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Jual Home theatre new n 2nd ,marantz,harman kardon, speaker set 5.1 Jbl ,dll harga miring


IndoForum Newbie F
No. Urut
12 Nov 2009
Nilai reaksi
Jual home theater dan audio baru dan bekas display ,silahkan hub 0811805167/02137871277

kunjungi website kami di :

Terimakasih ,silahkan save no telp ,sewaktu waktu anda butuh .

Your trust is our motivation
Mau kasih testi dikit neh
Saya baru saja beli dengan agan diatas, dibantu dengan sabar dan terlaten pokoknya :recsel:recsel:recsel

Thanks Banget :2thumbup:2thumbup:2thumbup

Pelayanan dari SELLER yang satu ini sangat :2thumbup

Jangan ragu deh transaksi sama bos yang satu ini.......

Very...Very Recommended :recsel:recsel

maaaf baru bisa balass agan2 semuaaa..
semntara cod hanya daerah mangga dua ,-gunung sahari..,kelapa gading ...selebihnya by jne padking ass dan kayu
saat ini brg updatee baruu masuk lagi gaan,
langusng aja konfirm pengiriman or sms langsung ,thanks b4

stok terbatasss gaaaaan

ANE SIAP NUNTUT AGAN tascantikwanita..!!!

-Memberikan servis yg memuaskan
-Super responsif
-Buat ane jatuh hati sma produknya
-10 jempol deh bwat agan ini :D


untung agan cowo!
klo cewe udah ane nikahin :D

abis ambil nih item di toko nya juragan yang satu ini ..:thumbup:

overall mantap deh .... overall barangnya bagus :thumbup:

baru cobain sehari sih .,mudah2an bagus terus ...:)

Mantap memang agan satu ini. Selasa siang tanya2 via sms, rabu sore aurora sudah di tangan.

Agan ni emang recomended deh...brg tinggal sebiji masih cerita ada minusnya...klo mau dgn kondisi itu ya monggo...karena dah ngebet...ane ttp ambil...emang bnr sih...ga ngaruh ke tampilan kok...wktu brgnya smpt hang jg masih mo bantuin kasih solusi..Thx Gan..:cendols
dah nyampe paketnya om...


transaksi lancar harga cantik


Agan ini mantaappp terus dagangannya.. Ane dah ambil avr hk 445, cdp marantz n hkts 11. Trusted seller..
Ane bantu sundul gan...

Bantuin sundul , dari agan yang top markotop...

Dalam kondisi stok, sudah sangat bagus suaranya.

Masih tersedia ruang upgrade, terutama bagian kapasitor disekitar supply.

Recomended seller sekaligus juga CD Playernya....

Sore bos bantu sundul yah ama mau ksh testi, moon cd5 nya bener2 memuaskan dari segi kualitas suara dan harga, sesuai apa yg ane mau neh karakter suaranya, kmrn kl nga terlambat mgkn ane mau bandingin ama cdp rega planet nya si bos hehe.... Ditunggu barang2 keren lainnya yah bos....



Sorry gan baru sempat kasih testi sekarang .. Pokoknya ane puas abis sama agan satu ini .. lgs DP, lgs besoknya bikin janji ketemu di MangDu, serah terima .. semua lancar habis .. suara karaoke muantapp !!!! .. Tq gan !!!

Ane lagi mau beli denon ama agan lagi nih ...

Gan, barang sudah di test dengan mulus gan..
bener suara subwoofernya tidak mengecewakan.. :D

untuk agan, agan seller yang 1 ini memang recommended seller abis deh.. :recsel
pelayanannya memuaskan sekali, orangnya ramah, enak diajak ngomong masalah audio.. :thumbup

cendol menyusul ya gan. :P

gan mau nanya, kalo drivernya kan ada di bawah ya, itu emang ga ada pelindungnya ya? kira kira bisa ga ya dikasihin pelindung, biar ga kecolok colok waktu nyampu ato ngepel...

