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[info]weird but not stupid...Asperger Syndrome


IndoForum Junior C
No. Urut
17 Mar 2007
Nilai reaksi
Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome (AS) is named after Dr. Hans Asperger who published a research paper about the pattern of behaviours in 1944. AS is on the high functioning end of the Autism Spectrum. AS is disscussed most often in relation to children, but that does not mean that a person with AS will 'grow out of it'. A child with AS will be an adult with AS, but perhaps be better at compensating.

There are many resourses for information on the internet. After reseaching AS or other Autism spectrum disorders on the internet, if you think you or someone you know may have an Autism Spectrum disorder you need to tell your doctor and explain in detail why you think it is a possibility so that you can get an accurate diagnosis. There is no cure, but knowing exactly what is effecting your child will help the school system provide the modifications needed to help your child succeed. In the case of an adult a diagnosis is important so that human resources will work in co-operation with your boss to make acceptable modifications that will improve productivity.

One website you could go to is NLD on the Web

Don’t be frightened off by the term ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’. Many people who have Non-verbal Learning Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome or Pervasive Development Disorder lead very normal lives, so much so that many are not diagnosed until late adolescence or later.

So what’s the big deal you might ask…if their ‘syndrome’ is hardly noticeable, why is it important to learn about it, get a diagnosis and make alterations in schools and workplaces?

Here is the answer: Because it will make their lives and yours, better.

In the same way that a person on crutches can climb a flight of stairs, it is of course ridiculously difficult. Everyone is happy to make small adjustments in the school or workplace of someone who has different needs physically (wheelchair ramps, elevators etc.) without thinking any less of that person. So it should be the same as with people with different neurological needs.

Once a person is diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and the family and support group around that person learn more about it, many things in all of their lives will improve:

* The person with the disorder will finally feel the relief that he or she is not stupid (because they can’t socialize successfully, can’t read as well as others or do terribly on tests) but because his or her brain learns, interprets and stores information in a different way.
* The parents will be relieved to know that once they understand more about what is affecting their child, they can start to implement techniques that will help make the child’s day less of something they dread and change it into a more manageable day.
* Siblings will learn ways of helping their brother or sister cope with the outside world as well as help them to ‘fit in’.
* Teachers will finally understand why their teaching methods have been unsuccessful with these individuals and start using techniques that help them learn the way their brain is designed to learn, not just the same way everyone else in the class learns.

It is important to remember that most people with Autism Spectrum Disorders are not disabled. Their thought process mechanism is just different. No better, no worse.

There are however many degrees of severity, along with the fact that no two people are alike. In fact, the range of behaviors within Autism alone are too numerous and varying to describe in one sitting, and would hardly even seem to be the same syndrome in two different people. The focus of this website is on Asperger’s Syndrome and Non-verbal Learning Disorder because that is what I know most about.

menurut yang pernah gw denger / baca, si jenius berambut acak2an alias einstein itu sewaktu kecil ngidap penyakit autis tp gak ketahuan krn belum ada penelitian spesifik tentang itu,
they weird but jenius :)
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