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Jasa Terjemahan Inggris - Indonesia / Indonesia - Inggris


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20 Jun 2007
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Contoh Hasil Terjemahan


The training to support the Chronic HIV Care with ARV Therapy module is divided into two courses; one being the Basic ART Clinical Course for clinical officers and nurses and the second one being this course, the Basic ART Aid
Course, for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), other lay providers or health care providers with very little clinical background working in the clinical team. An important potential source for increasing human resources required to
rapidly expand access to ART can come from PLHA and other community members who can join the clinical team and support people on treatment.

Bahasa Indonesia

Pelatihan untuk mendukung modul Perawatan HIV Kronis dengan Terapi ARV ini dibagi menjadi dua kursus; yang pertama adalah Kursus Klinis ART Dasar untuk petugas klinis dan perawat dan yang kedua adalah kursus ini, Kursus ART Aid Dasar, untuk orang yang hidup dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) (PLHA – People Living with HIV/AIDS), penyedia awam atau penyedia perawatan kesehatan yang memiliki sedikit latar belakang klinis yang bekerja di dalam tim klinis. Sumber potensial yang penting untuk meningkatkan SDM yang dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan akses terhadap ART bisa berasal dari ODHA dan anggota masyarakat lainnya yang bisa bergabung dengan tim klinis dan pendamping pada saat perlakuan.

courtesy of (c) World Health Organization 2004
Sample Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris

Notebook : Benq P41-E18
Chipset : ATi Radeon Xpress 1100 (ATi RS 482,SB400)
GPU : ATi Radeon Xpress X1100
Origin Driver : ATi Catalyst 6.04 for IGP (Display Driver ver. only for Joybook P41/T31 series)
Mod Driver : ATi Catalyst 7.01 for IGP (Display Driver ver. Downloaded from ATi IGP)

Overview :

1. Trik-trik dibawah dapat mengatasi masalah pada Notebook yang mengalami kegagalan update driver dari ATi Catalyst terbaru.
2. Modifikasi driver dapat menaikkan graphic performance Mobility Radeon.
3. Khusus untuk user X1100/1150 & X200 memakai driver IGP sedangkan user Mobility X1x00 harus memakai driver Mobility Radeon.
4. Untuk selanjutnya driver hasil modifikasi akan di sebut “mod-driver”

1. Jalankan Setup driver hasil download, direktori ekstrasi bebas namun untuk memudahkan modifikasi sebaiknya dibiarkan default (C:\ATI\SUPPORT\7-1-igp_xp_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_40211).
2. Setelah ekstraksi berhasil buka folder “C:\ATI\SUPPORT\7-1-igp_xp_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_40211\Driver\2KXP_IN F” disini ada dua file dengan nama C2_XXXXX dan CX_XXXXX ( pada contoh C2_40997 dan CX_40997). Buka kedua file tersebut
3. Buka folder yang sama pada installer driver yang lama dan buka file C2_XXXXX dan CX_XXXXX CX_XXXXX (pada contoh C2_33057 dan CX_33057).
4. Sesuai dengan gambar , copy baris yang yang menunjukkan tipe GPU (driver original) pada baris antara baris 32-857 (file CX_XXXXX mod-driver) dan baris 31-854 (file C2_XXXXX mod-driver).
5. Hilangkan huruf M dibelakang ati2mtag_RSxxxM. Contohnya seperti ati2mtag_RS482M menjadi ati2mtag_RS482
6. Save hasil modifikasi.


1. Sebelum menginstall mod-driver, uninstall semua driver Catalyst/Omega/DHRazer.
2. Setelah selesai uninstall driver dan restart, saat masuk Windows akan ada prompt untuk menginstall driver.
3. Pilih “No, not this time” click next.
4. Pilih “install from a list or specific location(Advanced)” click next.
5. Uncheck “Search removable media (Floppy,CDROM, etc.)” lalu check “include this location in the search: ”, masukkan direktori mod-driver lalu click next.
6. Akan muncul prompt untuk memastikan driver memenuhi syarat WHQL, click “Continue Anyway”.
7. Setelah selesai menginstall restart.
8. Setelah restart install Southbridge driver dan ATi Control Center. Setup Control Center berada di folder “C:\ATI\SUPPORT\7-1-igp_xp_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_40211\ACE\Setup.exe” sedangkan Setup Southbridge Driver berada di “C:\ATI\SUPPORT\7-1-igp_xp_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_40211\SBDrv\Setup.ex e” selesai instalasi restart.


Notebook : Benq P41-E18
Chipset : ATi Radeon Xpress 1100 (ATi RS 482,SB400)
GPU : ATi Radeon Xpress X1100
Original Driver : ATi Catalyst 6.04 for IGP (Display Driver ver. only for Joybook P41/T31 series)
Mod Driver : ATi Catalyst 7.01 for IGP (Display Driver ver. Downloaded from ATi IGP)


* The following tricks could be used to overcome the failure of updating newest ATI Catalyst driver for notebook.
* The driver modification could improve graphic performance of Mobility Radeon cards.
* Especially for X1100/1150 & X200 users, it is suggested to use IGP driver while Mobility X1x00 users is suggested to use Mobility Radeon Driver
* Next, the driver resulted from modification will be called “modded-driver”


* Run the downloaded driver setup, the extraction path should be no problem but in order to facilitate the modificaiton process, the it should be on the default path (C:\ATI\SUPPORT\7-1-igp _xp_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_40211).
* After extraction completed, open folder “C:\ATI\SUPPORT\7-1-igp_xp_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_40211\Driver\2KXP_IN F”. There are two files here, namely C2_XXXXX and CX_XXXXX (for example given here are C2_40997 and CX_40997). Open both files


* Open the same folder as the old driver installer and open file C2_XXXXX and CX_XXXXX CX_XXXXX (for example given here are C2_33057 dan CX_33057).
* Referring to the picture above, copy the lines which show the type of GPU (original driver) at lines between 32 – 857 (file CX_XXXXX modded-driver) and line 31-854 (file C2_XXXXX mod-driver).
* Erase the letter M behind ati2mtag_RSxxxM. For example here is ati2mtag_RS482M becomes ati2mtag_RS482
* Save the modded result


* Before installing modded-driver, please uninstall all Catalyst/Omega/DHRazer driver.
* After finished, uninstall driver and restart the computer, and when booting into Windows there will be a prompt to install the driver.
* Choose “No, not this time”, click next.
* Choose “Install from a list of specific location (advanced)” click next.
* Uncheck “Search removable media (Floppy, CDROM, etc.)” then check “include this location in the search:”, enter the path of modded-driver and click next.
* There will be a prompt to ensure that the driver has fulfilled the WHQL qualification, click “Continue Anyway”.
* After finished, restart the computer.
* After restarting the computer, install the Southbridge driver and ATi Control Center. Control Center Setup is located in the folder “C:\ATI\SUPORT\7-1-igp_xp_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_40211\ACE\Setup.exe” while the Southbridge driver setup is located in the folder “C:\ATI\SUPPORT\7-1-igp_xp_dd_ccc_wdm_sb_gart_enu_40211\SBDrv\Setup.ex e”. Restart after finished
source link: http://forum.chip.co.id/f85-www-onli...gratis-18.html
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