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Suroboyan VS Inggris Punya


IndoForum Beginner A
No. Urut
13 Okt 2011
Nilai reaksi
Sekedar membandingkan jika bhs sehari2 diterjemahkan ke inggris:

1) Walk slowly on the edge (side) of the road = MLIPIR

2) Falling backward and then hit own head = NGGEBLAK

3) Falling/tripping forward (and may hit own face) = KEJLUNGUP

4) Smearing one's body with hotointment or liquid and then massaging it = MBLONYO

5) Riding an old bicycle = NGONTHEL

6) Got hit by a truck that is moving backward = KUNDURAN TRUK

7) Hot pyroclastic cloud rolling down a volcano = WEDHUS GEMBEL

8) A small, sharp thing embedded inside one's skin = SUSUBEN/KETELUSUPEN

9) Things getting out from a container accidentally because of gravity = MBROJOL

10) Get hit by thing collapsing on top of one's head/ body = KAMBRUKAN

11) Drinking straight from the bottle without using glass, where whole bottle tip gets into the mouth = NGOKOP

12) Difficult to open eyes because something is shining very bright = MBLERENG

13) Hanging on tightly to something in order to be inert = GONDHELAN

14) Falling/tripping accidentally because of a hole =KEJEGLONG

15) Being overly active carelessly = PECICILAN

16) Feeling unwell because of cold temperature = KATISEN

17) Releasing "wind" from the body thru a coin drawn across the skin's surface = KEROKAN

18) Finding by accident something good or useful without looking for it = NDILALAH

19) Expression or gesture due to a sudden appearance (of something) = MAK JEGAGIK

20) Water come out from your mouth = NGEnCESS.

21) A lot of water come out from your skin = Gembrobyos.

22) Doing something with your finger = UTEK-UTEK.

23) Have something between your teeth = SLILITAN,

24) Acidentally poke your eyes =KECULEK :) :D

CMIIW lho ya,hehe...
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