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I can't make friends, period.

try to open ur mine n ur heart... i life in this world not alone..
may be now u cnt but somedays u will need them......trust me....
u will happy if u have friend.....
sometimes we cant talk about ur problem wth ur family...
but we can share wth ur friends......

good luck.... :):)
friend is not about approach n ask where are u going
but it's about have fun together man
just go have fun playing pool with ur friends
go on vacation with ur friends
do something emotional
let me be your friend !
ok ?
what's your name ?
YOUR REAL NAME not your nickname

my name is Liko Yosafat..
just click in the link below "dimari" in my signature. i will be tu ure friend. just search be friend n accept it.
u can post comment to me, n me to can post comment to u. just share our story.. .
very easy:)

note: try it for free:D
just try try and try...
more try...
i want become your friend. so you are not alone.
if you want to make a friend who can always with you along the time, you must be very kind to him/her, have a good communication, give her/him something precious, and believe each others.
just try try and try...
more try...
i want become your friend. so you are not alone.
if you want to make a friend who can always with you along the time, you must be very kind to him/her, have a good communication, give her/him something precious, and believe each others.

am agree.... u r not alone.. we all now ur friends.... :)
thanx... we are together....
just believe...
sometimes, maybe we will know abaout betrayed someone or to be betrayed by someone. But remember, we need each others to begin our life...
You need to change your personality, try to notice the people around you, to talk and communicate with other people, make a relation with them. start with help them or ask for a walk....
Start it from now, so someday you'll never feel alone again...
don't ever think that alone will be better for you... because you can't be better if there is no someone...
A friend in need is a friend indeed

i dunno whats your problem as that i dont really know you that much, well start talking with someone one your left chair introduce first if u know nothing bout them and start chatting about well maybe you both have something in common or maybe youre just too picky. from my opinion you should have find someone whose a good listener, a little tips people who dont talk much is the best listener. You've better find someone quick before its too late

Everyone needs a friend
Yes You Can. Now start to think that you can do it. And then,. You can do it.
mnt script untuk nmplin YM donk?

just click in the link below "dimari" in my signature. i will be tu ure friend. just search be friend n accept it.
u can post comment to me, n me to can post comment to u. just share our story.. .
very easy:)

note: try it for free:D

mnt script untuk nmplin YM donk?
kbtln lg cr scriptx.... plz...
 URL Pendek:

