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Instructional Material for learning Bahasa


IndoForum Newbie F
No. Urut
12 Agt 2009
Nilai reaksi
I'm learning Bahasa Indonesia.

Can anyone post some text or URL's similar to this example (but in bahasa!)

Any Instructional Material can help my vocab and grammar. TK.


Some simple exercises to improve your flexibility and potential growth
Exercise No.1 - Cobra: Lie on the floor face down with palms on the floor under your shoulders. Start arching your spine up leading with your chin. Arch as far back as you can. Do each repetition for about 5-30 seconds.

Exercise No.2 - Bridge: First lie down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor as close to your bottom as possible, grab your ankles and hold onto them while rising your hips up and arching your spine, lifting your abs towards the ceiling.
Lift your abs as high as possible. Then lower. If you can't hold onto ankles, keep your arms to the side and use them to push yourself up. Do each rep from 3 to 10 seconds.
I'm learning Bahasa Indonesia.

Can anyone post some text or URL's similar to this example (but in bahasa!)

Any Instructional Material can help my vocab and grammar. TK.


Some simple exercises to improve your flexibility and potential growth
Exercise No.1 - Cobra: Lie on the floor face down with palms on the floor under your shoulders. Start arching your spine up leading with your chin. Arch as far back as you can. Do each repetition for about 5-30 seconds.

Exercise No.2 - Bridge: First lie down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor as close to your bottom as possible, grab your ankles and hold onto them while rising your hips up and arching your spine, lifting your abs towards the ceiling.
Lift your abs as high as possible. Then lower. If you can't hold onto ankles, keep your arms to the side and use them to push yourself up. Do each rep from 3 to 10 seconds.
georr, where do you come from?
if you're in Indonesia right now, you can find a good English teacher and ask him/her to teach you Indonesian. if you're not in Indonesia, where do you live?
Hi, I'm in the UK now.

Maybe I can find some stuff on google-net.

It does not HAVE to be educational material!
You are focusing on pronounciations if I see your request, am I right?
 URL Pendek:

