracle's is real. He is the real god. Where's your GAnesh? Your Krishna? Your Ram? Your Shiv? Your Kali Maa? These are all bogus, false gods! Jesus Christ is real!" The innocent children said, "Yes teacher, AGREE!"

so these children, five or six years latter datang ke orangtuanya bilang, "Ayah saya akan ikut Christian saja". Hindu parents sangat demokratis, dia lihat semua agama itu indah. "Oh Bhagavan sudah berikan religion ini untuk westerner. they're very wealthy and happy. Let our child take their religion to become Wealthy and happy too". Then more and more conversion happened. Young Hindu peoples already Westernized and Christianized. Now they think their ancestral Hindu religion is doomed,disgusting, and uncivilized. WHat is this Hindu temples, idolatry! What are those Devas! These all Satanic, demonic culture. Hindu is coming from Satan. Only Jesus the true God and christian the true religion. Then They Angrily torn down the temple tower, demolished the temples, and destroyed the Sacred Icons of Hindu God. By their own hand! the hand of the new Christian converts, sons and daughter of their Hindu parents, Hindu ancestors!

See! These all thats happened in India, in Orissa, and other poorest part of India. Bila benar missionaries come to India with good heart, why they didn't give their money to the Hindu foundation or to the goverment of the states. Let they use the money for educating poor peoples of Hindu society. Why they should take conversion as payment for bread, water, and some money? Why the pope or other big big Christian leaders tak larang these new converts destroying their ancestral culture and religions?

This is real story, actually happened in India, me and my ancestral lineages member in Orissa actually have this experience with the missionaries.
ok.. then if the missionaries comes with a bad heart, do we (the Hindu People) have to respect them with a bad heart too?, sorry i thinks thats not a good idea. the only way to respect them is by make a good approach,

lah ,klo ikut tulisan diatas,ntar kasus yg mualaf tengger piye???
ato mo dibuat topic baru,umat islam dan kristen berusaha merubah keyakinan pemeluk Hindu pindah agama"
nah loo???jd makin g jelas...

dalam Hindu dikenal Swadarma Agama lan Swadarma Negara.
kewajiban atas ajaran agama dan kewajiban berbangsa bernegara.

kewajiban agama,mengamalkan ajaran agama Hindu.termasuk didalamnya ahimsa.
klo diliat dr sisi ini,mungkin misionaris tsb malah telah mengamalkan swadarma agamanya krn ajarannya merupakan ajaran misi (cari pengikut sebanyak-banyaknya) seperti agama lainnya yg mengaku agama langit.
dlm ajaran mreka jg dibebaskan dgn sgala cara biar makin bnyk pengikut.(mo pake cara dr sisi ekonomi,politik,sosial budaya dllnya),bebas blas!!!
para Hindu yg berubah agama,brarti mereka yg kurang menjalankan dan meresapi ajaran agamanya yaitu Hindu.
Hindu...g pernah memaksa semua org meluk agama Hindu.
nah salah sapa???misionaris?===>mereka menjlankan swadarmanya.
Hindu yg pindah jd kristen?=====>ya mungkin alasan bahwa di Hindu g pernah ada pemaksaan utk memluk dan meninggalkannya ajaran Hindu.ato alasan ekonomi,ato alasan politik...dsb..bisa buanyak bgt klo mau cari alasan mah!!!!

