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Sudah Hilangkah Pejuang Pertamax ?!

@ts bikin juga dong..biar nanti yg terbaik yg bertahan hidup
kok jd kacau gini nih --a
ok sapa yg setuju sama gw bikin IFPJ -> "IndoForum Pertamax Junker" angkat tangann
btw emang di dota ada flash bang ?? (OOT mode : on)
Pantes kuping gw panas.......... si boss IPC kangen toh sama gw :">


ywda gw pake Aiustha aja dah /gg
hidup IPC - hidup iPc - Hidup IPC - hidup IPC - Hidup IPC - Hidup IPC ada maho dibawah ku
IPC gak bakalan kalah
masi ada yang songong????

nig gw pake hardbinger plus aganim 20 biji =))
atas gw maho..... =)) =)) =))

PBnya bener2 berjalan dengan lancar... =)) =))

Ini buktinya
hidup IPC - hidup iPc - Hidup IPC - hidup IPC - Hidup IPC - Hidup IPC ada maho dibawah ku
IPC gak bakalan kalah
wah ada 2 organisasi nih.. bingung mo ikut yg mana:-/
SEKALI PERTAMAX TETAP PERTAMAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus​
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus​
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus​
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus
I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus - I'm sorry but your thread was infected by Pertamax Virus​
/go /go /go /go /go /go /go
Eh gimana kalo kita bikin kebalikannya IPC ?? /gg

Thread anda telah teracuni oleh Virus-virus yang sangat berbahaya dari saya..
dan induk Virus tersebut bernama V.P+ (V1RU5 P3R74M4X PLU5)..
Anda tidak akan dapat diselamatkan oleh "~IPC-Anti_Pertamax~" lagi... maaf sekali lagi...
thread anda telah teracuni
dan tidak dapat selamat dari ancaman kami...
Dari sang Pejuang PertamaX Plus
When there is a desire there is PertamaX+Plus
The Killer
Thread anda telah teracuni oleh Virus-virus yang sangat berbahaya dari saya..
dan induk Virus tersebut bernama V.P+ (V1RU5 P3R74M4X PLU5)..
Anda tidak akan dapat diselamatkan oleh "~IPC-Anti_Pertamax~" lagi... maaf sekali lagi...
thread anda telah teracuni
dan tidak dapat selamat dari ancaman kami...
Dari sang Pejuang PertamaX Plus
When there is a desire there is PertamaX+Plus
The Killer
Thread anda telah teracuni oleh Virus-virus yang sangat berbahaya dari saya..
dan induk Virus tersebut bernama V.P+ (V1RU5 P3R74M4X PLU5)..
Anda tidak akan dapat diselamatkan oleh "~IPC-Anti_Pertamax~" lagi... maaf sekali lagi...
thread anda telah teracuni
dan tidak dapat selamat dari ancaman kami...
Dari sang Pejuang PertamaX Plus
When there is a desire there is PertamaX+Plus
The Killer
Thread anda telah teracuni oleh Virus-virus yang sangat berbahaya dari saya..
dan induk Virus tersebut bernama V.P+ (V1RU5 P3R74M4X PLU5)..
Anda tidak akan dapat diselamatkan oleh "~IPC-Anti_Pertamax~" lagi... maaf sekali lagi...
thread anda telah teracuni
dan tidak dapat selamat dari ancaman kami...
Dari sang Pejuang PertamaX Plus
When there is a desire there is PertamaX+Plus
The Killer
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