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Jual es krim BEN & JERRY, ada lebih dr 20 rasa.


IndoForum Newbie F
No. Urut
18 Feb 2008
Nilai reaksi
>:D< Nih ada yg baru dr U S A.....:)>- ada 34 rasa yg tersedia, syarat pemesanan :Harga @ Rp. 50.000 per pint ( 473 ml ), minimum order 3 pints. Harga dah termasuk ma ongkos kirim dan dry ice. Coverage area : jak-sel, jak-pus dan sebagian jak-bar dan jak-tim. Ini list flavor yg tersedia ( yg di kurung adalah deskripsi rasa es krimnya ) :
No Flavor Description
1 Cherry Garcia (cherries and fudge flakes)

2 Chocolate Fudge Brownies (chocolate ice cream with fudge brownies)

3 Chunky Monkey (Banana ice cream with fudge chunks and walnuts)

4 Chocolate chip cookie dough (Vanilla ice cream with gobs of chocolate chip cookie dough)
5 Coffee heath bar crunch (Coffee
ice cream with chunks of heath bar crunch)
6 Homemade vanilla (Plain vanilla ice creams)
7 Dublin mudslide ***** (Irish cream liqueur ice cream w/ chocolate, chocolate chip cookies & a coffee fudge swirl)
8 Everything But ***** (A collision of chocolate and vanilla ice cream mixed with heath bar crunch, white chocolatey chunks, peanut butter cup and chocolatey covered almond)

9 Fossil fuel (Sweet cream ice cream with chocolate cookie pieces, fudge dinosaurs & a fudge swirl)
10 Banana split (Banana and strawberry ice cream with chunks of walnut and a fudge swirl)
11 Half Baked *****
(Chocolate & vanilla ice cream mixed with fudge brownies and gobs of chocolate cookie dough)

12 Homemade chocolate (Plain chocolate ice creams)
13 Home made coffee (Plain coffee ice creams)
14 Karamel sutra (A core of soft caramel encircled by chocolate, caramel ice cream & fudge chips)
15 Phish Food (Chocolate ice cream with gooey marshmallow, fudge fish & a fudge swirl.)
16 Mint choco cookie (Peppermint ice cream with oxford crème cookies`)
17 New york super fudge chunk ***** (Chocolate ice cream with white and dark fudge chunks, pecans, walnuts & fudge covered almonds)

18 Oatmeal cookie chunks (Sweet cream cinnamon ice cream w/ chunks of oatmeal cookie & chunks)
19 Pistachio Pistachio (Pistachio ice cream with lightly roasted pistachio)

20 Peanut Butter Cup
(Peanut butter ice cream with real peanut butter cups)

21 Vanilla caramel fudge (Vanilla ice cream with swirls of caramel & fudge)
22 Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch (Vanilla ice cream with chunks of heath bar crunch)

23 Low fat frozen yoghurt half baked (Chocolate & vanilla low fat frozen yoghurt ice cream mixed with fudge brownies & gobs of chocolate chip cookie dough)
24 Low fat frozen Yoghurt Cherry Garcia (Cherry low fat frozen yoghurt ice cream with fudge flakes)
25 Low fat frozen yoghurt chocolate fudge brownie (Chocolate low fat frozen yoghurt ice cream with fudge brownies )
26 Low fat frozen yoghurt phish food (Chocolate low fat frozen yoghurt ice cream with gooey marshmallow, fudge fish & a fudge swirl)
27 Peanut butter pecan (Buttery ice cream w/ pecan)
28 Turtle soup (Vanilla ice cream with fudge caramel cashews & a caramel swirl)

29 Vermonty python ***** (Coffee liquor ice cream with chocolate cookie crumb swirl & fudge cow)
30 Neapolitan dynamite (Cherry Garcia & chocolate fudge brownies side by side)
31 Chubby hubby (fudge-covered peanut butter-filled pretzels in vanilla malt ice cream rippled w/ fudge & peanut butter)
32 Strawberry cheese cake *****(strawberry cheesecake ice cream with thick crushed graham cracker)
33 Dave Matthew’s band magic brownies
***** (vanilla ice cream w/ swirls of raspberry & brownies)
34 Organic strawberry ***** (Organic strawberry ice cream, 100% natural ingredients.)

Pemesanan hub 08128470968 / 93796134 (MIRZA)
Buat yang mau tau kayak apa es krimnya, bisa klik aja ke benjerry.com
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