Hindu=====> universal didalmnya jg trkandung ajaran kebebasan beragama.bukan agama Misi. tp yg aneh ,gak perlu cari pengikut ampe paksa org dgn neraka(yg g mau ikut & yg meniggalkan) serta iming-imingi dengan sorga(yg mau ikut) tapi tetep bertahan ampe sekarang.wow....
Dear brother Made
You mean the fault was at Hindu peoples? Okay, They're too fool, dumb, uneducated, poor, and has no firm sraddha. They have no good information about Hinduism and Yes I completely agree with you. All were the fault of our Hindu Brahmins, Pandit, and other Hindu religious leader for keeping the sacred knowledge only for them. Yes, I also agree with this.
But we should remember that all this poor Hindus were merely human beings, that can't control their sense and daily needs. What is the objection if some other religion peoples like the missionaries promise them a better life? Do you think it is good to let the people starving, but still lives as a Hindu? A sane human wouldn't do that. If you can get better life by become a Christian or Moslem, why not? As a Hindu they can't eat regularly and have no honor in society. But now the missionaries coming and offer such a nice life. Why don't they accept it? If they converted to Christianity or other religion for just living better, this I think very humanly. Remember they're no holy men of Hinduism anyway. they just poor uneducated Hindus.
As a Hindu I hv told by my Hindu parents to let everyone happy. If by becoming Christian or others they verily become happy, then I too feeling blissful. But the problem is after they converted, they just trying to destroy their old religion and culture. Then the missionaries stop giving them further help. No financial help, no health care, no free education anymore, because now they're part of congregation of the church, they have to donate their money to the church for other preaching work in another poor part of the country. Now they just become poor Indian Christian, with such a big cultural damage, caused by their own sons and daughters, who get the evengalization from the missionaries. And the great great people, like you, keep the faults to the Hindus. The cheated one is the sinner, not the cheating one. The faults totally came from Hindu part not from missionaries. This is a good way to think by a Hindu.
I believed a good Hindu like you wouldn't convert only by the cause of some food and you wouldn't become angry if your temples were torn down by your converted non-hindu fellows. You were a true Hindu, good heart Hindu, very tolerate person. But these angry Indian, my own kins, merely human beings. They're not angry by hatred to other religions. They got angry because they feel cheated. and as a mere human, not a good Hindu like you, they're going rampart, amuck, uncontrolled.
Please consider the case. You good Hindu peoples of Indonesia, may be you lives in very good condition. You didn't know anything about our suffering here in India. you just keep the fault with us. You keep watching silently when other Hindu get non-hindu's sandals slapping his head. Yes you're a good Hindu. These Indian fellows is bad Hindu, fool Hindu, easily get cheated by "kind hearted" missionaries. Okay just wait and see! I hope no poor Hindu exist in this world anymore, because all of them have became non-hindu.
Thank you very much for your good advice, good ajaran Hindu for tolerantion and kindhearted toward cheaters and that's kind of "melihat selumbar di mata orang tapi balok kayu di mata sendiri tak tampak". You're truly a good Hindu. What a good fortune the world had, by getting you as one of her precious son.
Apa yang disampaikan @prabhakar, adalah sesuatu yang realistis dan dilematis.

Di satu sisi convertion adalah suatu langkah realistis dari umat Hindu karena adanya bimbingan dan perbedaan / kasta rendahan.
Hal ini diakui karena lemahnya system pendidikan Hindu, yang masih berfokus pada pendidikan tradisional yang lebih bersifat rumah tangga/klan dan berdasarkan kelompok tertentu.
Hal ini melahirkan konsep kasta, karena pendidikan yang bersifat turun-temurun, hal ini pernah terjadi pula pada masa Bali Kuna, disaat pendidikan Catur Warna sebagai sistem pendidian yang baik untuk membangun kehidupan bermasyarakat yang kuat, dilakukan secara kekeluargaan dan bersifat turun temurun. Tapi ahirnya setelah abad ke 11 system ini sudah mulai berubah menjadi system yang bersifat universal (Brahmana sudah dapat disandang oleh siapa saja, demikian juga Kesatria, Waisya dan Sudra), semua itu adalah profesi. Tidak boleh ada dikriminasi.

Convertion yang apa awalnya di anggap sesuatu yang baik dari segi sosial politik, bila akhirnya menimbulkan kekecewaan karena keharmonisan sosial-budaya mereka yang berabad-abad berubah menjadi kekacauan disaat akhir merasa tertipu.
Akhirnya harus terbanyar mahal dengan dengan kejadian seperti ini.

Hindu harus bersatu untuk menghadapi setiap tantangan, tapi tetap harus melihat kedalam, membenahi kembali system pendidikannya. Jangan ada diskriminasi kasta (semua adalah sama pentingnya).

Hindu perlu berbenah, kekerasan di India lebih bersifat fundamental disamping faktor sosial folitik, terlihat bagaimana penganut antar agama tidak akur di India dan bagaimana masih bersitegangnya problem sosial akibat tingkatan kasta di masyarakat India.

Sistem pendidikan dan badan sosial Agama Hindu mesti mendapat perhatian.

In Orissa and several other parts of India, sections of the tribal population and other groups viewed as lower-caste have embraced Christianity as a means of escaping Hindu caste discrimination and to secure access to the schooling, free health care, and other benefits provided by Christian missionaries.
Hey!!! Prabhakar I Didn't said the Hindu people in India were bad, fool, n easily get cheated, you said that. n i didn't said that i'm a good Hindu, why you think i'm a good Hindu?. the point that i said was to make a good approach by the missionaries, you dont have to kick his ass, to solve this problem you have to ask why we are cheated?, how to solve this problem?, that's what i mean, then if the approach not going work well, the education is the very important to solve this problem.

this is just my idea,
what is your idea? oh i see... you'll make the Hindu people to Burn his heart n make a things which do not praised.
awas provokator yang mau mengadu Hindu sama Kristen.

Hindu cinta Damai...>:D<
Kobaran semangat oleh rasa benci perasaan seolah-olah menjadi korban, (awalnya akan terasa baik tapi lama-kelamaan terasa tidak baik bagi jiwanya), akan membuat sibuk membicarakan musuh-mush, kejelekan musuh, fitnah, dan rencana busuk musuh dan sebagainya.

