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I dont like English language...

i love eglish, but i still can't hahaha..

i love 2 speak english, but i dont know about the gramer..

in my daily activity, i just said what i know,, But the gramer is very very bad !!

gramer is important ??
what's latah?

Latah was.... it's so hard to explain it takes forever for me to describe it lolz

"Latah" is an Indonesian word that means:
  1. The household term for a neuro- or psychological disorder that causes a tendency for a person to constantly repeat after someone else's words or remarks
  2. Also a tendency for a person to commit particular spontaneous actions when surprised/shocked/tickled.
  3. One who imitates others' actions and remarks.
yes i dont like english because englis language is difficult /gg /gg /gg /gg
TS dont like english?
Why? I suggest you just feel hard to learn it...not "hate the languange"...
Why? English is important if you want to compete in a global world....

If you not want to compete? It's up to you, but it same that you not support Indonesia in globalization era...
English is international language, you should master it well
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