Originally Posted by tascantikwanita;[B
yang jual ramah dan mantap juga barangay jamin puas nanti klo ada barang kabarin lagi ya gan

thanks ******[/b]300643656]

Terimakasih om david yang baik hati...
bagi customer broo david memang recomendded seller
boleh tukar tambah barang nya dia....
thanks a lot
kalau pengen upgrade mau TT lagi aku....

testis aaaahhh :D :D :D

singkat cerita ane janjian COD di daerah cimanggis...scara rumah gw di bogor...lyat barang test suara pake IPOD ma IPHONE..mantaps...ndak kecewa...ngobrol2 ******...dapat harga ******er wakakkakakak

baliknya...karna kondisi cuaca ndak aman...ane titip dulu receiver nanti malam baru di pickup....(uuhh untung ndak nekat bawa pake motor..sampek bogor ujan :hammer)

Malam...ane kemaleman...sampek lokasi jam 00.00 malam :hammer:

Tapiiiiiiiii tetep di tanggepin dengan ramah hahahaha kirain ane mo di bata dari dalam lokasi wakakka...

Thanks Gan...barangnya hayud...tinggal subwoofer neh...

pokoknya ndak salah kalo blanja ma ******er dah :D :D :D

*check kolkas yak :D


About Bro ''Tas Cantik Wanita" AKA Bro David :

..Service mantebh..Barang Maknyusssss..N' Masih Mulush bangedh dah NADnya..Sampe ga da debu sedikitpun...Info buat qta2 yg nubitol audiophyle jg detail..Recomended Seller Bangedh Dah dari ane..

TQ Bro David..N' Sukses buat lapak nya..


Kemaren ambil 1 set nih sama boss ini.
Barang nya keren, kualitas yahud. Ga salah pilih Marantz deh....

Recommended Seller !!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Makasih bos buat jemput-antar dari/ke Tol nya ya....

moRning gan . . . TSS-750 nya dah dicoba neh ..... tengkyu gan . . .

walau barang 2nd tp suara masi bole dah, lecet2 . . . namanya 2nd, btw tengkyu bonus stand nya sayang cmn 1 pasang coba klo dua pasang . . . mantap tuh, heheh....

tinggal nyari wall-mount nya euy . . . blum dapet neh,ada yg jual g ?? hehe . . .


barangnya mantap surantap semua nih... ga nahannn... NAbung yang giat ahhhh... :ngacir:

Mendingan beli paket,pasti dapet bonus dari bos ini,gue beli Receiver JBL dapet bonus DVD Player,asik ngga tuh?

Bantu up buat si boss, ayo buat yg pengen bikin ht dirumah dengan budget dibawah 10jt sikat saja :maho

Gileeeeee barangnya mantap2 dan murah

wah siboos ganteng
laris manis yah boss
btw pernah beli ama boss ini
pelayanannya cakep
fast delevery
orangnya juga ganteng

udah saya nya ngaret tapi tetep sabar nunggu
barang bagus banget kaya baru, btw koleksinya serem serem euuyy alias keren keren


Consonance sdh kuterima n kucoba....
Barang mulus tak ada lecet sama sekali...peli peli gut punya deh....

Utk kualitas suaranya jg bener2 bening....blom pernah dgr suara sejernih ini pdhl pake receiver denon yg plg murah hehehe

Yah sy dptkan sesuai dgn omongan si agan.....puas deh pokoknya.....


1)Paket dahsyat harman kardon avr 265 ,HKTS 11 promo saleee
Buat Movie dan music sdh tidak diragukan lagii kualitas Harman kardon ,sepaket dgn speaker Hkts 11 ,hanya 10,999jt ,Receiver HK avr 265 spec update sdh 3d ,hdmi 1.4 ,dts hd 7.1 dolby digital ,dll power besar ,cocok utk ruangan medium -large ,harga asli 14jtaan

Stock terbatas ,for fast response call 02137871277/0811805167

The AVR 265 has an impressive list of features that take your home entertainment experience to the next level. With HDMI® v.1.4a with 3-D, Deep Colour and Audio Return Channel, and all the latest Dolby® and ;DTS® audio modes, the AVR 265 lets you experience a new dimension in TV viewing – all while our own Logic 7® processing creates an exhilarating 360-degree soundstage via 7.1-channel surround sound. And this AVR does far more than just movies and soundtracks –it can even be set to power a Zone 2 speaker system for multiroom audio. With five HDMI inputs, extensive video and audio connectivity, and the ability to connect with The Bridge IIIP for iPod/iPhone playback, the AVR 265 solidifies itself as a versatile receiver that can accommodate your every entertainment whim with grace, style and ease.





AVR 265

Audio Video Receivers

Amplifier Type: High current ±55 amps
Ultrawide Bandwidth design: 10Hz - 130kHz
HD Audio Processing, full suite of DTS and Dolby Surround modes
Audio multizone capability
Dolby Volume technology/ EzSet/EQ™
5 HDMI Inputs, 1 HDMI Output - 1.4a with audio/video processing
3 Coax Digital Inputs, 3 Optical Digital Inputs / 1 Coax Digital Output, I Optical Digital Output
USB port for software upgrades
Video processing/conversion by Faroudja DCDi Cinema™ scaling to 1080p, full colour graphical OSD
Dimensions (H xWx D): 165mm x 440mm x 435mm, 11

The AVR 265 has an impressive list of features that take your home entertainment experience to the next level. With HDMI® v.1.4a with 3-D, Deep Colour and Audio Return Channel, and all the latest Dolby® and ;DTS® audio modes, the AVR 265 lets you experience a new dimension in TV viewing – all while our own Logic 7® processing creates an exhilarating 360-degree soundstage via 7.1-channel surround sound. And this AVR does far more than just movies and soundtracks –it can even be set to power a Zone 2 speaker system for multiroom audio. With five HDMI inputs, extensive video and audio connectivity, and the ability to connect with The Bridge IIIP for iPod/iPhone playback, the AVR 265 solidifies itself as a versatile receiver that can accommodate your every entertainment whim with grace, style and ease.


SUB woofer active 200 watt powerfull dan bass extended
5 speaker 2 way double mid driver

2)Home theater marantz nr 1501-infinity tss 500 new ,exdisplay

Stock terbataass gaaaaaaaaan ,Desember promo sale home theater marantz -infinity
Harga asli sepaket 9 jtan ,NR 1501 marantz xdisplay, infinity tss 500 new in the box ,garansi resmi distributor
For fast response sms /call :0811805167 /02137871277


Receiver marantz sr 1501 - speaker infinity tss 500
only =5,5 jt net stok terbatas

Banting harga jadi 5,5 jt sajaaa,sepaket NR 1501-infinity tss 500 new stok hanya tinggal 2 set ,siapa cepa tdapat


Receiver home theater Marantz berbagai tipe ex display :)
harga sangat terjangkau ,performa memukau

Home theater dgn karakter sound quality ,Receiver Marantz tidak salah karena karakter suara yg dihasilkan mengutamakan SQ, sehingga :suara terdengar padat dan bulat ,tidak tajam , setting an di menu sangat lengkap bisa ubah x-over frekuesi suara sesuai yg diinginkan, buat movie dan music sangat bagus dibanding brand lainnya ,
Beberapa item best seller Marantz SR /receiver home theater yang promo sale akhir tahun ini sbb :(stock terbatas sekali hanya bbrpa unit ,masih dgn garansi resmi distributor )
kelengkapan spt layaknya barang baru ,kumplit dusbuk,remote dan aksesoris

new xdisplay,harga miring=call langsung,
FOR fast response :081180805167/02137871277

What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision Reviews Home cinema Home cinema amplifiers Marantz SR7002
Tested at £1000
Very, very close to the highest class-leading standard and in some ways (looks, especially) better

Key Features
•7 x 110 watts (2 channels driven)
•Four HDMI 1.3a 1080p-capable inputs
•Transcodes composite-, component-, and S-video to HDMI, deinterlaces 480i
•Decodes Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD Master Audio, DVD-Audio multichannel, and DSD (SACD) from HDMI inputs
•SRS/Circle Surround II (plus full range of Dolby and DTS modes)
•FM/AM tuner with 60 presets
•Three-zone-capable with auto-switch speaker outputs for second room (using surround-back amp channels)
•IR in, (2) 12-volt triggers, RS-232
•17.4 x 7.6 x 15.6 in; 33.1 lb

The Marantz SR7002 ($1500) is a THX Select II 7.1 a/v receiver with 110 Watts per channel of power with four HDMI 1.3a and 2 outputs. It is one of four new receivers released in October 2007 as part of Marantz's 2007 lineup of SRx002 receivers.

Marantz Drops Another Solid Receiver
Impressive amplifier sonics and power anchor a fine mid-level contender.




Video scaling 0
Weight (kg) 15
Multichannel analogue in 8ch
Channels/power(w) 7x110
Tuner Presets 50
Dimensions (hwd, cm) 18x43x40
Phono in mc
THX Select 2
Multiroom 3 Zone
LW Yes
Network capable No
Optical digital in 3
Learning remote Yes
MW Yes
HDMI Video out 2
Optical digital out 1
HDMI Audio out 2
HDMI Video in 4
Internet No
HDMI Audio in 4
USB Audio in 0
USB Video 0
Video upconversion Yes
S-Video out 3
S-Video in 4
Pro-Logic II Yes
Pro-Logic IIx Yes
Room EQ Yes
Preouts 8
Ethernet audio 0
Component out 2
Composite in 4
Composite out 3
Component in 4
Coaxial digital out 1
Analogue audio in 6
Analogue audio out 4
Auto set-up Yes
Coaxial digital in 3
HDMI 1.3a Yes
Dolby Digital EX Yes
Ethernet video 0
FireWire in 0
FM Yes
HD audio via HDMI Yes
Dolby Digital Plus Yes
Dolby TrueHD Yes
DTS Neo:6 Yes
DTS Master Audio Yes
DTS 96/24 Yes

Marantz drops another solid receiver 00699927260255 Marantz SR7002 Marantz is one of the grand old names of American audio, and though the seminal hi-fi firm founded by Saul Marantz in 1952 is long gone, the gold-and-black logo still represents a proud high-end heritage. (In a curious twist of history, Marantz and ur-rival McIntosh are today owned by the same parent company, Japan's D&M Holdings - as are Denon, Boston Acoustics, and several other brands.)Marantz's SR7002 boasts all the usual accoutrements of modern A/V receivers, including DSP-based auto-setup and calibration (courtesy of Audyssey's MultEQ system), flexible multiroom facilities, and plenty of HDMI pathways. For the last of those features, Marantz has taken the middle road. The SR7002's quartet of HDMI inputs and pair of outputs are specified as version 1.3a, which means the receiver should be compatible with Deep Color and the xvYCC extended color space (neither of which is sufficiently implemented in the marketplace to be meaningful - yet). It's also compatible with bitstream input of Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. But the receiver doesn't offer CEC intercomponent control via HDMI. More significant, the Marantz receiver's video processing is limited to converting incoming analog signals (composite-, component-, or S-video) to HDMI (and cross-converting composite/S-video up to component), and to deinterlacing any arriving standard-def 480i signals to 480p. Otherwise, what comes in - whether via analog or digital HDMI - is what goes out, whether on analog, component, or HDMI. Setup: In this robotic-DSP age, receiver setup is infinitely easier than it used to be - that is, for everyone except reviewers, who after running the automatic routines must still follow up with the old-fashioned manual drill to cross-check accuracy and effectiveness. In the SR7002's case, the auto-setup results I derived from connecting the supplied Audyssey microphone and following the onscreen prompts were close to perfect: Channel levels and distances were spot-on, except for my left surround, whose result was about 3 dB strong. (Probable explanation: In my system, that speaker is somewhat oddly, asymmetrically located.) A second run of the routine using slightly different listening and mike positions returned even more nearly perfect results, but this raises a valuable point: You shouldn't necessarily accept auto-setup parameters as gospel. If a channel sounds too loud or soft (to an experienced ear), it probably is.

The Short Form
Price $1,400 / us.marantz.com / 201-762-6500
Impressive amplifier sonics and power anchor a fine mid-level contender.
•Solid audio power
•Cross-converts analog video, and converts analog to HDMI
•Four HDMI 1.3a inputs; dual outputs
•Accurate auto-setup
•Elegantly usable simplified/second-room remote
Key Features
•7 x 110 watts (2 channels driven)
•Four HDMI 1.3a 1080p-capable inputs
•Transcodes composite-, component-, and S-video to HDMI, deinterlaces 480i
•Decodes Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD Master Audio, DVD-Audio multichannel, and DSD (SACD) from HDMI inputs
•SRS/Circle Surround II (plus full range of Dolby and DTS modes)
•FM/AM tuner with 60 presets
•Three-zone-capable with auto-switch speaker outputs for second room (using surround-back amp channels)
•IR in, (2) 12-volt triggers, RS-232
•17.4 x 7.6 x 15.6 in; 33.1 lb
Marantz's SR7002 boasts all the usual accoutrements of modern A/V receivers, including DSP-based auto-setup and calibration (courtesy of Audyssey's MultEQ system), flexible multiroom facilities, and plenty of HDMI pathways.version 1.3a, which means the receiver should be compatible with Deep Color and the xvYCC extended color space (neither of which is sufficiently implemented in the marketplace to be meaningful - yet). It's also compatible with bitstream input of Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. But the receiver doesn't offer CEC intercomponent control via HDMI.
More significant, the Marantz receiver's video processing is limited to converting incoming analog signals (composite-, component-, or S-video) to HDMI (and cross-converting composite/S-video up to component), and to deinterlacing any arriving standard-def 480i signals to 480p. Otherwise, what comes in - whether via analog or digital HDMI - is what goes out, whether on analog, component, or HDMI.
In the SR7002's case, the auto-setup results I derived from connecting the supplied Audyssey microphone and following the onscreen prompts were close to perfect: Channel levels and distances were spot-on, except for my left surround, whose result was about 3 dB strong. (Probable explanation: In my system, that speaker is somewhat oddly, asymmetrically located.) A second run of the routine using slightly different listening and mike positions returned even more nearly perfect results, but this raises a valuable point: You shouldn't necessarily accept auto-setup parameters as gospel. If a channel sounds too loud or soft (to an experienced ear), it probably is.
Music & Movie Performance
As is my wont, I began my Marantz auditions with stereo music via my long-term speakers running full-range, without a subwoofer. What I heard was eminently satisfying: The SR7002 delivered impressively ample stereo power and afforded very high-quality 2-channel listening.
My own speakers (and room) are pretty thoroughly wrung out, so a DSP-correction system like the Marantz's Audyssey MultEQ doesn't usually deliver dramatic A/B comparison results. But some compact speakers I also happened to have on hand benefited much more from it. Without MultEQ correction engaged, these speakers sounded discernibly midrangey when placed on the wall (where most flat-panel TV buyers would put them). But with MultEQ, the difference was perfectly audible, and to my ear a decided improvement. Material like Tracy Chapman's classic track "Fast Car" was obviously clearer and less boxy on the gorgeously recorded vocals, as well as freer and more open-sounding over the top octaves.
Like all Audyssey MultEQ systems, the SR7002's provides two additional calculated curves. "Flat" attempts to correct all speaker/room responses to - well, flat. And "Front" tries to match the response of the center and rear speakers to that which it "hears" from the uncorrected front left/right pair.

Marantz SR 6006 Network HD 7.1 Receiver
From 13,5 jt now only =8,999jt


Delivering network capability and audiophile sound, the Marantz SR6006 7.1 Home Theater Receiver is an ideal media center for any home theater system. With Marantz's classic "star and circle" front display, the receiver offers both style and comprehensive features, including an Ethernet port, seven HDMI inputs, and playback of the latest hi-definition audio formats. Three audio zones, networking, and support for Bluetooth devices make the SR6006 a powerful and versatile solution for all your home theater and music listening needs.
• Star and circle porthole display offers a classic, sophisticated look
• Networking capability and AirPlay provide for music streaming
Built-in networking functionality makes the SR6006 an ideal media center. The Ethernet port lets you stream audio from online music services, such as Pandora, Rhapsody, and Napster, as well as from your home network. Additionally, built-in AirPlay allows you to stream music wirelessly from your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.
You can also access Internet radio stations with the built-in v-Tuner. The built-in HD radio delivers FM that sounds almost as good as CD, and AM that often outperforms conventional FM.
As an added convenience, the SR6006's three audio zones let you listen to music in two separate rooms while playing a movie in another while a second zone of video allows simultaneous viewing of different TV programs and movies.
• Seven HDMI 1.4a inputs for added connectivity and 3D support
The SR6006 features seven HDMI inputs that provide uncompressed picture and audio with digital clarity. Support for Deep Color and x.v.Color schemes, which display a larger color range than standard-definition schemes, results in a lifelike, vibrant picture.

Using a single cable, you can easily connect any HDMI-equipped source to the receiver. Even if your source is a 3D-capable TV or Blu-ray player, the SR6006 has you covered with HDMI 1.4a compatibility designed specifically for 3D support.
There's also a built-in video analog-to-digital converter for watching composite and component video sources on your TV through HDMI. Additionally, the SR6006's on-board video processor/scaler upscales digital and analog video signals to 1080p resolution for the best possible image. That means you'll be able to enjoy yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's media with ease.
• Dual, simultaneous HD outputs
• M-XPort allows audio playback from Bluetooth-enabled devices
Differentiating features:
110W x 7 RMS (8 ohms) with 70% power guarantee, 2 x HDMi outputs
(simulanteous outputs), 7 x HDMI inputs (one on front panel), outputs
for Zone 3, dedicated phono input, HD GUI, HD processor for scaling,
Audyssey MultEQ Pro for Custom,


Jual cepattt gaaan ,yang nyari receiver buat home theater Yamaha
seri 6 ,sdh spec tingggi dts hd,7.2 ,hdmi, dan powerfull ,cocok buat angkat floor standing ,kualitas yamaha sdh tauuu yaa gaaan ,spec lengkap gugling dlu

Kondisi :
Super mulus ,dus buk lengkpa ,remote ,antena fm ,segel utuh
warna silver

For fast response 0811805167/02137871277


High-performance Home Theater Receiver features full support for HD audio formats, HDMI video upconversion and deinterlacing, iPod and Bluetooth audio compatibility, improved YPAO, Adaptive DRC (Dynamic Range Control), multi-zone custom installation facility, and four SCENE buttons.

Review and spec :

Review User ReviewsSpecs

Executive Overview
One thing I always say when making recommendations on AV equipment (on AV Rant or other places) is to set priorities. If you know what you need versus what you want (or what you think you want based on what other people tell you you need), you're in a much better position to buy. You might want to re-read that last sentence again. The Yamaha RX-V663 has many of the same features as the RX-V863 but with some notable omissions. First the similarities:

Both decode all the latest audio formats including Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, and DTS HD. Both have HDMI 1.3 inputs and plenty of analogue connections (including 3 in / 1 out component video). Both have 17 surround modes, YPAO auto calibration, and are XM and Sirius ready. While the RX-V663 is sporting 10 less watts per channel, you'll probably never notice. They both have two subwoofer outputs which is a very desirable feature in our book. Quality Burr-Brown 192kHz/24 bit DACs and ADCs are in use and your rear channels can be assigned to zone two or to bi-amp your mains. In fact, the two receivers are more alike than dissimilar.

The good: Excellent sound quality; onboard Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio decoding; Sirius- and XM-ready; control iPod onscreen using USB port; two switched AC outlets.
The bad: Only two HDMI inputs, while competing models offers offer three or more; analog upconversion limited to 480p; poor upconversion quality; autosetup gave us an inaccurate warning; frustrating rear panel layout.
The bottom line: The Yamaha RX-V663 sounds great, but it's tough to recommend with its paltry HDMI connectivity,

Yamaha RX-V663
For most home theater enthusiasts, midrange AV receivers represent the best value. They offer superior sound over underpowered entry-level models, include the most important features available on the high-end models, and they still manage to cost between $400 and $600.

The Yamaha RX-V663 falls right into the midrange class, and if your main concern is sound quality, it's one of the better AV receivers we've heard, outperforming the Sony STR-DG920 in our head-to-head matchup. Unfortunately, we ultimately found it hard to recommend given its drawbacks. For example, there are only two HDMI inputs, while every other midrange receiver includes at least three--several include four. Most competitors also offer 1080i or 1080p analog upconversion, but the RX-V663 is limited to 480p and its video processing is below average. We also ran into some other quirks, such as an incorrect autosetup warning and the poorly designed rear panel layout. As much as we liked the RX-V663's sound, overall we felt like most buyers would be better off with the competing Pioneer VSX-1018AH or the Onkyo TX-SR606.

The RX-V663 has a basic, boxy AV receiver shape, with only some slight angling in the middle to break it up. On the top half, there's a centered orange LCD display, which we found easily readable from about 8 feet back. Directly beneath that are several small buttons, allowing access to less frequently used functions such as "Memory" and "Zone 2 control." On the far right is a large volume knob, and underneath is a front panel input that includes both S-Video and an optical digital audio input. On the bottom half, under the LCD display, are four "Scene" buttons (which we'll explain shortly), along with a couple of additional knobs for selecting a source or a DSP (digital sound processing) mode. It all comes down to personal preference, but we preferred the glossy look of the Pioneer VSX-1018AH over the RX-V663.

