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Learn English Idiom Here !


IndoForum Newbie E
No. Urut
30 Jun 2007
Nilai reaksi
Idiom is a collection of words or phrases that can not be interpreted literally. Each language must have the idiom. For examples, idioms in Indonesian language are : jago api means fire, kambing hitam means blamed object, etc.

Similiary in English language, there are many idiom used for everyday conversation. Without understanding idiom, many people has misunderstand about the meaning. Therefore, understanding english idiom is part to have good English.

As example english idiom, there are : bird brain means stupid, white elephant means something luxurious and expensive, A1 means best achievement.

You can find anoother english idiom and the indonesia definition at www.kamusidiom.com

Now lets, start learning idiom by create sentences using english idiom.
Start with me :

"Don't be bird brain !"

Thank you very much. Finally, I found English topic.
Oh, my God....
Idiom is a collection of words or phrases that can not be interpreted literally. Each language must have the idiom. For examples, idioms in Indonesian language are : jago api means fire, kambing hitam means blamed object, etc.

Similiary in English language, there are many idiom used for everyday conversation. Without understanding idiom, many people has misunderstand about the meaning. Therefore, understanding english idiom is part to have good English.

As example english idiom, there are : bird brain means stupid, white elephant means something luxurious and expensive, A1 means best achievement.

You can find anoother english idiom and the indonesia definition at Kamus Idiom Inggris - Indonesia Online

Now lets, start learning idiom by create sentences using english idiom.
Start with me :

"Don't be bird brain !"


thank you very much
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Idiom is a collection of words or phrases that can not be interpreted literally. Each language must have the idiom. For examples, idioms in Indonesian language are : jago api means fire, kambing hitam means blamed object, etc.

Similiary in English language, there are many idiom used for everyday conversation. Without understanding idiom, many people has misunderstand about the meaning. Therefore, understanding english idiom is part to have good English.

As example english idiom, there are : bird brain means stupid, white elephant means something luxurious and expensive, A1 means best achievement.

You can find anoother english idiom and the indonesia definition at www.kamusidiom.com

Now lets, start learning idiom by create sentences using english idiom.
Start with me :

"Don't be bird brain !"

Good topic... Thanks You...
thanks for the thread, this could be very useful for some one like me, who always want to improve their english..
so who wants to be my side kick????????? this is an idiomatic.
"Don't be bird brain !"

good start... idiomatic expressions are not easy to understand especially if the language is not your mother language...
ok maybe i can teach english here and u guy teach me bahasa ya..... :)
I have a book called "Idioms" that's about an inch thick of American and British Idioms... should've brought it here to Boston lol
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