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Professions with your words


IndoForum Newbie D
No. Urut
12 Jul 2008
Nilai reaksi
Okay now let's have some fun with professions. The idea is to give description with your own words on what you think a profession is all about. Let me go first(multiple entries from different people are welcome),

Politician: A man who is trying to sell himself to the public in order to win a popularity contest that would give him if successful a 5 year period of his free reign.

Soldiers: A man who is paid to fight and kill the enemies of a ruling government thinking that they are serving the people or the nation.

Mercenary: A man who joins in a war not to win it but to be paid handsomely.

Fireman: A man who is paid to do stupid things to save other people's lives and or property from fire.

A hero: A man who do stupid things, that most others won't, for the sake of other people without expecting anything in return

Taxi driver: A hired pay by the minute chauffeur that comes with his own car

Policeman: A man who scares the living shit of criminals with blaring siren, short rod, handcuff, a pistol and numbers.

College or varsity students(domestic): The people who could actually scare the living shit of the ruling government or a country's authorities when engaging in street protests. The same people who could actually scare the living shit of their deans or college authority when engaging in fights in the college premises.

Freelance assassin: The man who trades other people's lives with money.

A fashion model: A person who is responsible to make bad outfits look good and good ones look even better.

A clown or a comedian: A person who sells laughters.

A Corruptor: A person that thinks his crimes are actually his privileges.

Air steward or air hostess: Waitress/Waiter in a plane.
Auditor? Sounds like economical things /heh
Nice idea there about the freelance assassin =))

Teacher = A hero without badges /no1
I'm a university student and a freelancer ;)

university student = anyone who prisoned in any class room :P hmmm have no idea for "freelancer" do you've any idea miracle? /no1
Freelancer:'Mercenary' employee

Is that catchy enough? This also can do I think, a more oriental description

Freelancer: 'Ninja*' employee

(*Ninja Medieval Japanese professional blade for hire with no permanent allegiance to any Warlord)
/heh I like the words "ninja employee" LOL /heh nice one /no1
what about,

singer is?

someone with good voice and nice features
student : a prisoner in a jail called school, where everyone must listen to the teacher, and the teacher always right.. where your hair mustn't long enough to be called cool.. where everyone have to think and do the same things like others did..

jack ass..
I have to agree with you /heh dang! miss my school age so much /sob
student : a prisoner in a jail called school, where everyone must listen to the teacher, and the teacher always right.. where your hair mustn't long enough to be called cool.. where everyone have to think and do the same things like others did..

jack ass..

hey ?
it doesnt sound right............
how about vocational high school student ?
it's me....
the vocational high school students is ......
" a prisoner in a jail called school /gg, that you must obey all the rules, and listening all what the teachers say, everyday! six day a week... And also your hair musn't long or you'll have some punishment! Wew.... It's bored!!! "
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