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Please correct the error recognition


IndoForum Junior A
No. Urut
20 Apr 2006
Nilai reaksi
In the next following sentences, each sentence has four words or phrases underlined. You are to identify the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten.

1. With the nation emerging from its economic decline, the demand for skilled trainees are increasing rapidly.

2. Car racing has been a populos sport since the earliest days of the automobile.

3. People generally use a most informal tone in personal correspondence than in business letters.

4. The archaelogy program to be held this afternoon in the auditorium is freely to all visitors to the museum.

5. Business travel expenses they are beginning to stretch the budgets of more and more corporations.

6. The analysts said that improve training programs were needed and that additional research should be carried out.

7. The only one person who can solve this problem is Mr. Brown.

8. City dwellers often view themselves as sophisticated and individualistic.

9. The intensified effort to develop domestic energy sources led to the revitalized of coal mining in the area.

10. Since the machine contains precise electronic equipments. One should never attempt to disassemble it.

11. The main exports of Argentina are beef. Linseed oil, wheat, and woolen.

12. Many brokers are convincing that inflation will continue at its current rate for at least six months.

13. Professional tennis players earns their living by playing tennis.

14. We are not allowance to hire another technical assistant due to budgetary constraints.

15. Our company is most responsible than theirs in providing additional services after making a sale.

16. The person whom lost a briefcase may claim it at the registration desk.

17. The new employee is as eager her boss to be part of the development project.

18. When the client finally arrived, Mr. Green has been waiting for two hours.

19. Many subscribers request that the orders are sent to their business address.

20. The enclosing card gives details about room rates and services.

21. The Nall Corporation has been a valued client of our law firm in many years.

22. The construction crew prepared to start work on Monday when the building project was canceled.

23. If Ms. Weiss has missed the last flight, she could not get another until tomorrow.

24. The standing committee suggested to hire an outside consultant as advisor to the project.

25. Mr. Burks did not accept the job offer from Consolidated Mechanical although the salary was too low.

26. A small service fee but monthly monitoring charged will be added to your account.

27. Mr. Wang reviews once a week the progress of the long-range planning committee.

28. The sales representative suggested to leave early so they could avoid rush-hour traffic altogether.

29. The report that you are looking for it is on top of the file cabinet in the corner.

30. Seldom Mr. Ericson leaves work before all members of her staff are gone for the day.

31. Give your name nor the name of the person you are seeing to receptionist at the front desk.

32. The stockholders’ meeting will take place on Tuesday in Atlanta at 9:00 of the morning.

33. If biennials were planted this year, they will be likely to bloom next year.

34. The value of the dollar declines as the rate of inflation raises.

35. Anthropologists assert that many of the early Native Americans who lived on the Plains did not engage in planting crops but to hunt, living primitively on buffalo meat.

36. The differential attractions of the sun and the moon have a direct effet in the rising and falling of the tides.

37. With specials enzymes that are call restriction enzymes, it is possible to split off segments of DNA from the donor organism.

38. Because of the movement of glacier, the form of the Great Lakes was very slow.

39. If it receives enough rain at the proper time, hay will grow quickly, as grass.

40. Psychology Today is interesting, informative, and it is easy to read.

41. Before she died, Andrew Jackson’s daughter, who lives in the family mansion, used to take tourists through her home.

42. It is essential that the temperature is not elevated to a point where the substance formed may become unstable and decompose into its constituent elements.

43. John Philip Sousa, who many people consider the greatest composer of marches, wrote his music during the era known as The Gay 90s.

44. Aeronomy is the study of the Earth’s upper atmosphere, which includes their composition, temperature, density, and chemical reactions.

45. The purpose of the United Nations, broad speaking, is to maintain peace and security and to encourage respect for Human Rights.

46. Although Congressional representatives and senators may serve an unlimited number of term, the president is limited to two, for a total of eight years.

47. The first electric lamp had two carbon rods from which vapor serves to conduct the current across the gap.

48. A thunderhead, dense clouds that rise high into the sky in huge columns, produce hail, rain, or snow.

49. Although no country has exactly the same folk music like that of any other, it is significant that similar songs exist among widely separated people.

50. Despite of the Taft-Hartley Act which forbids unfair union practices, some unions such as the air traffic controllers have voted to strike even though this action might endanger the national security.

51. Operant conditioning involves rewarding or punishing certain behave to reinforce or extinguish its occurrence.

52. There is an unresolved controversy as to whom is the real author of the Elizabethan plays commonly credited to William Shakespeare.

53. A catalytic agent such platinum may be used so that the chemical reaction advances more rapidly.

54. When a patient’s blood pressure is much higher than it should be, a doctor usually insists that he will not smoke.

55. It was the invent of the hand-held electronic calculator that provided the original technology for the present generation of small but powerful computers.