Ablaze by the spirit of hatred sentiment seems to be the victim, (initially will be very good but the long run is not very good for the soul), will discuss how to make mush-enemy, evil enemy, defamation, and plans rotten enemy and so forth.
Dear brother Made, plz don't be enrage with my words.
Yes you did good Hindu. You think and talk as a good Hindu. That's actually what a Hindu should be. You're the example of goodhearted person.

About bad Hindus. You're right, you didn't say that, but I did. They do "bad" Hindu in certain senses. Why? because they easily left their ancestral for some better mundane life and facilities. They Fool and dumb. Yes, because they know no shastras, no Hindu tenets, so easily they got attracted by other's religion. But they don't ask to be bad, fool, and dumb. That's already their birth according to karmas and also their present living condition. The objection is: It was wrong, very very wrong, to use their bad state for an opportunity to destroy their faith. It was wrong to cheat them like that. Of course it is also wrong if they take revenge and violating the dharma of Ahimsha. But I think it is not unhumanly if you get angry when someone hurt you or cheat you. The problem is an angry person can do anything. He/She can act wrongly...

Dear brothers and sisters in dharma, So I think for this Orissan case (and other angry Hindus case) it is JUST improper and unfair to said their humanly reactions as irreligious or not approved by Dharma. They were in such conditions, in unpleasant warlike mental stress. First they feel cheated, then they feel such a sublime bad intention to destroy their spiritual heir. Do you think we didn't talk politely to the missionaries before? Some did do it. We are Hindus and peace loving peoples from birth. Humbly we said, "please don't do this kind of cheating preaching work to them. They have enough religion. They just need a good living, if you do kindhearted then help them. Let we lives harmoniously together. But don't cheat them and make them against their ancestral believes". BUT THE PREACHERS WON'T LISTEN. They keep going cheating poor Hindu peoples.

Then some go to the government, "Please honorable ones, told the preachers to do more gentle evangelization. We're afraid if these all kind of preaching still going on, then the enrage people will get angry and do bad-unpraised acts. We surely can't controlled such a big angry mass." But the Indian Government do nothing. They said, "We are secular country, that's religious problem. It is improper for us to get in your case" AND THE PREACHING WORKS STILL GOING ON. They did this not only in poor states of India, but also in very sacred pilgrimage places for Hindus like the Holy Thirumala. Straight in front of the gates of the holy shrine. What kind of dharma they did so arrogantly there. I can accept it is their dharma to preach their gospel. As a Hindu, I do honor their religious responsibilities and rights. But is it right if you preach other gospels in the inner parts of Hindu's most holiest temple? This is only one example of their ungentle works.

years by years, tens of years... we keep tolerate that kind of preaching works. But the Hindu peoples getting more disturbed by them. So many dialogs go in vain. More and more Hindu families in Orissa broke down. More and more Hindu peoples died by terrorists attack coming from certain religion. One Hindu Swami from Vishva Hindu Parishad assassinated because his vigorous attempts to counteract the mass conversion of Hindus. The most revered Hindu sage, Shankaracharya of Goverdhan-mutt in Puri treat by death. The situations, unfortunately, turn to such kill or to be killed. No one knows this, including other Hindus in other countries. The medias wasn't fair enough to the Hindus.

They never told these facts to the publics. But when some Hindus did wrong to non-hindus, they spread it everywhere. They said our martirs has been killed by the Hindu infidels, etc. Then every single non-hindus will getting mad and called us with bad names. When a Hindu like myself, who told you all the facts, speaks...then you called me a provocator. Why brothers? Why you have such a thought?

Do You said I shouldn't speak the truths? Did for an image of peace loving people, full of tolerantion, and wise person you have to sacrifice your brothers' feeling, and even their lives? Actually, It is shameful for me to getting such a debate with you, my own families. I don't ask all of you to support the wrong doing Hindus. We should try to always be non violence to all living entities. But it wasn't good conduct for keep silent when such violences targeted on others, especially on our own Hindu families. Did I asked all of you to declare war to the non-hindus? No, brother that's not our way.

