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Menggali Lagi Peran Indonesia/Melayu


IndoForum Beginner D
No. Urut
15 Jan 2011
Nilai reaksi

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa mengadakan kegiatan kebahasaan Majelis-majelis Bahasa Brunei Darussalam Indonesia-Malaysia (Mabbim), Selasa (22/3/2011), di Hotel Sahid Jaya, Jakarta. Seminar dibuka oleh Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Mohammad Nuh.

Seminar yang rutin dilaksanakan secara bergilir oleh anggota Mabbim, yaitu Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, dan Malaysia ini mencakup kegiatan sidang pakar ke-24 Mabbim, seminar kebahasaan, dan sidang eksekutif ke-50 Mabbim. Tahun ini seminar bertema "Meningkatkan Peranan Bahasa Indonesia/Melayu dalam Penguatan Jati Diri Bangsa".

Mendiknas mengatakan, tema tersebut dimaksudkan untuk menggali nilai luhur budaya bangsa yang terkristalisasi dalam bahasa dan menanamkan kembali nilai-nilai itu kepada generasi muda melalui bahasa. Dengan demikian, diharapkan akan terbentuk manusia modern yang tidak tercabut dari akar budayanya.

Diikuti ratusan peserta terdiri dari guru, dosen, mahasiswa, peneliti, pakar bahasa, pakar bidang ilmu, peminat bahasa, dan aparat pemerintah, pembicara seminar ini berasal dari Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, dan Malaysia. Mabbim yang merupakan wadah kerjasama kebahasaan tiga negara itu sudah berlangsung selama 39 tahun dan mencapai hasil padanan istilah berjumlah sekitar 400-an ribu istilah dari 37 bidang ilmu, seperti fisika, kimia, biologi, ekonomi, kedokteran, pertanian, dan komunikasi massa.

Kini, dari 400-an ribu istilah tersebut, terkumpul 182.415 istilah yang terhimpun dalam glosarium masing-masing. Glosarium itu diterbitkan dalam versi cetak dan elektronik.

Selain melakukan pengembangan istilah, sejak 2009 Mabbim telah membentuk komisi yang terdiri atas komisi penelitian, komisi penerbitan, dan komisi pembinaan. Kegiatan komisi penelitian melakukan penelitian yang berkaitan dengan produk Mabbim, sementara komisi penerbitan, antara lain menerbitkan jurnal Rampak Serantau.

Sementara itu, komisi pembinaan melakukan kuliah umum dan penataran leksikografi bersama. Kerjasama Mabbim ini direncanakan terus berjalan sesuai tujuan didirikannya, yaitu memartabatkan bahasa dan kebangsaan Indonesia/Melayu.
Quality Of An perfect golfing Nets

Quality Of An perfect golfing Nets Time has changed. You no lengthier need to go to your nearest country club to generate away a few. you can hold out golfing all through the comfort of your individual home. All you need to accomplish is purchase golfing factors and set up a golfing net. earlier to installing golfing nets in your own, one will require to find out the conditions for buying an effective golfing net school of golf. outlined under can be the essential conditions in determining on probably the most effective golfing nets appropriate for equally newbies and professionals. 1. safety First and foremost, safety may be probably the most essential of all. because you do not want anybody to complain from getting strike with a golfing ball, the golfing nets building and its factors must come going to be properly installed. The producer from the golfing nets can be the kinds accountable to the stability of every solitary factors you have purchased your golf travel. The installment from the golfing nets with one another with other factors is your responsibility. wonderful golfing nets protected your audience, neighbors and residence to acquire strike with the golfing ball. The golfing nets you will require to purchase should continually capture the force from the ball, cease its movement, and pile up it safely into toward the ground. at any time you are self-confident with one another with your golfing net getting 100% safe, it may be the best suited choice to buy. 2. substance The essential substance utilized in golfing nets are nylon florida vacations. It is crucial that you just find out the number of different strands of nylon you need within your house. The bigger the quantities of nylon your golfing net has, the much better it will last. In golfing, at any time you strike one element from the net a bare minimum of 100 occasions a day, this could guide toward the wearying from the golfing net. because of the fact from the effect panel, make certain how the golfing nets you purchase consists of a heavy guide weighted collection to preserve the effect area in its place. The space in which your golfing ball enters is referred to since the grommet. make certain to look at once the whole grommet is attached toward the cage tightly junior golf. It is advisable to purchase uncleated grommets to make certain durability and prevent earlier sagging. 3. concentrate on reliability Because this activity is about precise targeting from the golfing balls into holes, you will require to discover concerning the golfing net earlier to buying one. There are really a few golfing nets supplied that provides you with ball manage and reliability features. 4. assortment Because no two individuals can be the same, every solitary person or girls demands unique measurements, styles, and reliability of golfing nets. recognize your preferences earlier to getting one.
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