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sifat dari nama Anda...find it HERE...^^

Y: Loved by everybody *yeah /no1
U: gets blamed for everything *sedih amat....... /sob
D: Has one of the best personalities
ever *tipikal g banget /heh
H: Easy to fall in love with *hohohohohohoo /ho
I: Loves to kiss *g gitu lohhhh :x
S: Lives life for fun *ini apalagi... g banget /gg
T: GREAT kisser *wuuuuoooohohohohohohoo /gg
I: Loves to kiss *udah /pif
R: great girlfriend/boyfriend *HOAHHOAHOAHOAHA /heh
A: Gorgeous *tentu saja /no1

bikin orang jadi narsis....... dulu di FS keknya dah pernah ngisi, tapi buat narsis2an aja dsini :D
S: Lives life for fun
T: GREAT kisser
E: Freakin' beautiful eyes!
V: Not judgmental
E: Freakin' beautiful eyes!
N: the best gf/bf you could ever ask 4

BUju buset inggris semua...kgk ngartos..

T:Great Kisser???--->ada yang mau coba sama gw???
Q=A hypocrite
B=Loves people
I=Loves to kiss
Q=A hypocrite
D: Has one of the best personalities
I: Loves to kiss
E: Freakin' beautiful eyes!
A = Gorgeus... mungkin?!
D = Has one of the best personalities... g juga
I = Loves to kiss... yak!!? :-&
T = Great kisser... gw lom pernah ciuman tuh /e4
N: the best gf/bf you could ever ask 4

I: Loves to kiss

A: Gorgeous
N : best gp / bf you could ever aska

A : gorgeous

L : loves to kiss

L : loves to kiss

A : gorgeous
H : Easy to fall in love with
A : Gorgeous
N : the best gf/bf you could ever ask 4
D : has one of the best personalities ever
I : Loves to kiss
K : Really Silly
A : Gorgeous

damn... kok kynya bagus2 smua??
ga ada yang jelek2nya acan/hmm
cape de..
dapet ngembat dari e-mail neehhh.... arti nama loe... moga-mogaa jangan repossstttt... muup gak kalo riposttt....

A: Gorgeous
B: Loves people
C: Best Smile
D: Has one of the best personalities
E: Freakin' beautiful eyes!
F: wild and crazy, people adore you
G: Never let people tell you what to do
H: Easy to fall in love with
I: Loves to kiss
J: Freaking Rowdy
K: Really silly
L: REALLY easy to fall in love with
M: makes dating fun
N: the best gf/bf you could ever ask 4
O: Is a freak in bed
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: A hypocrite
R: great girlfriend/boyfriend
S: Lives life for fun
T: GREAT kisser
U: gets blamed for everything
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded
X: Never let people tell you what to do
Y: Loved by everybody
Z: Lives life for fun

arti nama Setan

S: Lives life for fun
E: Freakin' beautiful eyes!
T: GREAT kisser
A: Gorgeous
N: the best gf/bf you could ever ask 4

Klo nama kalian?.....>:)

sumber : www.kas**s.us

N:the best gf/bf you could ever ask 4
D:Has one of the best personalities
R:great girlfriend/boyfriend
E:Freakin' beautiful eyes ...

wow... gw cocok dijadiin pacar y .... wkwkwk namanya swt...
R: great girlfriend/boyfriend
O: Is a freak in bed
N: the best gf/bf you could ever ask 4
A: Gorgeous
L: REALLY easy to fall in love with
D: Has one of the best personalities

keren" jg arti nama gw /heh /heh
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