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The EQ Survey (pls help)

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IndoForum Newbie F
No. Urut
26 Jul 2006
Nilai reaksi
gw ad tgs skul (inggris) soal survey emotional intelligence. tulung bantu njawab y!

Sori lom smpet trjemahin


0. Your age?

1.Do you know when will you need help (in your activity / work problem)?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I'm not sure. I must try to do the work/activity first

2.You are driving your new car. What will you do if another car almost hit your car?
A. Just ignore it / make a big fuss silently
B. Shout the driver with bad words ("what the f*ck! d*mn you sh*t!")
C. Ask the driver for his / her responsibility

3. What will you do / how you will act when your work/project is near the deadline?
A. Become more intensive in working although you must sacrifice all your spare/fun time and must sleep in late night
B. Become mad and hopeless but still trying to finish it
C. "What is my project just now? I forgot."

4. How do you help your friend when his/her home was burnt?
A. Ask him / her to stay temporarily in your home
B. "Are he / she crazy? Fire isn't a toy!"
C. Just ask God to take care of him

5. If someone ask you to have a speech on his / her wedding, what will you do?
A. I'm easygoing and love to speak. I will have a speech easily and fluently without no notes and preparation.
B. I'm not sure how well I could speak in front of public so I make notes and prepare well.
C. I will type and read all of my speech in front of the people

Gue jawab pake bold ya

Gue jawab pake bold
sesekali gue tambahin italic


0. Your age? 17

1.Do you know when will you need help (in your activity / work problem)?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I'm not sure. I must try to do the work/activity first

2.You are driving your new car. What will you do if another car almost hit your car?
A. Just ignore it / make a big fuss silently If the car does hit my car, i will ask for his/her esponsibility
B. Shout the driver with bad words ("what the f*ck! d*mn you sh*t!")
C. Ask the driver for his / her responsibility

3. What will you do / how you will act when your work/project is near the deadline?
A. Become more intensive in working although you must sacrifice all your spare/fun time and must sleep in late night
B. Become mad and hopeless but still trying to finish it
C. "What is my project just now? I forgot."

4. How do you help your friend when his/her home was burnt?
A. Ask him / her to stay temporarily in your home
B. "Are he / she crazy? Fire isn't a toy!"
C. Just ask God to take care of him

5. If someone ask you to have a speech on his / her wedding, what will you do?
A. I'm easygoing and love to speak. I will have a speech easily and fluently without no notes and preparation.
B. I'm not sure how well I could speak in front of public so I make notes and prepare well.
C. I will type and read all of my speech in front of the people
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