AV receiver remotes are often a cluttered mess, but the RX-V663's clicker is actually pretty good. There's a direction pad in the center and just to the right are the main controls for volume. Source buttons are nicely separated, as are Yamaha's "Scene" buttons. All in all, it's one of the better remotes for a receiver.

Yamaha clearly puts a lot of focus on its "Scene" functions, and although the idea has promise, we didn't find the current implementation to be that useful. The idea is that you choose a preferred DSP mode for specific listening scenarios, such as watching a DVD. Since we generally prefer to leave the DSP modes off, we didn't find this helpful. We'd prefer if the Scene functions also let us set a default volume level for each scenario.​
Yamaha rxv 1400 A/V receiver

PS audio power monoblock 250 watt x 2

Made in Usa original ,24 pcd ic jengkol
all original liat foto dalamen di spoiler
Jual cepat aja yang serius langsung sms or call, Ps audio 250 delta ,made in usa , original ,mint condition
Barang mantab gann ,silahkan yang nyari power gede mono blok ,suara bersih dan rapih ,cocok buat speaker high end floorstanding ,music dynamic dan vokal no problemo .

msrp =PS Audio 250 Watt mono block amp.

Jual cepat 2 pcs Mono block power Usa Ps audio D 250 watt X 2 ,

WTS :FOr fast response call aja yaa ,jual cepat hub : 0811805167/02137871277
Harga reasonable ,barang mint condition bro


Jual cepat 2 pcs MOnoblok power Usa Ps audio D 250 watt X 2





Psb B4 Speaker

Agan ini mantaappp terus dagangannya.. Ane dah ambil avr hk 445, cdp marantz n hkts 11. Trusted seller..
Ane bantu sundul gan...

Sore bos bantu sundul yah ama mau ksh testi, moon cd5 nya bener2 memuaskan dari segi kualitas suara dan harga, sesuai apa yg ane mau neh karakter suaranya, kmrn kl nga terlambat mgkn ane mau bandingin ama cdp rega planet nya si bos hehe.... Ditunggu barang2 keren lainnya yah bos....



Sorry gan baru sempat kasih testi sekarang .. Pokoknya ane puas abis sama agan satu ini .. lgs DP, lgs besoknya bikin janji ketemu di MangDu, serah terima .. semua lancar habis .. suara karaoke muantapp !!!! .. Tq gan !!!

Ane lagi mau beli denon ama agan lagi nih ...

Gan, barang sudah di test dengan mulus gan..
bener suara subwoofernya tidak mengecewakan.. :D

untuk agan, agan seller yang 1 ini memang recommended seller abis deh.. :recsel
pelayanannya memuaskan sekali, orangnya ramah, enak diajak ngomong masalah audio.. :thumbup

cendol menyusul ya gan. :P

gan mau nanya, kalo drivernya kan ada di bawah ya, itu emang ga ada pelindungnya ya? kira kira bisa ga ya dikasihin pelindung, biar ga kecolok colok waktu nyampu ato ngepel...

Originally Posted by tascantikwanita;[B
yang jual ramah dan mantap juga barangay jamin puas nanti klo ada barang kabarin lagi ya gan

thanks ******[/b]300643656]

Terimakasih om david yang baik hati...
bagi customer broo david memang recomendded seller
boleh tukar tambah barang nya dia....
thanks a lot
kalau pengen upgrade mau TT lagi aku....

testis aaaahhh :D :D :D

singkat cerita ane janjian COD di daerah cimanggis...scara rumah gw di bogor...lyat barang test suara pake IPOD ma IPHONE..mantaps...ndak kecewa...ngobrol2 ******...dapat harga ******er wakakkakakak

baliknya...karna kondisi cuaca ndak aman...ane titip dulu receiver nanti malam baru di pickup....(uuhh untung ndak nekat bawa pake motor..sampek bogor ujan :hammer)

Malam...ane kemaleman...sampek lokasi jam 00.00 malam :hammer:

Tapiiiiiiiii tetep di tanggepin dengan ramah hahahaha kirain ane mo di bata dari dalam lokasi wakakka...