What I did ask you were:
1. Please just don't tell us to keep tolerate and do dialoques. The system has failed tens of years ago in India. I don't know here in Indonesia. NOW Help us to speak to the world. Please stop all kind of violences by minds/thoughts, words, and deeds in preaching works or missionary activities from ALL RELIGIONS. That wasn't honesty at all to use uneducated poor state of anyone for exploiting them.
2. Please stop just blames the mere humanly reactions of common Hindus. Actually no one should suffered by Hindus, but Hindus have tolerate so much suffering by others with saying no single word. The Hindus already clever enough to introspects themselves. You told the other non-hindus to take this qualities of peace loving and tolerantion, educate them to do self-introspection begin from this simple question. WHY THE PEACE LOVING HINDUS GETTING SO ANGRY AND ACT VIOLENTLY TO US?
3. Why you don't stop criticize your own Hindu brothers and sisters? They already know act violently is a tremendous sin. They must be very sorry about that, let they suffers their own bad karmas births after births. Actually Hindus were not easily angry. For Orissan case, it takes tens of years, even before Republic of India exists. Ahimsha paramo dharmah, that's right. cent per cent right. But after all, they just mere human beings. We are such a weak creatures trying to be godly by all means. Then as mere humans they reacted - fight or death. You should Know the others has hurted their feelings so much, could you imagine how painful for them getting blames also from their own dharma-brothers, who just watch silently from distance places on their destruction?
4. Good for a while to feel we are suffering by others?... Becoming spirit to take revenge?... No. For Hindus its not good at all to have even a bit of angry mood towards others. It's never good. But we should think deeply, why such naturally peaceful persons getting angry. No Vedic shastras called other scripture-believers infidels or other bad names. All over history only others called us by bad names. Did we Hindus easily angry? No we tolerate everything. I told you the true intention of the Orissa Christian persecutions news. They just try to tell the whole world... see... see... how the Hindus have no tolerance and make us suffer so much. See such an infidel religion... That's all. What is the need to tell their suffering and covered the Hindus' suffering deeply for years? If they really impartial and honest, why they didn't tell us about ungentle way of preaching works and so much suffering they brought to us? I beg you my Hindu brothers and sisters that lives happily without disturbance. PLEASE DON'T HELP THIS KIND OF BAD PROPAGANDA BY JUST BLAMING YOUR HINDU BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Please remember I told you by the word JUST...! That's mean NOT ONLY, so you ALSO should try to persuade others for NOT DISTURBING HINDUS.

Generally I AGREE with you, YES THEY'RE WRONG BY ACTING VIOLENTLY. But you should remember it is unnatural for Hindus to act violently. There's must be something wrong... THAT FAULTS, THE SOMETHING WRONGS, YOU HAVE TO EXPOSE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD, HOLISTICALLY, from all ways of view.

Please forgive my strong words. I just dissatisfied with how you see the Orissan case. You use the views of only one side, that favorable only for the non-hindus. Unconsciusly u support the violent missionary works of other religions, by exposing only the faults of your own friends. By keep silent and don't expose the real facts, verily you did punishing mentally the Hindu wrong doers but let others did criminal acts. For me this is not fair at all.
Once again, please I beg your forgiveness for telling such a bitter truths.

seandainya saya penganut Hindu yg sangat taat berada dalam situasi seperti yang dideskripsikan oleh sodara @prabhakar, kemugkinan besar akan muncul angkara murka dalam diri saya..
jangankan saya, Sabda Palon (Dang Hyang Dwijendra) yg merupakan Nabi agama Siwa terbesar di Indonesia tidak bisa menahan amarah beliau kepada orang2 Jawa terutama rajanya ketika mereka beramai-ramai pindah agama, seolah-olah agama itu 'trend' yg selalu berubah-ubah..sampai2 Sabda Palon mengutuk seluruh Jawa dengan kondisi yg gak jauh beda kayak di neraka..


para misionaris menipu anak2 yang lugu dengan keajaiban palsu..
kita balas aja juga dengan keajaiban palsu..hehehehehe..
tinggal disusun rencana penipuannya..
anda adalah rakyat India yang diberi anugerah luar biasa oleh Tuhan berupa agama Hindu,
anda harus tetap mempertahankan Hindu anda, jangan biarkan umat Hindu ditipu mentah-mentah oleh pemeluk agama lain..
India berbeda dengan Bali, kondisi sosial ekonomi cukup berbeda, jadi Bali lebih siap menghadapi datangnya pengaruh dari luar dibandingkan India..
berdoa,berjuanglah, mohon petunjuk kepada Lord Shiva jangan biarkan rakyat India menghentikan pemujaan kepada Lord Tri Murti, India akan hancur lebur jika meninggalkan Hindu!!!You know the other religions will destroy your ancient culture, religion, etc and changing it with foreign culture!you see Pakistan, they are Indian peoples but their culture like Arab, they don't realize that they're not Arab!!I Think the pakistan stupid people, anda tahu ketika saya jalan2 ke pulau Jawa, saya merasa tidak di indonesia tapi ada di Arab!!!memalukan..benar2 bangsa yg kehilangan jati diri!!
"kekerasan(violent) adalah jalan terakhir, remember Shri Khrsna mengambil jalan perang karena sudah tidak jalan lain lagi, tetapi Shri Krsna selalu berusaha mencari jalan damai dengan Kurawa, toh akhirnya perang terjadi!!This is called Dharma Ksatria.."
Tidak terbuka untuk balasan lebih lanjut.
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