56. Located in the cranial cavity in the skull, the brain is the larger mass of nerve tissue in the human body.

57. Alike other forms of energy, natural gas may be used to heat homes, cook food, and even run automobiles.

58. An organ is a group of tissues capable to perform some special functions, as for example, the heart, the liver, or the lungs.

59. Insulin it is used to teat diabetes and is secured chiefly from the pancreas of cattle and hogs.

60. In autumn, brilliant yellow, orange, and red leaves are commonly to both the Sweet Gum tree and the Maple.

61. A swarm of locusts is responsible the consumption of enough plant material to feed a million and a half people.

62. Oyster farming has been practice in most parts of the world for many years.

63. It was Shirley Temple Black which represented her country in the United Nations and later became an ambassador.

64. The prices at chain stores are as reasonable, if not more reasonable, as those at discount stores.

65. Historically there has been only two major factions in the Republican Party – the liberals and the conservatives.

66. Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass as a tribute to the Civil War soldiers who had laid on the battlefields and whom he had seen while serving as an
army nurse.

67. The Chinese were the first and large ethnic group to work on the construction of the transcontinental railroad system.

68. The range of plant life on a mountainside is a results of differences in temperature and precipitation at varying altitudes.

69. The more the relative humidity reading rises, the worst the heat affect us.

70. Because correlations are causes, statistical data which are extremely easy to misuse.

71. Despite of many attempts to introduce a universal language, notably Esperano and Idiom Neutral, the effort has met with very little success.

72. As every other nation, the United States used to define its unit of currency, the dollar, in terms of the gold standard.

73. John Dewey thought that children will learn better though participating in experiences rather than through listening to lecture.

74. Some methods to prevent soil erosion are plowing parallel with the slopes of hills, to plant trees on unproductable land, and rotating crops.
Sorry double post, soalnya sy gak tau kalau cuman edit, threadnya ke sundul atau nggak
Menarik !
1. are ganti is (demand adalah singular)
2. popular (populous untuk kepadatan penduduk)
3. most informal, harusnya informal saja ( prep nya "a" jadi bukan most)
4. freely, harusnya free
5.they are, harusnya are saja .
6.improve , harusnya improving (progresive tense structure)
7.the only one , harusnya only saja (only one = only person)
8. - rasanya ga ada kesalahan
9.energy source , harusnya energy resources
10. never, seharusnya not
11.beef, harusnya beeves .
12.convincing , harusnya convinced
13.earns , harusnya earn (plural subject)
14.allowance , harusnya allowed (allowance kata benda)
15.most responsible , harusnya more responsible karena than (superlative tidak menggunakan than, )
16.whom , harusnya whose (karena kepunyaan)
17.as eager , harusnya as eager as
18.has been , harusnya had been ( past perfect)
19.are, harusnya to be
20.enclosing , harusnya enclosed
21.valued , harusnya valuable
22.when , seharusnya while (ini gw ga yakin -_-)
23.if, harusnya because
24.to ,harusnya for
25.although, harusnya because
26.small, ganti little . but ganti and
28.altogether, harusnya tidak ada
29.it, tidak perlu jadi dihilangkan.
30.yang ini parah salahnya , udah Mr di depan tapi ada her nya zzzzz seldom ga ditaruh di depan
31.nor , harusnya or
32.of , harusnya in
33.will be , harusnya will
34.dollar,ganti of the dollars (mata uang)
35.living primitively dibuang
36.rising , raising
37.call, harusnya called
38.the form , ganti the forming
39.as ,ganti dengan like
40.it is, tidak perlu jadi dihilangkan

saya berhenti di sini dulu karena pusing baca nya
note buat TS
kalau mau posting jangan sekaligus banyak2 karena membuat mata lelah bacanya coba dibagi menjadi 2 bagian
oke segitu dulu boleh dikoreksi
Thx bgt buat jawaban dan juga sarannya.

GRP meluncur
27. Once a week Mr. Wang reviews the progress of the long-range planning committee.
41. lives ganti lived
btw itu pertanyaan banyak amat
jangan2 soal tugas ato ujiannya TS yah wekekek :P

thx GRP nya bro
41. Lives ---> Lived
42. Its ---> Some
43. Many ---> by many
44. Their ---> Its
45. Broad Speaking yg salah,tp gak taw harusnya jadi apa.. Wekeke..

Arhh.. 5 soal aja udah sakid mata scroll mouse nya..
Ada lg yg lain??

btw thx buat yg diatasku semuanya ^^
46. term seharusnya terms
47. which seharusnya where (ga jamin)
48. a seharusnya the,karena sudah spesifik
49. ------- (ga tahu)
50. despite seharusnya despite (inspite yang memakai of)

Nnt lg deh.. Capek.. /wah
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