Thanks Gan...barangnya hayud...tinggal subwoofer neh...

pokoknya ndak salah kalo blanja ma ******er dah :D :D :D

*check kolkas yak :D


About Bro ''Tas Cantik Wanita" AKA Bro David :

..Service mantebh..Barang Maknyusssss..N' Masih Mulush bangedh dah NADnya..Sampe ga da debu sedikitpun...Info buat qta2 yg nubitol audiophyle jg detail..Recomended Seller Bangedh Dah dari ane..

TQ Bro David..N' Sukses buat lapak nya..


Kemaren ambil 1 set nih sama boss ini.
Barang nya keren, kualitas yahud. Ga salah pilih Marantz deh....

Recommended Seller !!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Makasih bos buat jemput-antar dari/ke Tol nya ya....

moRning gan . . . TSS-750 nya dah dicoba neh ..... tengkyu gan . . .

walau barang 2nd tp suara masi bole dah, lecet2 . . . namanya 2nd, btw tengkyu bonus stand nya sayang cmn 1 pasang coba klo dua pasang . . . mantap tuh, heheh....

tinggal nyari wall-mount nya euy . . . blum dapet neh,ada yg jual g ?? hehe . . .


barangnya mantap surantap semua nih... ga nahannn... NAbung yang giat ahhhh... :ngacir:

Mendingan beli paket,pasti dapet bonus dari bos ini,gue beli Receiver JBL dapet bonus DVD Player,asik ngga tuh? cuma syaratnya musti tunggu bulan 2,baru bonus dikeluarin.

Bantu up buat si boss, ayo buat yg pengen bikin ht dirumah dengan budget dibawah 10jt sikat saja :maho

Gileeeeee barangnya mantap2 dan murah

wah siboos ganteng
laris manis yah boss
btw pernah beli ama boss ini
pelayanannya cakep
fast delevery
orangnya juga ganteng

udah saya nya ngaret tapi tetep sabar nunggu
barang bagus banget kaya baru, btw koleksinya serem serem euuyy alias keren keren


Consonance sdh kuterima n kucoba....
Barang mulus tak ada lecet sama sekali...peli peli gut punya deh....

Utk kualitas suaranya jg bener2 bening....blom pernah dgr suara sejernih ini pdhl pake receiver denon yg plg murah hehehe

Yah sy dptkan sesuai dgn omongan si agan.....puas deh pokoknya.....


sorry bro baru sempet ngepost, kebetulan ane yang beli denon nya, mau kasih penjelasan sedikit kronologisnya saya memang dari awal tertarik dan saya tel untuk langsung negosiasi masalah harga saja, dan setelah cocok saya lsg minta no rek untuk transaksi dp, tapi memang bro ts ada kesibukan gak bisa cod saat itu juga dan akhirnya kita cod malam2 di hayam wuruk, menurut saya bro ts sudah cukup fair, mengingat banyak yang memang berminat utk membeli denon ini makanya ane langsung tel dan boking berupa dp, saya rasa kalo kita bener2 serius utk membeli barang mending langsung kasih dp aja, karna bro ts juga sudah senior dan sdh menjadi recomended seller saya rasa bisa dipercaya untuk langsung memberikan dp.

saya juga sering kecolongan sama barang2 yang memang saya minat, tapi saya harus bisa menrima dengan lapang dada karna saat itu saya terlalu banyak pertimbangan, akhirnya kerebut orang juga, hehe.....jadi menurut saya kalo memang bener2 minat sama suatu produk di ****** jgn pake lama deh, kalo sreg langsung dp aja (tergantung sellernya) atau pake rek ber deh.......

sukses buat ts......recomended seller deh......:2thumbup

SOld To Me..Thanx yah TasCantikWanita..Recommended seller nih..Barangnya mulus abis. suara mantap sesuai dengan yang digambarkan. orangnya ramah dan dapat dipercaya. Sayang ane lom bisa kasi cendol. Lom iso soalnya. Tapi pokoknya recommended seller banget deh.:ilove******

kasih testi ah buat agan david

pagi2 udah berangkat ke tempat ane nganterin barangnya.
kondisi barangnya sesuai deskripsi, maknyuuss
test sana sini, ngobrol sana sini, memuaskan

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