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Michelle Wie is no longer just a load of hype


IndoForum Newbie F
No. Urut
27 Jul 2010
Nilai reaksi
Michelle Wie is no longer just a load of hype Wanna feel old? Ponder this: Michelle Wie is 21 now golf vacation packages.We remember her as the little girl from Hawaii who started getting headlines when she was 10 and actually winning local tournaments about the same time. So much for memories.She has made millions, some of it even on the golf course the golf works.You remember the story. When she started out, most girls her age were probably still playing with dolls. Wie, enabled by parents and encouraged by marketing firms, brand-builders and corporate opportunists, opened a bank account.The world watched and wondered how this would turn out. She was tall and talented and as pretty as her golf swing. She could hit it a mile and look good doing so. It was a new American dream — fame and fortune before algebra hot list 2011.The reality was that she couldn't play, at least not on the level of the seasoned female pros and certainly not to where she would storm the tour as soon as she was eligible and become the distaff Tiger Woods. After those booming drives, there was the need for second shots and clutch putts. Those came harder.Everybody should have known that and left her alone best golf courses. But too often the noise of hype drowns out the need for perspective.
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