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UAN English


IndoForum Beginner B
No. Urut
28 Des 2006
Nilai reaksi
What strategy in Uan English, please help me ?
you must study hard and dont forget to pray and give me grp =))
yeah don't forget to give me GRP too..=))=))
/hmm study hard and practice english/no1
swt no one give a serous answer ...
uan in english subject is very easy ... last year i got 9.6 in english ...
the most important is 'Feeling' ,Feeling that i mean is about how to know the right answer based on question ...

blibet ngmong inggris --; ,yg penting feeling... bukan brti feeling mana jawaban yg bener tanpa liat soal lho ... cma soal harus diliat dan diisi dng mencocokan pilihan jawaban dng soal misal

tony ... the homework yesterday

cocokin kata2nya yg enak didenger itu cma 2 yaitu a dan b
cma karena ada kata 'yesterday' brti itu masa lampau dan pake past tense shgga yg bner adalah 'did' yaitu A

yg harus dipelajarin klo mo uan :
past tense,superlative(yg pk kata most),comparative(more than etc),future tense ... trus ketahuin bedanya i,you,they dan he,she dalam penggunaannya di kalimat :))

ga usa blajar susah2 klo uan inggris ma ... apalagi klo smp ... uan inggris g fur dng perut mules jd g buru2 ngerjaiinya dan buru2 pgi k wc :)) hasil? 95+

pas kuliah jga sama ga jauh2 darisono --' UAS g dapet 96 jg :))
I've posted a serious post.
You can practice here too: http://indoforum.org/showthread.php?t=10339&page=5

agree /heh
u can practice in this forum
it will make your english better/heh

itlust berkata:
the most important is 'Feeling' ,Feeling that i mean is about how to know the right answer based on question ...
i never study when there is an english exam in my school /ho

for "UAN" u can study from last year "UAN"/...
it's quite similar
i think...:P
how the problem of listening test, how improve listening skill
Speak to people with English as their native language.
For bad pronunciation, find people with a bad pronunciation :)
/hmm klo uan english sih biasanya gue cari yg plg enak didengernya/no1
dan plg pas katanya
but, if we don't know the formula, we will difficult answer it

who know download listening test English
Well use Yahoo! Search or Google Search.
gokous please use English here.
it difficult search in google or yahoo, how instanly ? :D
If you always want to find the instant way, you cannot survive in your life.
UAN english AFAIK is not that hard, it's pretty easy.... just take your time, stay cool, pray, and get the job done....

you'll find english subject a lot harder when you actually try to speak to a foreigner... written english is waaayy easier than spoken one.
how about gramer, how i must learn it well
hmm... keep practicing lol... sorry dude the best way to get good at something is keep practicing and learn from the failure that you've made.

anyway, when you actually tries to speak in english, just forget all about grammar and talk...in other words, "don't think but speak"....
the best way is always study, if you want know something, you must study, i think that, sure, thanks for help
the most absurd thing in UAN is... the once ordinary guy on the class got the best score on last UAN, even though that ordinary guy(which was my close friend) does not really have a good mastery on english... just relax, don't get yourself panicked, which later would cause you to feel discouraged... that way the chance of failure gets bigger... you don't want such thing happen to you, do you??

one simple thing, in this short amount of time, just try to have mastery upon the vocabulary, once you master a adequate amount of vocabulary, I'm sure you could be the victor on this test, the grammar content in UAN won't be as many as your textbook lah!, relax !!

remember! mastery upon vocabulary would affect nicely on the test...

and.... best of luck for you!!
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