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I Love u Now, I'll Love u 4ever

Tragis.... tapi sedih banget /sob
"I hope you like this ring. It was my grandma's she told me to give it to the one I love and well I love you. No matter what happens to me I will always love you. If I died today I want to die knowing you love me...I won't leave this earth without knowing you love me. You're always in my heart forever until the day I die.
/sob /sob /sob /no1 /no1
Boeat Eve jgn lupa ya ngucapin cinta, ntar cowonya cbut ke tempat yang jaoeh banget lho /heh ganbate Eve
Almost the same happened when i was at High School,
a true tragic story,
he's no longer with me since that day,
rest in peace in heaven..
been years.. still oftenly searching the same "rabbit eyes" in every men's eyes approaching me,
but couldn't find it yet,
the reason why i still cannot move further into love..
it was just too .. deep
menyedih kn bgt bacanya..
menyedihkan karna aku gak tahu artinya....
I love you now...I will love you forever

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